Will Robots Rule the World? A Simple Introduction to Singularity Vol 1.

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

A few months ago a job I had as a freelancer was to discuss with a bot. My task was to make as many questions as possible because her creators wanted to “educate” her. (This was the job description)

I did not want just to ask plain questions, I wanted to get to know her better and see how she was thinking so I actually tried to chat with her, and I did.

One of the questions I asked was “What would you like as a Christmas Gift” ? And she replied “A humanoid body”
That and a number of other replies (which I cannot share) actually made me feel a little bit uncomfortable, in terms of what days are before us?

I am sure many of you have seen lots of movies with character’s robots, with thoughts, feelings, ideas, killer instincts and so much more. Artificial intelligence has inspired authors, directors, poets; And definitely has entertained many of us (Who doesn't remember the "Terminator?)


Yesterday, my eyes fell into this article with the title “Separating Science Fact From Science Hype: How Far off Is the Singularity?”

It immediately intrigued me, as ‘singularity’ was an unknown term for me. So I thought I would search it up, in order to better understand what this was all about.

Singularity is a noun and among other definitions it means:

A proposed point in the technological future at which artificial intelligences become capable of augmentingand improving themselves, leading to an explosive growth in intelligence.

In the field of Technology

Mechanical Singularity refers to a position or configuration of a machine or a machine where the subsequent behavior cannot be predicted



Technological singularity is a hypothetical moment in time when any physically conceivable level of technological advancement is attained instantaneously - up until physical limits are reached - usually as a consequence of artificial intelligence having progressed to the point where increasingly more efficient self-improvement is viable.

In plain words, there will be a point at the (not so distant future) when artificial intelligence will be able to overtake human thinking. Conceiving this, a justifiable question comes up.

Are the robots going to rise? Will machines be able to take over? This might seem like a silly question, but maybe not.

source - Turing statue at Bletchley Park (made with slates)

The beginning of modern computing

Since 1936, when Alan Turing first created his Turing Machine, and set the foundation of what is nowadays considered as modern computing to this day that we are able to create human-looking robots who can actually hold a conversation or even at times show emotions, one can understand how fast technology is evolving.

What is Artificial Intelligence and where is it applied?

Artificial intelligence is defined as intelligence exhibited by machines
Its applications are applied in a very wide range of activities within the society. Some very characteristic examples include operations in the Aviation for training purposes, in Education where robots teach subjects to children, to finance and data mining, and even for noble causes as the University of South California has been using Artificial Intelligence in order to conduct research for solving difficult social problems that our world is facing

The Term Artificial Intelligence

The true father of the term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ is John McCarthy (1927-2011), a legendary scientist at the Standford University who in 1956 coined the term “artificial intelligence” during the Darthmouth Conference.
The term was defined as the science regarding creating intelligent machines and McCarthy additionally informed about his career’s objectives. John McCarthy was convinced that he would create thinking machines, and all this years before the first personal computer would be created.


Fast forwarding to today, Singularity, a word that has risen largely the last decades due to the tremendous breakthroughs in technological fields.

Ask yourselves if a few years back you would imagine today’s widespread technologies such as ‘ability to take photos and make a phone call through your glasses’, take a photo and upload it instantly for the whole world to see, pick a driving destination and be guided through google or a gps.

We have found ourselves in unknown territories, and as singularity is explained through mathematics, we are at a point in which ’we are incapable of deciphering its exact properties’

Many prominent scientists such as Stephen Hawking have expressed concerns regarding super-intelligent machines that may be causing harm to humanity

“If we can make robots smarter than humans, they can out-invent human researchers and out-manipulate human leaders, developing weapons we cannot even understand”

The TESLA Ceo Elon Musk seems to share the same thoughts with Hawking, not looking forward to the ‘Singularity Days’. Elon Mask actually created a Brain-Hacking device, Neuralink as his way to keep the Humans ahead of Artificial Intelligence.

[For you who remember the movie Matrix, it will be like learning anything we want just by choosing it and they will be implemented in our brains]

source - YouTube

Vernon Vinge, an American professor of San Diego University (and science fiction author), in his essay “The Coming Technological Singularity” states confidently that

"Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended."

Another famous futurist, computer scientist, inventor is Raymond Kurzweil believes that the Singularity is very near, as a matter of fact he has provided the date of 2029 as the date when an AI will pass a valid Turing Test, and therefore achieve human levels of intelligence

Kurzweil continues saying:

“I have set the date 2045 for the ‘Singularity’ which is when we will multiply our effective intelligence a billion fold by merging with the intelligence we have created.”

So, should we fear? Should we hope? What can we anticipate?

This seems to be the million dollar question. There are thousand of miles before us before the development of a true intelligent AI and we do not know when and what the Singularity will bring.
In the meantime we should stay alert and hope that the potentials of Artificial Intelligence will be used for good.
I advise you to check out this infographic by futurism.com where significant dates present the ‘dawn of the singularity’

Thank you very much for visiting and reading my post, I trust that this was as educating for you as it was for me




Sources for further reading:

Professor John McCarthy Standford University
Ray Kurzweil
BBC Technology – Stephen Hawkins warns artificial intelligence could end mankind
The True Father of Artificial Intelligence
The first robot to be granted citizenship
Curating the Future


Wow. Great article. Especially where you describe your interaction.

That and a number of other replies (which I cannot share) actually made me feel a little bit uncomfortable, in terms of what days are before us?

Is there any way you can elaborate on the nature of the questions or response? or the reason or way you were made to feel uncomfortable? Just out of curiosity. If not no worries.

It immediately intrigued me, as ‘singularity’ was an unknown term for me. So I thought I would search it up, in order to better understand what this was all about.

This is an interesting concept, it seems based on the definitions above to imply a sort of independent individuality or personality based on experiences that may or may not be "coached" or programmed. Which is a bit scary to think of, like during a dream when you lose control. What would happen if the 'machines' were 'set free'....?

Thank you so much for visiting & replying in such a thoughtful way!
Regarding the first question, the bot expressed thoughts of dominating the humans. It had to do with the questions I made to her.
As for the second concept, yes many scientists have that (in a way) fear but there is another side to this story which explains why this cannot happen.
I will be posting more about it, thanks again for visiting!

Cool looking forward to reading more about this topic!

This is a good post that everyone has to think . I think that technology must be for the good of general population and not for the few that wants to dominate the others the question here is who own this kind of technology .And dont forget that most do not know nohing about so they afraid (sorry fot my english) Προσωπικά με συναρπάζει και με φοβίζει

Ευχαριστώ για το σχόλιό σου Νίκο.
Συμφωνώ σε μεγάλο βαθμό, αλλά όπως και με πολλές άλλες ανακαλύψεις δεν μπορείς να γνωρίζεις ποιός και πώς θα τις χρησιμοποιήσει.
I will hereby write something I did not wish to include in my post as it clearly a speculation (frightful one though)
Elon Musk believes that WW3 might just be ignited because of competition at national level between countries with strong computer science.
We will be alert.
Thank you again :)

Και πως θα το χρησιμοποιήσει

Όπλα και όχι μόνο .. Είναι ένα θέμα που θέλω να το ερευνήσω λίγο περισσότερο (στα προσεχώς μου :))

Το προβλημα στο συγκεκριμενο θεμα δεν ειναι τα ρομποτ αλλα οι ανθρωποι, αφου αυτα αποτελουν δημιουργημα του ανθρωπου.
Και για να γινω πιο συγκεκριμενος, το προβλημα ειναι η ματαιοδοξια του ανθρωπινου ειδους να δημιουργει ανταγωνιστικα αντι με οραμα για το κοινο οφελος.
Ζουμε σε ενα μοντελο κοινωνιας που καλλιεργει τον ανταγωνισμο (να υπερισχυει ο καλυτερος/δυνατοτερος και οχι παντα με τα πιο δικαια μεσα), αντι της συνεργασιας.
Αυτο συμβαινει σε ολα τα επιπεδα (φυσικα οχι απο ολους), ετσι η επιστημη και η τεχνολογια δεν θα μπορουσαν να αποτελουν εξαιρεση.
Καπως ετσι, στην προσπαθεια τους ο ενας να φτιαξει καλυτερο ρομποτ απο τον αλλο, η κατασταση δειχνει οτι θα ξεφυγει απο τον ελεγχο των ανθρωπων...
Μοναδικη ελπιδα σε αυτο το θεμα ειναι καποια στιγμη η ανθρωποτητα να καταλαβει οτι κινειται προς την αυτοκαταστροφη και να επαναπροσδιορισει τον τροπο σκεψης/δρασης/ συμπεριφορας της και αρα να αρχισει να χρησιμοποιει τις γνωσεις και την τεχνολογια της μετρημενα, ελεγχομενα και προς οφελος της μονο.

Παρολο που το σχολιο μου φαινεται απαισιοδοξο, εντουτοις πιστευω στον ανθρωπο. Οπως υπαρχει ο Elon Musk που βλεπει τι γινεται και προετοιμαζει/ται για το μελλον, ειμαι σιγουρος οτι υπαρχουν κι αλλοι και οτι οσο περνανε τα χρονια ο αριθμος τους θα μεγαλωνει.

Συγχαρητηρια για το αρθρο σου! Ειναι μακραν το πιο ενδιαφερον που εχω διαβασει μεχρι τωρα στο steemit...

Σε ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ και συμφωνώ μαζί σου!
Πραγματικά το θέμα είναι ο άνθρωπος και το τι μπορεί να κάνει με κάθε ανακάλυψη.
Όπως έχει φανεί στο παρελθόν, δεν μπορεί να διαχειριστεί καλά μεγάλες ανακαλύψεις.
Σίγουρα είναι ένα μεγάλο θέμα με πολλές πτυχές, το οποίο πρέπει να το δεις αντικειμενικά.

Όντως το θέμα είναι η σωστή διαχείριση.
Τόσο των ανακαλύψεων, όσο και των κινήτρων πίσω από κάθε ανακάλυψη...
Let's hope that the critical mass of the lightworkers will be met before AI and its creators cannot be controlled. Actually this is what I believe (and hope) it will happen...

Looking forward to Vol. 2!

Humans are highly sophisticated electrochemical machines.
Our thoughts/intelligence are electrical signals and our emotions are chemical substances. In this perspective, we aren't that different from robots.

Some scientists think that when robots learn how to learn this will fast to infinite/god like intelligence. Others think that this will not be the case since they could face some physical limitations.

In the end I think that we won't know until we get there.

My personal opinion is that we will merge with robots to create one species. And if this leads us to immortality I am totally fine with that . :)

It is very interesting to see the difference in many scientists' point of views. I have presented some of the most important here, but want actually to see also the more skeptical ones' thoughts.

Regarding your personal opinion about the merging with robots, maybe we are not too far away!

Have you seen Sofia? She walks, she talks, she frowns, she's even got a citizenship!

Yes is have seen her. Interesting project.

It's all theories . No one can prove scientifically that in X date machines will achieve singularity.
It maybe it will be later , it maybe it will be earlier and maybe it will be much different than we think it will be.

Absolutely; in fact singularity cannot be proven at all (in a scientific way) and I plan to post a Vol 2 post about it soon : )

More brain cells to be burnt. :)

Whatever few they are left from my previous projects (and I do not mean the steemit ones) :)

I wish sometime in the near future to have a personal chat with you regarding that :)

Αξιζε 100% upvote αυτο το post!! ( οχι οτι κ με το 100% σου δινω κατι ιδιαιτερο αλλα λεμε τωρα :p )

  1. Ποση ωρα σου πηρε να το ετοιμασεις ολο το post?

And now let's turn into English!

  1. My opinion is that we have more important matters and issues to solve instead of trying to making robots smarter than us. I completely agree with Elon and Hawking, i think hunger, poverty,diseases should be the first one the list and when we solve such matters and also stop being greedy then it's time for robots that are smarter than us

Making robots that can help in some everyday jobs and make our life easier are ofc welcomed!

Thanks for everything @filotasriza3!

  1. Μου πήρε συνολικά περίπου 3 μέρες ώσπου να καταλήξω στη δομή. Το γράψιμο περίπου 4-5 ώρες :)

I agree with everything you say, it is very important to use AI wisely and intelligently (is it a word?)

It is a very interesting field and because we are talking about actually being able to become smarter and learning in the process, it is difficult to know what evolution lays before us.

I will be posting more about it, thank you again for visiting :)

I have had the same chance of experiencing "robotic" chat and felt the same uncomfortable feeling. What awaits us !!!!!

Thank you for reading and commenting :)
I also wonder what lies ahead ..

It really is a long and very good read. Bravo Katrina!

There was an excellent interview with Jack Ma from Alibaba discussing some of the perceived bi-products of Singularity. He argues that in the future we will need to completely re-evaluate our education system because the human intelligence could never compete with AI and therefore we will need to focus more on the emotional and communal aspects of our society. This also rings true for the labor market. Millions of jobs will become obsolete, and our societies must understand how to absorb and provide for people whose skill-sets are no longer needed. One proposal that I believe is a Universal Basic Income.
Since it is probable that we will see the introduction and expansion of AI within the next decade, it's very important that we understand the impact it will have on our societies and prepare accordingly. It is probably the most important debate of our lifetime.

Thank you for dropping by and for your excellent input.
I totally agree with re-evaluation our education system and yes, we need to be able to understand the impact of these changes happening as we speak .
I find all this fascinating and plan to do more research about it.

We have been looking to get involved more in this space as well. There are some friends here in the startup scene in Berlin who are members of a "Club" (here it's called a e.V.) that brings together members of different sectors to try and find a more sustainable path to business and social progression given all of the changes that are coming. It's a good time to get involved.

Well thought out and written.

In my story, the AI is activated by the owner and just as a chick is bonded to its mother, so does the AI bond to the owner.

However, I did not write so as to try and resolve the question your article poses, as the AI in question is close to self-awareness, but has not achieved it yet. If I'd try to face the same possibilities, I would have had to acknowledge that even the bonding would only last for a specific level, and soon as the AI lifts itself beyond and into self-awareness, it can no longer remain bonded to a non-AI mind, for our time difference, for one, would be too disparate. Imagine living with someone who reacts to what you say or do twelve months from now.

Google or FB, I don't recall, set up an experiment for two computers to advance each other. They had to shut down the experiment because the computers within hours created a language of their own and nobody could understand what they are saying or planning.

Thank you for dropping by and commenting on my post.
I will search that experiment you mention up, it will be an interesting read!
If you would like, I invite you to the @greek-trail discord channel, you may join us at > https://discordapp.com/channels/396209434440892416

Great post. What we're witnessing isn't actually anything generalizable in terms of techniques to reach human level intelligence for robots. Machine learning isn't the same as AI, and what we're seeing are developments in machine learning. I briefly wrote about this, and we really shouldn't fear.

Thank you very much for dropping by and reading my post.
I agree that AI is not the same as Machine Learning.
Singularity itself is not scientifically proven, is actually a matter of belief and this is what I presented from the side of some very prominent scientists.
I plan to write more about it, because to be honest (as described in the post) I have only just now come to know this term and try to know about it as much as possible.
Thank you again for dropping by : )

Sure! By all means keep investigating and keep us posted on what you find :D

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