Hey there @muzi0202!
It is evident that you have put effort in your article, but there are some paragraphs that resemble a lot with the ones in wikipedia. This is what triggered the cheetah to comment on your post.
I would like to make some observations regarding this article of yours.
Please try to use your own words when taking information from an external source (such as wikipedia)
It is usually better not to use all caps for headlines.
Please read here about how to correctly search for non copyrighted images and how to cite them in your post.
Also, please note that your reference links are not correct. You cannot use as a reference a google search here
When information we write comes from an internet source, it is also important to write the retrieval date.
Feel free to read more stem posts by @steemstem and read the steemstem guidelines
Steemstem is also on discord where everybody is welcome to introduce themselves and be a part of the community!
Thank you for reading my comments and please let me know if you have any questions
From the link you mentioned here, I took a definition from there so I thought it might be reasonable to mention. If you check my post, I don't think there is any direct copy paste material or headline from Wikipedia what was cited by this bit. There are reasons to believe, there may be many articles with same content.
What I thought got wrong was the definitions I took but we can't change the words written in paranthesis. There is a Labour behind a scientific definition and we always had to credit them.
In the end I am really thankful to you providing me insight about proper way of writing an article with best possible skill. Your written mentioned article was so educative and helpful perhaps I may next time will comment a single mistake.