Is Hydraulic Fracturing a Good Energy Solution or are there Better Solutions?

in #steemstem7 years ago

Is Hydraulic Fracturing a Good Energy Solution or are there Better Solutions?


Hydraulic Fracturing has been a predominantly used resource for extracting natural resources from the Earth, however, as technology evolves; these potentially harmful wells can be constructed using environmentally friendly material and procedures, to reduce the risk of contamination of land and ground water, air and noise pollution, and gas leaks. Hydraulic Fracturing has been used for 70 years to extract natural resources from the Earth. The method has provided water, gas and oil to hundreds of thousands of people and is still used today. It has been a proven method for over seven decades and in the last few years has earned a bad reputation, due to certain company’s lack of responsibility.

Wells that were dug incorrectly or business’s not being responsible caused several families to become ill; due to water contamination and air pollution. This is not every company or the procedure itself. If the well is poorly designed, the chemicals used are not cleaned up, or the well leaks, ground water can be contaminated. Contamination and the environmental repercussion of the waste disposal process; is the main reason people want a different alternative. There are several companies who are working to improve Hydraulic Fracturing and make it completely safe and environmentally friendly.

History of Hydraulic Fracturing

Hydraulic fracturing has come a long way since 1857 according to Michael Morton & Jane Whaley; “Fracking has come a long way since 1857 when Preston Barmore lowered gunpowder into a well at Canadaway Creek, NY, and dropped a red-hot iron down a tube, resulting in an explosion that fractured the rock and increased the flow of gas from the well.” (Morton & Whaley, 2013) The method that Preston developed continued through advancements from black powder and gunpowder to the use of hydraulic pressure in the 1940’s by Floyd Farris of Stanolind Oil proposed that fracturing could increase well productivity. It was put into use in 1947 in Hugoton Field, Kansas. In the beginning of the hydraulic process one thousand gallons of naphthenic acid and palm oil (napalm) were combined with gasoline and sand to stimulate the flow of natural gas from a limestone formation. (Morton & Whaley, 2013) In 1949 Halliburton Oil well Cementing Company obtained exclusive license to hydraulic fracture and in their first year they constructed 332 oil wells and improved well production by 75%. By 1968 hydraulic fracturing was widely being used across the United States; but it was limited by difficult geological formations. Which as the years advanced so did the technology making hydraulic fracturing more accessible in all areas.

As the technology developed with horizontal drilling and 3D seismic imaging, drilling became more accessible in more areas. With horizontal drilling the gas or oil could be contacted along the rock formation rather than vertically. The breakthrough in vertical drilling happened between 1981 and 1998 at Mitchell Energy and Development. When Mitchell Energy experimented with different techniques of delivering combinations of fluids to find one that would go at a faster rate of speed to produces more pressure and more ability to break up the shale. They developed a combination of elements with slick water and it delivered the results they were looking for. In 2002, Mitchell Energy merged with Devon Energy and brought horizontal hydraulic fracturing to shale exploration in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, and the Rockies. (Morton & Whaley, 2013) With the advances Mitchell Energy made, more companies have continued to make advancements.

The Risks?

The risks of hydraulic fracturing are water and land contamination, air and noise pollution, natural gas leaks, and seismic activity. Water and land contamination is a real risk of hydraulic fracturing and has happened. The water solution used in the fracturing process sometimes seeps out of the well and contaminates the local water and land; causing illness and death to local animals. There is also a risk of a natural gas leak seeping into the local ground water and causing illness. There is also the noise pollution from the machinery used to dig the well and the diesel pollution produced by the machinery. There is also the air pollution if there is a gas leak. Natural gas leaks are a concern for air pollution for local residents but, also for the ozone layer of the Earth. Natural gas is 34 times stronger than greenhouse gases and will cause more damage. During the fracturing of the shale or rock there is risk of causing an Earthquake and there has been recorded of seismic activity of a 3.0 Earthquake from the fracturing itself. (Morton & Whaley, 2013)

The Benefits

Some of the benefits of hydraulic fracturing are enhancing our domestic supplies of natural gas, and the benefits of to the communities in numerous; from generating royalty payments to property owners, providing tax revenues to the governments, and creating much needed high-paying jobs. These jobs included engineering, surveying, construction, hospitality, equipment manufacturing and environmental permitting and monitoring. With the creation of jobs, tax revenue, and going into communities that may not have had to the opportunities to gain this revenue, it builds communities or strengthens the ones already in place. Many believe that we need to increase our domestic supply of natural gas and oil and bring jobs back to the United States and it is believed hydraulic fracturing is one means to do it. However, with all industry there are risks to the environment and the public by hydraulic fracturing.

Safer Alternative

The energy industry is no exception to advances and new technology to make it more efficient, safer, environmental friendly, cheaper, and increase our domestic supply. The energy industry is looking to move away from dependency on fossil fuels to renewable energy. Renewable energy means that it is energy that renews and does not run out, as with fossil fuels. Renewable energy is considered an environmental friendly energy source. There are several of these energy sources and they are now becoming more affordable and available to the consumer.

Geothermal, Solar, Wind, Biomass, and Hydropower are available to decrease or replace our need for fossil fuels. Geothermal uses the heat the Earth produces from the ground; to heat consumer’s water and homes. This energy is made naturally and all the time by the Earth so it will not be lost. Energy sources of Solar and Wind use the natural elements of the Earth to produce power to run homes and businesses. Biomass is the using of wood and wood waste, municipal solid waste, and landfill gas and biogas to produce energy. Hydropower is using the force of water to produce energy. Studying the water cycle, the currents of water, and the force of water falling form a higher elevation has given scientist the ability to produce a new renewable energy. The current of a river or a waterfall has a great deal of energy and can be harnessed. Niagara Falls, New York has pipes running under it that turns the turbine blades that produce energy and the water is then diverted into dams and used at a later time, when more energy is needed. Renewable energy’s has many benefits, but are they better, more reliable, cost efficient then fossil fuels? (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2016)

Renewable Energy Better?

Renewable fuels offer a great deal; but they do also have drawbacks. Renewable energy does produce a great deal more energy than fossil fuels; but the topographical element has to be conclusive to the renewable energy. This means that if there is not enough sun, wind, or heat the renewable energy may not produce enough energy to sustain the need. There is also the choice as to what renewable to use, each renewable produces different amounts of energy and that is good if you can use all the renewable in your area of the world. If you cannot the renewable energy you can use may not be able to produce enough energy to meet the need. Then the consumer will be relying on fossil fuel energy, as well. (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2016)

Renewable Energy Drawbacks

Renewable energy also comes with more challenges than just topographical. There is also engineering and landscaping challenges. To design, develop, and construct renewable energy there is a lot of studying and designing. There is also a lot of testing to get it to the point of producing. There is also the need for landscaping. Renewable energy as with Solar and Wind take a great deal of land to for the panels and turbines. These are permanent fixtures and the land usually is not used for anything else and there is damage to the land due to the building and the structures themselves. There is a profit and employment opportunities in renewable energy. (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2016)

Renewable energy is becoming cheaper as it is becoming more available and being used by consumer and the energy industry. Solar and Wind energy is the top ones that are becoming more available and becoming more affordable for the local consumer. Solar and Wind energy is not as cheap as fossil fuels and as the demand increases the cost will continue to drop. Employment in the Renewable Energy industry will continue to increase as the demand increases and if the energy industry invests in Renewable Energies. However, according to Andrew Griffin; “But investors and energy firms are still failing to put money into such green solutions despite the fact that they are cheaper than more traditional forms of electricity generation.” (Griffin, 2017) Until there is a large investment in Renewable energy by the energy industry and governments, we will still be dependent on Fossil Fuels. Even though over the years Hydraulic Fracturing has seen bad press and there are risks; but there is also an opportunity to use it to increase our domestic energy supply, increase revenue, and employment. (Griffin, 2017)


Hydraulic Fracturing or Renewable energy has risks and benefits, in both. Hydraulic fracturing has had some cases of water contamination and air pollution, causing illness. It has been a proven, reliable method of extracting natural resources for 70 years. It has served over millions of consumer, around the world, safely. As technology evolves companies are looking to improve hydraulic fracturing, to make is safer, environmentally friendly and better monitoring. Environmentalist, consumers, and government agencies are looking to rely less on fossil fuels, so they are looking to Renewable energy to fulfill our energy needs. Renewable energy produces more energy than fossil fuels and it produces clean energy and it does not end. However, with Renewable energy there are several drawbacks, engineering is more complicated, correct topographical locations are needed, and plenty of land. In some areas of the world this is not possible. There is no easy answer to the energy crisis the world is facing but; hydraulic fracturing has problems, like the rest, but may be a possible temporary solution; if constructed correctly.


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Fross, Dustin, and Shane Lyle. Hydraulic Fracturing Water Cycle from Acquisition to Treatment and Disposal (modified from EPA, 2012). Digital image. Guidelines for Voluntary Baseline Groundwater Quality Sampling in the Vicinity of Hydraulic Fracturing Operations. Kansas Geological Survey, Public Information Circular (PIC) 34, 19 Apr. 2013. Web. 15 May 2017.
"Hydraulic Fracturing." Hydraulic Fracturing. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2017.
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Morton, Michael Quentin, and Jane Whaley. "Unlocking the Earth - A Short History of Hydraulic Fracturing." GEO ExPro. N.p., 06 Mar. 2014. Web. 15 May 2017.

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Nice to see a comprehensive fair and balanced Renewable energy / fossil fuel explanation .
Instead of the usual , fraking bad- Renewable energy good

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