in #steemstem6 years ago
Liposuction procedure on the outer hips (License: CCO-BY-SA 4.0 international]: Wikipedia Commons

If all we had to do was diet and exercise to get a fit body then all humans would be super models right?
It’s not that exercise and diets do not work but let’s face the fact, the celebrities we see and admire for their bodies have secret methods used to achieve those goals, Liposuction being one of them.

During one of my recent escapades at the medical centre where I intern I came across a young lady. Recently recovered from a liposuction procedure she had quite a lot to say about how the process was of help.

Let’s see what Anne has to say about what prompted her decision to have this surgery

All through high school I was constantly teased for being overweight. I loved to eat, snacks precisely and the weight I had on me was almost 150, I started to exercise when I became so self conscious but it’s a lot of hard work. Cutting my diet was tough I was able to shed some of the weight. I’m twenty two 2 foot and 2 inches and my current BMI 21 roughly and I decided to get liposuction done to help give me the shape I’ve always wanted.

What did the procedure feel like?

I was quite conscious but numb from my abdomen down because that is the area I wanted changed. I think it was for about three hours.

How long did take to recover?

I was pretty steady two days after the surgery though I had to wear this tight garment over my abdomen of about three weeks. I didn’t experience much pain, I was on meds and after some time I could practically see the difference in my mid area. It was a subtle change though.

A wet liposuction procedure (License: CCO-BY-SA 3.0 unported]: Wikipedia Commons

The surgeons view on Liposuction.

When patients come to me and ask questions about how to attain the desired body shape be it through lifts or augmentation procedures I generally consider it my duty to let them know indefinitely what it entails.
Not everyone is a candidate for Liposuction. The risk associated with the procedure varies depending on how much fat is being removed at the same time. In extreme cases more than one surgery is done with an interval of about five to six weeks basically because it is dangerous to remove a large amount of fat from the body all at once. The sculpting of the body by removing fat from certain isolated body areas. It could be the arms, neck, thighs, hips, and abdomen.

Liposuction is not for weight loss, in fact there is a certain weight level that is considered to dangerous for the procedure. Morbidly obese individuals for example would experience more bleeding and would most times have to undergo more than one procedure for the desired results to be gotten. But when the weight of the individual is moderate and the procedure is being done to assist areas of the body that are resistant to diets and exercise the result is far more comforting.

The fact that it is used to remove excess pockets of unwanted fat deposits from the body does not necessarily mean that you would have a firm result. It works best on individuals with good skin elasticity. Laser beams can be used to aid skin rejuvenation through collagen production stimulation hence tightening.

The types of liposuction and the overall procedure.

Technology has we have it has provided us with means to change our appearance without having to diet and exercise. Liposuction procedure although expensive is one of them.

The procedure.

The incisions made on the skin are determined by the size and the location of the place to be treated and also the technique being used.
When microcannulas are used, small incisions less than 1/8 inch is made. Such incisions are bearly visible and require no stitch after the overall procedure. Normally incisions heal within a week or two and become less visible after 2 to 3 weeks.
It is an ideal procedure for refining and contouring body figures.

Tumescent Liposuction.

The most commonly used and safest of all. It usually involves the use of local anesthesia (lidocaine) being injected into the isolated area for the procedure. A large amount of saline solution is passed into the area to be suctioned after the injection of the anesthesia and the fat is sucked out using small tubes called microcannulas then through a long plastic tube that is used to attach the cannula to a vaccum pump that provides the force the cannula needs to suck out the fat. The microcannulas can be controlled by the operating surgeon for more accuracy.

Liposuction using vibrating cannulas and ultrasound.

Though the vibrations of the cannula make it easier to remove fat the overall procedure remains in doubt by surgeons. The cannulas energized with ultrasound uses it’s vibrations to emulsify and liquefy the fat in the targeted area making it easier to be suctioned out.

Laser assisted Liposuction.

Cannulas used allow laser heat to pass through them. The incisions made are left open after the procedure to allow drainage of excess fluid. The laser most times cause burns to the skin which end up leaving scars, swellingdue to excess fluid.

Liposuction and augumentation.

When it comes to sculpting and adding to the areas of your body you feel are lacking in some ways, plastic surgery has for long been the short cut. It is now a very common procedure for liposuction to be performed together with a butt and hip augumenation.

The fat cells removed during water assisted liposuction procedure is used by first extracting the adult stem cells in it, activating it and then is re-introduced into the area to be augmented. This requires no incision and is works solely to give a natural feel and look. The stem cells introduced into the body work by providing new blood vessels and more oxygen supply to the tissues of the area thereby promoting its growth.

Concluding words of the patient on her overall procedure.

I must say I was scared at first and discouraged by the stories I have heard concerning body sculpting of any kind. The side effects are numerous, there is the pain, swelling, bruising and discomfort from the corset you would have to wear if you have an abdomen liposuction like I did. But in the end it was worth it.

There are some risks involved in liposuction

The satisfaction derived from this procedure depends on precise consultation of how well the procedure is suited with you.
Complications occur in all medical procedures, a few not quite risky and some eventually leading to death.In liposuction common complications may arise due to :

  • Cannula movement underneath the skin causing burns to the skin.
  • Accumulation of fluid injected into the body during the procedure may lead to pulmonary edema.
  • Infections are common after the surgery and may lead to severe scarring if not treated with caution.
  • Death due to anaesthesia.
  • Poor elasticity of the skin result in irregular contour of the treated area.
  • Swelling and bruising are common
  • Blood clots in the vein surrounding treated area.

Further readings and References

Liposuction surgery
Risks and benefits of liposuction procedure
Medical uses of liposuction


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If all we had to do was diet and exercise to get a fit body

Yes, you can. It's just bloody difficult. It's like a waiting games couple with a strict diet, exercise and sleep routine to optimise health and weight loss.

Anyway, great article. I don't have much knowledge regarding the subject but I thought this article is well-written. I have a friend who was morbidly obese and after a careful consideration, they don't recommend him liposuction but a bariatric surgery. I'm not sure what is your personal view on liposuction but I knew that it is one of the most stigmatised subjects in the community I'm currently living in.

true its really difficult and would take a lot of time, most of us want instant results. personally I do not see body contouring liposuction included as a big deal. Everyone is entitled to their own choice

I am team fitfam and that's because of my body's high metabolism rate, the same can be said of all my siblings - hence genetics.

My ex had a lot of weight issues, and it gave me a lot of concern and it got me thinking that something is wrong with her, because it took her eternity to shade a few kg. So she relied heavily on medications, tea, et al in order to look trim.

Perhaps this post will be of great value to her.

Great post buddy

you are welcome. perhaps her weight issues could be genetic itself or simply her diet. Either way it is advised to consult a dietician

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@giftessiet nice blog, I don´t feel atracted to have one of those but I think sometimes it is necesary and I respect science, well done

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