in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

Hello dear Steemians. In this post I will refer to the important function of the brain amygdala and the most important hormones of love , namely on both sides of the brain, with the pleasant feelings associated with the pineal gland and the pituitary gland (hormone-producing glands), and with the unpleasant emotions associated with the amygdala.
Inside our head there is a world so unexplored and complex that we can not even perceive it. Within our brain, everything that we have learned from our birth is recorded, as well as thoughts and feelings we often do not know we have.

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____________________GENERALLY FOR THE BRAIN

The look of the human brain is impressive. It is a large wrinkled walnut-like mass that weighs for an average adult of 1300 gr. The human brain consists of a surprisingly complex network of neurons (cells that receive and transmit electrical signals at a speed of 300 kilograms per hour). The brain consists of about 100 billion nerve cells, with an astonishing number of connections, reaching 100 trillion. The complexity of the brain is particularly surprising if we consider what it can create. (From a painting_Mona Liza - to a supersonic aircraft).
Today we know that human’s mental device, nesting in the brain, consists of three subconscious elements: the conscious, the subconscious and the unconscious. We must understand that our brain controls our soul and our body so that each one of us feels the experience of consciousness throughout the body. So we feel our body as part of our whole self. The brain gathers and processes an enormous number of aesthetic information from the whole body and decides whether we are or not. So our body is guided mainly by subconscious and unconscious processes. So these two (subconscious and unconscious) signal how we will do about something, many times even before we realize it. There are few times when we think we are making a decision “now,” but the truth is that our brain has decided very early!!

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Our nervous system is divided into central and peripheral nervous system! The central nervous system consists of the cranial and spinal cord, while the peripheral nervous system, divided into autonomous and somatic, is regulated by the central nervous system. Our brain as the most important organ of the human being is well protected in the skull, and floats in a fluid called cerebrospinal fluid and has the same density as the brain. The spinal cord is found in the bones of the vertebral column. The central nervous system regulates the functioning of the peripheral nervous system. Important is the effect of the brain on the autonomic nervous system, which regulates our body, absolutely influenced by emotions !!
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__________________________STRUCTURE OF THE BRAIN

The brain is divided into anterior, middle and posterior brains.

  1. Front brain: consists of 2 hemispheres each consisting of five lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital, and Reil Island. It includes bark and limb which include: the hippocampus, the amygdala, the chamber, the hypothalamus, the mesolibium, the basal ganglia, the subcortical cortex, the cleft, the pineal gland and the pituitary gland.
  2. The midbrain includes upper and lower Superior Colliculus.
  3. The posterior brain includes the cerebral stem (cerebellum, bridge and medulla).

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I will try to clarify some basic issues that are flaming and concern the functioning of the brain, in relation to dependencies or the difficulty of stopping some things that do us harm, such as toxic relationships-alcohol, etc., and how the human brain works in love.
Let’s start with the question: why do I do something that I know by logic, should not I do it? E.g :Why do I smoke? Why am I drinking too much? Why am I a gambler and I’m losing a lot of money I do not have? Also, why do not I take action to get me out of a difficult situation, like I want to find a job to live … to go a trip .. to pay bills that are in danger … So even though human knows what has to do , in his life it is difficult to apply it. It is not always that we are lazy and we do not arrive finally in practice. The answer to many on this issue is the amygdala or amygdala nucleus, which is also called by many by the “guardian of emotions”. If we look back on the past of every person, then in childhood, who felt pain, fear, disappointment, aversion, from an effort that did not produce the expected result, this fact left a monumental impression on the amygdala. When this occurs (the failed event), the amygdala activates the autonomic nervous system, especially the sympathetic, which has an effect on: increased blood pressure, swellings, breaths, dilated eyes of the eyes, sweating. So the body perceives it as having to leave (give up). This fact, and especially if it is repeated many times in our childhood, makes us in the adult life to leave and to give up our efforts because the amygdala has activated all the previous monumental impressions. When we finally give up our effort, which is the easiest one, then the other half of the autonomic nervous system, the parasympathetic, which reduces tension, blood pressure, pounds and calms the body. What is now certain is that the amygdala awakens unconscious fears. So, one can reasonably ask: how can I manage and solve this flaming issue that concerns me and I deal with it daily? The answer is quite simple: NOBODY CAN MANAGE THE AMYGDALA!! The amygdala can only calm it down. And how does that happen? We need to leave our fantasies free. Cause fantasies, especially for pleasant scenarios, soothe the amygdala, and make new nerve synapses.

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_________________________- HOW DOES THE AMYGDALA WORK;
Once an unpleasant stimulus (failure) occurs in the amygdala, she instructs the adrenal glands (organ of the human body) to produce adrenaline and cortisone. These two hormones combined, and acting on the hippocampus and amygdala of the brain, create a new neuronal memory circuit, the monumental imprint mentioned above.
Historically, the amygdala belongs to the old-mammalian brain, and is considered to be an essential part of the system, which is responsible for emotional expression and emotional memory. If the amygdala is removed from a human being, it will be left empty of emotions, inexpressible and unable to perceive and discuss all the issues. He will have no feeling for any man, he will not feel either joy or sadness. This can happen to people with craniocerebral injuries, where the amygdala is destroyed, to people with strokes and also to people who take substances (such as cochaine, cannabis etc), which over time destroy the amygdala !!

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______________________ HOW WORKS THE BRAIN IN LOVE;;_

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Our brain secretes neurotransmitter hormones, endocrine and exocrine glands (pineal and pituitary gland), and regulates our brain in the situation that someone is in love. Whose are these hormones neurotransmitters? Why do some couples separate very quickly and others are together until deep old age?

  1. The first hormone responsible for this is the oxytocin hormone, which is secreted by the hypothalamus, and mainly regulates women at the onset of labor, while giving the body a mandate to produce milk. In addition, the specific neurotransmitter (oxytocin) is secreted into the pituitary gland by means of touching erotic or other relationships such as friendly, parental, etc., and for this reason it is necessary to develop the bond between parents - children and between lovers. It is otherwise named “the caress hormone”. Finally oxytocin is excreted in the brain of both man and woman, during sexual intercourse and especially orgasm.
  2. Vasopresin: a pituitary hormone called ” hormone male faith “. This hormone, in experiments that have been done, has shown that its presence shapes the monogamous behavior of the man.
  3. Dopamine: It is also called the hormone of pleasure. Dopamine generally relates to mood swinging and the reward system, that is, when a person conquers a goal, and is satisfied with it, the hormone is excreted, and the person feels happy.
    At this point we could mention other hormones such as serotonin, estrogen and tettersone, norepinephrine and others. , but the three hormones mentioned above are the most important for brain function in relation to love. To summarize the above, we come to the conclusion that love is one of the most powerful emotions. New research shows that people who have “full” and tender relationships live longer and are healthier !!! To love and cherish is one of the most important issues in people’s lives.

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