Are climate change and global warming real?

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)


What is climate change and global warming?

Climatic changes are defined as significant changes in the weather patterns of the land over a prolonged period of time. These changes are evidenced by the increase in the average temperature of the earth, rising sea levels, variations in rainfall patterns, among others.

Global warming corresponds to an increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere and the oceans of the earth, forming part of climate change.

The climate of the Earth has never been static, for them since its creation the earth has been subject to variations, which can last from thousands to millions of years.

It is caused by factors such as biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by the Earth, plate tectonics and volcanic eruptions.


Why is global warming being talked about lately?

An increase in the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere since the end of the 19th century has been observed. The increase is about 0.8 ºC, two thirds of this increase since 1980. According to specialized studies, this is due to the increase of greenhouse gases resulting from activities developed by humans such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation.

The greenhouse effect is a process in which the thermal radiation emitted by the planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases and is re-irradiated in all directions. As part of this radiation is returned to the surface and the lower atmosphere, resulting in an increase in average surface temperature compared to what would be in the absence of greenhouse gases.


The greenhouse effect is what allows temperatures on earth to be suitable for life.

Among the most efficient gases to absorb heat is CO2, which has increased significantly due to the combustion of fossil fuels and the loss of forests that could store CO2. Other gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect are methane (used in landfills), nitrous oxide (used in fertilizers) and other gases used for cooling. For these reasons, they relate to the human activity of the increase in the global temperatures of the earth.


Consequences of climate change

Some consequences of climate change are the following:

  • Increase in sea level, which would have an effect on animal life and cities on the coasts could suffer large floods or disappear.
  • Lakes and rivers could dry up and disappear.
  • Droughts, which would hinder agriculture.
  • Shortage of drinking water.
  • Extinction of plants and animals.
  • Hurricanes, tornadoes and storms caused by changes in temperature and evaporation of water would occur more regularly.


But ... does anthropogenic climate change really exist?

In spite of all the indicated evidences of the existence of the current climatic change and its relation with the increase mainly of the CO2 produced by human activities; there are many detractors of this hypothesis.

This issue was put back on the board with comments from the President of the United States, Donald Trump. According to his tweets:

"I think there is a change in time. I'm not a big believer in man's contribution to climate change, "he said in an interview in 2016." I accept that climate change is causing some problems: it makes us spend billions of dollars to develop technologies we do not need, " He also said in his book 'America crippled'.


Apart from the president of the most powerful country in the world, there are renowned scientists who consider climate change as part of the natural cycle of the earth, and there is not enough evidence to associate human activity with the increase in global temperature. Here are some arguments of the skeptical scientists against climate change being caused by humans:

  • There is no evidence that global warming is caused by the increase of CO2 and other gases because of activities carried out by humans.

They indicate that mostly the oceans, volcanoes, plants and animals generate CO2 in the atmosphere, with humans being responsible only for less than 1% of the CO2 present in the atmosphere.

On the other hand, explain that water vapor represents 95% of greenhouse gases; this being the one that most affects the temperature and which is totally beyond the control of the human being.

Additionally they indicate that the CO2 generated by the human being has been increasing since 1940, however, it was after 1975 that the temperature began to increase, so it is not considered that there is a relationship between CO2 and the increase in temperature.

  • Regular variations in sun activity have an influence on global warming.

Scientists who are against this hypothesis indicate that there are studies that relate measurements of solar activity with the increase in global temperature, because in recent decades there has been an increase in solar activity; indirectly generating a deviation of the clouds, which protect us partly from the sun's rays.

  • Global warming is a natural phenomenon

They indicate that the current warming exists corresponds to a warming cycle and cyclic cooling that are generated naturally. As evidence, the earth has reached much higher temperatures in the past, especially in the "medieval warm period" around 1100 AD; as well as decreases in temperature such as "the small ice age" between 1400 and 1850 AD.

  • Global warming does not necessarily generate negative effects

The much feared rise in sea levels does not seem to depend on changes in temperature in the short term, given that sea level increases have been permanent since the last ice age, 10,000 years ago. In fact, many economists argue that warming is more likely to produce a net benefit, than to increase income and living standards.

There is a lot of controversy regarding this issue, it is up to each person to evaluate the evidence that is in our hands and do everything possible to improve the situation.



Nice post- I am glad that you proposed both points of views. I am almost 100% sure that global warming is our doing, but in the end the important thing question is - What are we going to do about it? If you are interested in the topic I suggest to watch this movie about climate change made by National Geographic- I think it is great (and sad).
Here is the trailer:

Thank you! I am going to watch this movie. I think climate change is our fault and we have to make some changes in order to improve this situation. I hope governments take actions over this real problem.

there are renowned scientists who consider climate change as part of the natural cycle of the earth, and there is not enough evidence to associate human activity with the increase in global temperature.

No, there are not. There are a few crackpots, but those people just largely want attention.

realDonaldTrump Donald J. Trump tweeted @ 29 Dec 2017 - 00:01 UTC

In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old G……

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