the structure of the earth. The relief

in #steemstem7 years ago

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I send a big greeting to all the Steemians today I want to document my research on the structure of the earth, the very hot material ascends from the core to the surface; as it cools, descends and forms convection currents. on the surface, the continental crust is subjected to stretching and therefore to thinning. Normal faults are formed, causing rift type valleys. If stretching continues, the continental crust is broken and oceanic certainty originates, which flows through the dorsal oceanica. Thus, the continents are separated by an ocean

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The edges of the plates are areas with a high tectonic activity. This is evidenced by the apprehension of volcanoes and by the numerous earthquakes that occur, as happens in the case of transforming faults.

Some 4.6 billion years ago, the earth was a homogeneous mass of different materials. The distribution of the elements according to their density originated a series of concentric layers with different physical and chemical characteristics. The most superficial layer /lithosphere) is rigid and (fleet) over the asthenosphere, formed by materials in a partial state of fusion. In this layer convection currents are produced which cause the breakage of the lithosphere in the so-called tectonic plates. For millions of years, these plates have been in constant motion. When they separate (diverging zones), the oceans originate; when they collide with each other (converging zones), they give rise to mountains.

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Erosion of rocks can be caused by ice and snow (glaciers) or water. In mountainous areas the water runs on steep slopes (torrents). These join together to form rivers, that in the sections of gentle slope give rise to the meanders. the mouth of a river into the sea can form an estuary or delta. In the Carthaginian zones, water flows underground through caves. The wind erodes, transports and sediments, originating the dunes. Eroded materials are deposited on the continent (mainland sediments) or in the sea (marine sediments). Transition sediments are deposited in the coastal zone. Marine sediments can be platform sediments, slope sediments or deep sediments (turbidites). Living organisms can also generate sediment, such as coral reefs.

From the origins of the earth, a geological cycle is produced that is repeated continuously: a primitive crust, formed by magmatic rocks, erodes and erodes the first sediments, which, when deformed by tectonics, give rise to mountains, which in turn erode, producing new sediments.
On the other hand, it must be taken into account that the dynamics of the tectonic plates also condition this cycle. Thus, the separation of continents gives rise to seas and oceans, in which sediments accumulate progressively, forming sedimentary basins.
Magnetic materials are incorporated into the crust by two ways: through the oceanic ridges or by means of volcanoes. Thus, in the subduction zones, the continental cortreza partially melts and originates a magma, which ascends and forms volcanoes.
The collision between the different plates deforms sediments and other rocks, giving rise to the mountain ranges. Deformed sediments as well as rocks located at great depths can flourish there. the reliefs erode and, in this way, the geological cycle continues.
In each climatic zone of the planet, erosion models the landscape differently, depending on the erosive agents that predominate, and gives rise to different sedimentary environments.

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