Daily top posts in category: science on 2025-03-07

in #steemstats3 days ago

Daily top posts in category: science on 2025-03-07

No Payout Author Title
11.674 SBDthe-gorilla⚡ Home School: Science - Apple Powered Clock
24.725 SBDvivigibelisTop: Publicaciones seleccionadas bajo la etiqueta #cotinast del día 05/03/2025
36.659 SBDnecho41Il “cervello” automatico dell’intelligenza artificiale.
40.898 SBDmauromarNew type of microscope based on quantum sensors/Nuevo tipo de microscopio basado en sensores cuánticos
51.464 SBDmauromarRevolutionary genetic engineering technique kills mosquitoes after mating/Técnica revolucionaria de ingeniería genética mata mosquitos tras el apareamiento
60.853 SBDnecho41The first Robot for the home.
71.359 SBDmauromarProtoclone, humanoid robot with muscles and bones/Primer robot humanoide con músculos y huesos
80.742 SBDjorgebgtLoss of cognitive abilities due to AI.
90.182 SBDcarlos84Calculation of the area with the natural logarithm rule
101.233 SBDcarlos84Proposed exercises from chapter 8.1 of Larson and Hostetler's calculus book. Volume I: Selecting the correct antiderivative
112.108 SBDstjo.editorSteem Journal of Ophthalmology - Wichtige Hinweise für Autoren seitens der Redaktion
122.057 SBDmauromarUAE prepares solar farms to make rain in the desert/Emiratos Árabes Unidos prepara parques solares para generar lluvia en el desierto
130.167 SBDjang🚀 Space Weather News: Coronal Holes, Blue Ghost on the Moon, Fire Future | S0 News Mar.6.2025 🌠
140.774 SBDjorgebgtThe Mass distorts space - time
150.354 SBDiotman🌌 SpacePicture of a Day: Seven Sisters versus California 🪐
161.702 SBDlupafilotaxiaChallenges in cryptography // Anonymising transactions and improving scalability
170.032 SBDiotman🌌 SpacePicture of a Day: Planetary Nebula Abell 7 🪐
180.807 SBDjorgebgtIt all starts with Curiosity; The most distant object from humanity.
190.161 SBDjang🚀 Space Weather News: Sun & Planets Trigger Earthquakes, Big Storm, Solar Watch | S0 News Mar.5.2025 🌠
200.757 SBDjorgebgtThe strange structure found in the Oort Cloud.
211.389 SBDmauromarScientists create antenna 10,000 times smaller than any other known/Científicos crean una antena 10.000 veces más pequeña que cualquier otra conocida
220.279 SBDjang🚀 Space Weather News: Another Excuse for the Pole Shift, Weird Planet, Debunkaroo | S0 News Mar.4.2025 🌠
230.036 SBDydavgonzalezResuelve el problema del día 04/03/2025
241.168 SBDcarlos84Application of the integral: Pressure and force of a fluid
250.026 SBDsolarshutdownCross-Country Storm Packs Rain, Snow, High Winds Into The Weekend - Solar Cycle 25 Projection
260.032 SBDiotman🌌 SpacePicture of a Day: Starburst Galaxy Messier 94 🪐
270.922 SBDnecho41Have the ability to predict the enemy.
280.841 SBDjorgebgtIt all starts with a curiosity; If Trump listens to Elon.
290.757 SBDjorgebgtA space photo with many details.
305.444 SBDjorgebgtL'intelligenza artificiale più potente del mondo secondo Elon Musk.

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