No | Payout | Author | Title |
1 | 1.674 SBD | the-gorilla | ⚡ Home School: Science - Apple Powered Clock |
2 | 4.725 SBD | vivigibelis | Top: Publicaciones seleccionadas bajo la etiqueta #cotinast del día 05/03/2025 |
3 | 6.659 SBD | necho41 | Il “cervello” automatico dell’intelligenza artificiale. |
4 | 0.898 SBD | mauromar | New type of microscope based on quantum sensors/Nuevo tipo de microscopio basado en sensores cuánticos |
5 | 1.464 SBD | mauromar | Revolutionary genetic engineering technique kills mosquitoes after mating/Técnica revolucionaria de ingeniería genética mata mosquitos tras el apareamiento |
6 | 0.853 SBD | necho41 | The first Robot for the home. |
7 | 1.359 SBD | mauromar | Protoclone, humanoid robot with muscles and bones/Primer robot humanoide con músculos y huesos |
8 | 0.742 SBD | jorgebgt | Loss of cognitive abilities due to AI. |
9 | 0.182 SBD | carlos84 | Calculation of the area with the natural logarithm rule |
10 | 1.233 SBD | carlos84 | Proposed exercises from chapter 8.1 of Larson and Hostetler's calculus book. Volume I: Selecting the correct antiderivative |
11 | 2.108 SBD | stjo.editor | Steem Journal of Ophthalmology - Wichtige Hinweise für Autoren seitens der Redaktion |
12 | 2.057 SBD | mauromar | UAE prepares solar farms to make rain in the desert/Emiratos Árabes Unidos prepara parques solares para generar lluvia en el desierto |
13 | 0.167 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Coronal Holes, Blue Ghost on the Moon, Fire Future | S0 News Mar.6.2025 🌠 |
14 | 0.774 SBD | jorgebgt | The Mass distorts space - time |
15 | 0.354 SBD | iotman | 🌌 SpacePicture of a Day: Seven Sisters versus California 🪐 |
16 | 1.702 SBD | lupafilotaxia | Challenges in cryptography // Anonymising transactions and improving scalability |
17 | 0.032 SBD | iotman | 🌌 SpacePicture of a Day: Planetary Nebula Abell 7 🪐 |
18 | 0.807 SBD | jorgebgt | It all starts with Curiosity; The most distant object from humanity. |
19 | 0.161 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Sun & Planets Trigger Earthquakes, Big Storm, Solar Watch | S0 News Mar.5.2025 🌠 |
20 | 0.757 SBD | jorgebgt | The strange structure found in the Oort Cloud. |
21 | 1.389 SBD | mauromar | Scientists create antenna 10,000 times smaller than any other known/Científicos crean una antena 10.000 veces más pequeña que cualquier otra conocida |
22 | 0.279 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Another Excuse for the Pole Shift, Weird Planet, Debunkaroo | S0 News Mar.4.2025 🌠 |
23 | 0.036 SBD | ydavgonzalez | Resuelve el problema del día 04/03/2025 |
24 | 1.168 SBD | carlos84 | Application of the integral: Pressure and force of a fluid |
25 | 0.026 SBD | solarshutdown | Cross-Country Storm Packs Rain, Snow, High Winds Into The Weekend - Solar Cycle 25 Projection |
26 | 0.032 SBD | iotman | 🌌 SpacePicture of a Day: Starburst Galaxy Messier 94 🪐 |
27 | 0.922 SBD | necho41 | Have the ability to predict the enemy. |
28 | 0.841 SBD | jorgebgt | It all starts with a curiosity; If Trump listens to Elon. |
29 | 0.757 SBD | jorgebgt | A space photo with many details. |
30 | 5.444 SBD | jorgebgt | L'intelligenza artificiale più potente del mondo secondo Elon Musk. |