No | Payout | Author | Title |
1 | 6.740 SBD | rokhani | Infusion fluids do not damage blood, Why? |
2 | 1.363 SBD | mauromar | First plug-and-play system capable of building wooden skyscrapers/Primer sistema plug-and-play capaz de construir rascacielos de madera |
3 | 3.426 SBD | mauromar | First full-scale humanoid robot with heart and nervous system/Primer robot humanoide a escala real con corazón y sistema nervioso |
4 | 7.497 SBD | jorgebgt | L’intelligenza artificiale che mente e cospira |
5 | 19.386 SBD | frafiomatale | Bastano dieci ore - Just ten hours [MULTILANGUAGE] |
6 | 2.095 SBD | mauromar | New 3D printing technique traps CO2 in concrete/Nueva técnica de impresión 3D atrapa el CO2 en el hormigón |
7 | 0.184 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Sun Cycle Says WAR, More Solar Flares and Forcing | S0 News Dec.26.2024 🌠 |
8 | 0.272 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Double Solar Storm Expected, Sun-Diving Comet | S0 News Dec.25.2024 🌠 |
9 | 9.579 SBD | necho41 | Fabbriche cinesi completamente piene di robot |
10 | 5.646 SBD | mauromar | Primera línea de producción de fundición continua con hidrógeno verde/Primera línea de producción de fundición continua con hidrógeno verde |
11 | 1.967 SBD | mauromar | US researchers succeed in sending quantum messages via fiber optic cable/Investigadores de Estados Unidos consiguen enviar mensajes cuánticos por medio del cable de fibra óptica |
12 | 2.056 SBD | danish578 | The science off climate change |
13 | 0.066 SBD | iotman | 🌌 SpacePicture of a Day: Grand Spiral NGC 5643 🪐 |
14 | 0.102 SBD | cotina | Top: Publicaciones seleccionadas bajo la etiqueta #cotinast del día 25/12/2024 por @vivigibelis |
15 | 1.531 SBD | jorgebgt | It all begins with Curiosity, the Dark matter and energy of the cosmos. |
16 | 0.326 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Solar Storm On The Way, Gamma Burst, Micronova | S0 News Dec.24.2024 🌠 |
17 | 1.400 SBD | jorgebgt | The first artificial solar eclipse |
18 | 0.043 SBD | nanocheeze | Black Hole Sub Topology Theory |
19 | 0.071 SBD | jorgebgt | It all starts with a curiosity; The emergence of life. |
20 | 0.040 SBD | nanocheeze | The Drones: Emergent Constructs Explained |
21 | 0.068 SBD | iotman | 🌌 SpacePicture of a Day: Diamond Dust Sky Eye 🪐 |
22 | 1.595 SBD | jorgebgt | Quantum computer race |
23 | 0.332 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: M9 Solar Flare, La Nina, Aurora Extremes | S0 News Dec.23.2024 🌠 |
24 | 1.421 SBD | jorgebgt | It all starts with a curiosity; The great tear. |
25 | 1.789 SBD | necho41 | Mouse robot makes friends with real mice. |
26 | 0.031 SBD | ydavgonzalez | Haciendo Matemáticas todos los días 23/12/2024 |
27 | 2.480 SBD | mauromar | Elon Musk proposed a tunnel to connect London and New York in 54 minutes/Elon Musk propuso un túnel para unir Londres y Nueva York en 54 minutos |
28 | 0.030 SBD | jorgebgt | The scope and new objectives of the Perseverance Rover. |
29 | 0.425 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Solar Eruption Watch, Polar Vortex, Schumann Cancer | S0 News Dec.22.2024 🌠 |
30 | 0.044 SBD | jorgebgt | High power nuclear electric space propulsion |