RE: Proof of Consent of Participants and the Danger Click-bait F'U Posts.
Tell that to Craig Grant... He was pretty upset when people started making fun of his body. Can't help but think that wouldn't have happened had he not been subjected to these "games".
These style of posts are juvenile, exploitative and run by people who frankly don't give a shit about anything but money. The very fact this type of shit exists and seemingly flourishes on this platform is all the more reason for people like me who actually give a fuck about people's feelings to speak out.
I get it @halo.. It's free advertising to you. It feels nice to be voted the prettiest girl I'm sure..
But am I the only god damn one taking into consideration the blow to self esteem the loser takes in all of this? Certainly looking like it, Ya'll are to busy getting STEEM pennies to give a shit. :/
Maybe it's time to stop digging yourself deeper and deeper into that hole
I can understand how someone could be against these match ups and I can understand where you are coming from when you say that these contest are juvenile and all that. Personally I don't really care if the people facing each other agree to it.
But I will admit to everyone on here that once these Steemy contest began I figured it was only a matter of time before they placed me against @ned. For those of you who have been following my blog I have exposed myself several times on here and those pictures would be fair game in the competition against @ned. Do you guys still feel like I have a chance to win?
For those of you who got a laugh out of this please follow me @brianphobos
10/10 would bang. :D
"wait, whut"
Hahahah, It's getting STEEMY!!! LOL
edit: How do you link to certain times on youtube..?
The whole start of this video is needless till the part buffalo bill says the koute above. :P
Note: KLYE does NOT endorse keeping people in holes...
Crossdressing however is cool though if it makes you feel sexy. :D
@kyle even if i was to lose and there is always a chance of that I would not be upset. when I started steemit I had people saying rude stuff to me all the time , I have dealt with it my whole life, but I don't cry about it. There will always be haters. I am sorry Craig Grant had his feelings hurt , but he is a grown man and should be able to handle a little criticism. He also knew before giving permission that he could lose. It is just a game it is not life or death.
You're right.. It's not life or death.. I do understand your point..
How long until we're doing big dick competitions on here then I guess? Because really opening up this pandoras box of primitive degeneracy is just going to lead to that. :(
You did get some pretty nasty shit said to you.. :/ Kudos to you for having strong shoulders to bare the bullshit of the internet. Sadly not everyone is as confident nor self secure as you.
Haters gonna hate, and regardless of how I seemingly come off I'm not actually a hater. I just don't want to see the platform diminished to a game of "who has the bigger titties" for the profits of the asshats hosting such silly games. :(
"These style of posts are juvenile, exploitative and run by people who frankly don't give a shit about anything but money."
I must admit that I am of a similar mind, however as essentially your argument is based on moral grounds which are not universally held by everyone, then I'm afraid your argument fails. It is exactly the same argument made by the guy who was morally outraged by the porn star woman and wanted to ban it. What was your position on that debate because it is exactly the same argument?
What I would say though is that a solution would be to have gambling and porn sections compartmentalised somehow away from the main page - much better still on a sister site or something. I agree that these 2 particular topics are not suitable for the main landing page. This is not about censorship as they would have their own uncensored blockchain and then we don't have to worry about whether these posts need tagging or censoring etc - Steemit would then too remain uncensored.
Steemit is about blogging and engaging others in conversation and such.
There is no real engagement in gambling and needs its own sister site in my view. Just to re-iterate - this would not constitute censorship, just tidying things up and separating Steemit chains - both would remain uncensored. I mean think about it, most people don't appreciate going to a coffee house to have a chat and to be tempted by gambling and having dicks waved in their faces - let's show a bit of
Eh, there isn't really an argument here.. Simply people doing shady things (my opinion) and other people calling them out on it.
Your post makes a hell of a lot of sense and it's nice to know at least a small army of users feel exactly as I do in regards to this stuff.
I think what you propose could be done on the same chain but with serious segregating of categories.. Because anyone can build a browser for the blockchain and all content from all sites would show up on it..
Anyways. Thank you for the laugh:
I literally lol'd. Thank you for that. :)
yes no probs mate. I get all fired up about things that get on my tits I understand where you are coming from. Btw, the word"argument" has two different meanings, the first is a heated/angry exchange, whereas the second is the reasoning used to support an idea or theory - I meant the second meaning which is more commonly used in philosophical type can probably guess I'm
Maybe we could put this proposal to the vote, then nobody can argue (second meaning) on the grounds of either lack of consensus or censorship.......we've got this . Take care mate.