The Steem Sister Show - Episode 22 // Higher Education

in #steemsistershow6 years ago (edited)


Public Service Announcement - Dtube Upload Issue!

Something went terribly wrong on my Dtube upload. Luckily - I always load to YouTube as a backup. Don’t watch the Dtube video! Here’s what happened...

Even though I watched it upload our Steem Sister Show episode on Dtube, it somehow grabbed a different file! Thankfully it wasn’t anything too embarrassing... just me playing Ukelele in the park for like 10 seconds.

The show must go on!!

I hope you guys enjoy today’s episode on higher education. Our show can be viewed in the YouTube link right here.

Welcome to the 22nd episode of the Steem Sister Show!

Your hosts are @coruscate and @maryjaney. We are two sisters using the Steem blockchain to chat about our life experiences and provide a little entertainment value to the Steemit Community.

Topic of this Episode – Higher Education

We started out the episode with just sharing a bit about our

Here are the questions covered in this episode:

  • Audience question from @hazem91 - Did you decide what job you wanted, and then went to the appropriate college for that - or did you take it one step at a time, eliminating possibilities?

  • Have you ever been negatively impacted by not having a certain level of a degree?

  • What is your least favorite class you have ever taken?

  • What is your favorite class you have ever taken?

  • Audience question from @homesteadinmama - Considering how advanced technology is, and how easy it is to get your message across with social media - how relevant is higher education in today's society?

  • Audience question from @michelmake - Do you ever suffer from imposter syndrome in your studies, where you don't feel that you are smart enough for the class?

My dear friend @larrymorrison sent me a host of awesome questions on this topic, and so we will be saving all of those for part two - which will air next week! There were sooo many great questions submitted on this topic - that I can't wait to get to a few more of them in part two. Who knows.... maybe we'll need a part three? This is such a big topic!

What is the Steem Sister Show All About?

We aim to bring more “non-crypto” related content to the Steem Blockchain. Although there is nothing wrong with this kind of content (@corsucate even posts on crypto related material sometimes) – we want to help create a better onboarding experience for new users. We talk a lot about attracting new users to the platform – but if the trending page is filled with crypto posts and flagging wars, they are likely to lose interest quickly.

We hope that by creating content that is more similar to what they are used to seeing on other social media sites – they will feel more excited about being here and creating content of their own!

How Does It Work?

We pick a different topic every episode, and then throw totally random questions about that topic in a hat and go back and forth. We always have a mix of our own questions and some audience questions. Our rule is that we cannot tell each other our answers before filming! So you guys are getting our raw, unfiltered reactions here.

Every episode we announce the next week’s topic so people can submit questions.

Want to win some SBD??

If we chose to answer your question in the next show… we will send you 2 SBD! Now that’s some easy money.

Next Week’s Topic : Higher Education - Part Two!

In next week's episode - we will be continuing the conversation on higher education. We already have some great questions lined up that that we couldn't address in this episode - but please still feel free to drop your higher education questions below and we may choose it for the second part of this episode.

If you would like the possibility of winning 2 SBD - please submit your questions! Anything on the topic of higher education is fair game.

Listener questions always end up being the best ones - so thank you in advance to everyone who submits one!

That’s a Wrap!

We hope you enjoyed watching this episode on higher education. We are so excited to be turning this into a two part so that we can continue the conversation.

If you have any thoughts or questions that came up from this episode – feel free to shoot them in the comments below.

With Love,

The Steem Sisters

@corsucate and @maryjaney



I totally failed math too. Look where we are now @coruscate!!

hahaha PHEW! Glad i'm not the only one! Passing math obviously isn't a marker of life success... :P

Yay, my question made it! Really happy! Thanks for giving me a shout out too!

In relation to my question, I can definitely relate to the thing @maryjaney said about being a manager. I had Jobs where suddenly you have to tell people what to do while I felt like I was basically not expert enough to do so :)

@coruscate, I truly think that you could make it as a vlogger if you keep growing your following like you do with quality content like this! Probably if you want to base an income on your Steemit following the biggest risk would be crypto related like the price fluctuations etc.

But hey, on the other side, the people that don't know what to do even long after finishing their education are the coolest ;) (yeah I'm one of them too!)

Thanks again to the both of you! Lookin forward to part 2!

PS, my name is pronounced the French way. Like you would pronounce the female name Michelle. But often people call me Michael, don't worry :)

Ooh thanks for clearing up the annunciation! I'm so glad you enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to film the part 2 and chat more about this topic. :)

I really appreciate all of your support and encouragement Michel. It's been really awesome getting to know you better lately!

Thanks a lot! I'm just enjoying your content! It's just really "open" the way you and your sister talk about random topics! Fun to watch :)


As many other posters have mentioned, you can absolutely self-educate via online courses, reading, trying out different jobs, traveling and learning about the world. However, this will require 3 things from you:

-Discipline: You have to sign up for online programming classes and actually see them through and do all the work. As James Altucher said, you have to pick up books and make yourself read a few pages each day. You also have to do his daily practice (10 ideas a day, exercise, spiritual health,emotional health, sleep)

-Willpower: You may have to live with your parents for a while to keep costs low, and that sucks when you are 18/19.

-Self-esteem: When everyone else is coming back home for Thanksgiving break, you'll hear all these great stories about College Life and have some major FOMO. Stay strong and carry on! Don't succumb to the pressure. You'll come out the other end better off, believe me.

Thank you so much for the thoughtful response @ant1dot396!! There are so many amazing opportunities to self-educate like you say! Some professions or career paths may still require a degree - but it seems like societal norms are starting to shift a little. I think a person's aspirations to work for themselves vs. for a job can make a big difference in their decision too.

Thanks again for checking out our show!!

Ummmmm I tried watching your video and it’s you playing an instrument. You may have uploaded the wrong video my friend. Or my phone isn’t loading.

Check out the PSA announcement at the top. 🤦‍♀️

Oh ok glad you’re aware.

Such a weird/kinda scary situation! haha I didn't know it could grab a different file like that. Luckily it wasn't too embarrassing. I guess people will just have to watch the YouTube link for this episode. Glad I always load to YouTube as a backup!

  • Do we actually need colleges? World knowledge is free on Wikipedia and YouTube anyway! And you can lernen how to start a Company in high school already.

  • Dont you think too many People are in college? You need good plummers too.

Thanks for the great questions @felix.herrmann! I really appreciate it!

Nice ..
One has to be positive no matter what
Great post .. Thank you for your words..

that's i will watch it and i will participate too thanks for bringing this 2 SBD contest i am following you vote for you and resteem

So I'm guessing this was an accidental upload? Did no one watch it to notice that? Upvotes for 10 seconds.

Did you read my PSA announcement at the top?

Oh wow, no, I will read it now.

It has happened to me before! Ok, did you start the upload, then press the back button and redrop a file?

hmmm interesting that you have had this happen too! I don't think I clicked the back button - but who knows. I must have done something funny. It always showed this SSS episode in the viewer when uploading though. Even when I clicked submit, it still showed this episode.

Such a weird... kinda scary thing! haha

Well, it happened to me on dlive. Not dtube.

There are a ton of things I could talk about around this topic but the one I will stick to is about your job hunting story. HR departments just the chucking applications in the trash of the people without degrees, that is literally prejudice, to prejudge. Going to school doesn't mean the applicant can do the job or vice versa, it doesn't even mean they learned anything or their degree was in something needed for the job. All it means, in my opinion, is that the graduate suffered through a grueling test in memorization for a handful of years and so it is more likely they will suffer through a thankless job.
Thanks for the shout out Lea, much love and appreciation as always. Can't wait for part two

Well, I like mathematics though I always get low grade on it. Shout out to those professor of mine. One day I will surely amazed them.

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