I VOTE @welshstacker. Thank you to all the participants. Lets keep the tree growing, and strengthen our roots. Please keep me in the loop about how I can pre-order these, I do not want to miss that. Blessings.
Good luck @welshstacker, I love this one tons ... a lover of trees myself and also what is a called a 'tree talker' in my Native American culture. This would no doubt be my favorite. xx Eagle
My eggplant is your eggplant!
I was gonna vote U UP but the synergy of your quote and the current value of the post...
Whatever that means...
"of Eggplants and 69-centers"

Going with first impressions so the tree by @Welshstacker gets my vote both good but can only pick one great work to all..
We use a similar logo for our business. Vote for the tree!

I love the community tree!
The tree loves YOU!
Hi J!
I VOTE @welshstacker. Thank you to all the participants. Lets keep the tree growing, and strengthen our roots. Please keep me in the loop about how I can pre-order these, I do not want to miss that. Blessings.
I like both design proposals, but I’ve always loved trees. For that reason @Welshstacker’s design is a winner in my eyes!
Good luck @welshstacker, I love this one tons ... a lover of trees myself and also what is a called a 'tree talker' in my Native American culture. This would no doubt be my favorite. xx Eagle
Both designs are great but i'm a sucker for trees, so @welshstacker gets my vote.
Well done. A tree is a very beautiful symbol, fits the steemit community very well.
Ahhh yes the tree of life...so majestic .... a bit like Steemit