A Letter to My Children: Inheriting My Gold and Silver Stack


When the day comes that I'm no longer here, my children will be left with many things—memories, lessons, and, of course, my gold and silver stack. I’ve always believed in the value of preparing for the future, and part of that preparation is making sure theyre not only financially secure but also aware of the choices I made with them in mind. The precious metals I’ve collected over the years are not just pieces of gold and silver; they’re a safeguard, a legacy meant to protect my kids.

Unlike other forms of wealth, such as stocks or property, precious metals are unique. Gold and silver don’t ride the same waves of volatility. They hold their value through thick and thin, through economic shifts, political changes, and whatever the world throws at us. They are, quite simply, solid. When you inherit my stack, you’re not just receiving metal—you’re receiving stability, something tangible that has been a reliable store of value for centuries.

You might hear a lot about inheritance tax and how it can eat into estates, but don’t worry. I’ve planned carefully, and the stack will work in your favor. Some of the coins you’ll find, like the Britannias and Sovereigns, are UK legal tender and, importantly, exempt from Capital Gains Tax (CGT). This means that when the time comes, you won’t be hit with taxes that would otherwise chip away at your inheritance. I’ve chosen these coins with that exact purpose in mind—so you get the full benefit without unnecessary financial burdens.

There’s also something I’ve done to ensure that you can start benefiting from the stack even before it becomes yours. Over the years, I’ve been mindful of gifting some of the precious metals within limits, reducing the estate’s taxable value. By doing so, I’ve tried to lessen any inheritance tax (IHT) that might otherwise apply. It’s a practical approach, but beyond that, it’s my way of passing on something meaningful while I’m still here to see it take shape. The plan is simple: a £3,000 annual gift, doubled with your mum’s help, which can be carried forward if unused. It’s a small but steady way of ensuring that the metals, like the lessons I’ve taught you, reach your hands without the heavy burden of tax.

In the end, these gold and silver coins are more than just investments—they’re part of the future I want you to build. They represent security, independence, and the choices we’ve made as a family to protect what we have. I hope they offer you the same sense of stability they’ve given me, and more importantly, I hope they remind you of the values I’ve tried to live by: patience, preparedness, and a long-term vision for the future.



40+yr old, trying to shift a few pounds and sharing his efforsts on the blockchain. Come find me on STRAVA or actifit, and we can keep each other motivated .


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Very interesting about the tax benefits of passing on Britannias and Sovereigns.

I am getting to the age where such issues become more pressing.

I guess the record high price of gold right now makes it a less than optimal time to start on this journey.

But I guess it is a 'second best time is today' scenario.

What is the best way of buying such assets in the UK at the moment?

If you want to "trade" gold and silver, youd never make a profit.... The spot price(market price) is topped up by manufacturing costs and then retailer prifits(also known as the PREMIUM above spot).

If you buy gold, what with the ever increasing devaluation of the pound/dollar/euro through inflation, currently 2% lossnof purchasing power annually, you should be in profit if you hold gold for 5yrs and silver for 8 to 10 years....

Ice never seen precious metals as a "quick flip", for me, its always been a way of saving in something that isnt effected by inflation and i can use as a store of value and should the worse happen, somethingni can pass-on without the taxman taking his cut, or even knowing how much i actually have.

Unlike cryptocurrencies (digital currency) that requires a bank as an out, although i do love the idea of peer-to-peer exchange as bitcoin was intended, crypto leaves a paper trail. Once tou own gold or silver, there no way to track it!!

If youre looking for the cheapest way to get in on precious metals, believe it or not, GOLD SOVEREIGNS are the cheapest(very little to no premiums) to get your hands on. You can buy them on most secondary markets, but i love walking in to my local jewellery shop/cash for gold place and just asking what they got in that day. Lots of people who know very little about wealth preservation are selling due to golds high proce at the moment, so lots of Sovereigns to be picked up. A jewellery shop/cash for gold place will have bought for 80/90% of market value, so if you go in and offer spot or 1 or 2% over, theyll instantly make a 20% ROI.... All these cash for gold places do is sell on to another refinery for 90% and make very little. So a provate sale at spot price to them makes the most sense and instancash returns. They rely on turn over and volume rather than big profits.

Hope that helps.

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