Y’Arrrrr! ‘Ol Santa paid the Captain a visit!!!

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

Well shiver me timbers and tighten up the sheets! Ol’ Santa Claus must’ve snuck aboard the Ingot while i was casting Zzzz’s and placed some fresh booty under me tree! Apparently Mr. Claus approves of my form of looting, because boy o boy, my secret Santa gifts must have come in Santa’s own canon-balls — because i am blown out of the water!

I packed up me parcel and disembarked from the Ingot (that’s me pirate ship) and made my way to the local espresso emporium. With a fresh brew in hand i began:


Santa is a sneaky ol’ fella, and he made it look like me gifts came from @raybrockman. I guess there’s now customs and immigration to deal with, and Santa didn’t want to be assciated with a known pirate — what if they confiscated the sleigh? Anyway, thanks Ray! It’s a fine thing to be in cahoots with you and Mr. Claus!


So first out of the box i see this:


And then this!


And fockles me cockles if that box wasn’t like a Christmas stocking, in that the loot kept coming out!!!


Santa brought gifts for my whole family!!! What a deluge of benevolence!

Imagine my great enthusiasm and rush of blood to the head when i espied this:



I have heard of the Steem round (and may even have 1 or 25 buried somewhere) but when i saw that Santa had had his elves make me a coin that looks just like me, well, after chortling out a loud guffaw, i had to turn me old bearded face, lest the ‘wags saw any emotion on my usually stern gaze.

And then, i opened Santa’s present for me missus — contrary to what you may have heard, not all Pirates are gay! (not that there’s anything wrong with that life choice...)

So, for Mrs. @thedamus Santa brought:



Are you kidding me Santa!!!? Mrs. @thedamus has been both good and bad this year! But you obviously weighed the balance of her activities and decided she was worthy — just wow!!! She is going to sing and dance like it’s Saturday night when she catches a glimpse of this glittering goliath! What an absolute Stomper for a smaller bar — it makes the 1oz wafer look enemic!

Next, i opened up two boxes. One for each of my sons, who are fine young deckhands and themselves turning into fine stackerz. Soon enough they will become pirates and sail away from the Ingot in their own vessels — but we have a wee bit of time with the lads still at home. Anyway, ol’ Santa brought some love for the boys, who have been very, very good this year! Made me ol’ blackened heart new again they have!


With all this fresh loot about it was time to shoot off a canon ball: Ka-BOOM!!! Went the gun and up, up and away went the discharge; only to fall down to the briny sea with a...Splash!


Thanks Santa! Ol’ Silverbeard has a smile they can see from shore — the sun glittering off my pearly whites and the new shiny in me clutches!!!

Here’s me: warning all to stay back from my loot-chest unless you want a taste of my cutlass!


And finally, the Captain wants to show y’all some secret spice for making almost anything taste better — that is, if you’re cooking with crypto...

[Edit: Oooops, forgot to add the screen shot of my fully initialized Salt wallet on Jaxx, with 50 salt in it...bout $800 cad. I’m not an adviser! But i will tell ya how to do it, and what i have done — Just not what YOU should do...savvy?]

Yo Ho Ho!!! The Captain has had a great morning of unboxing the shiny! And whether it comes from Santa, or from yer own purloinin’, adding the shiny to the old loot pile is always a good idea.


Rock on ssg!


Merry Christmas scallywags!!!

Cheers! from ol’ Silverbeard

and best wishes from @thedamus


I figured you would get a kick out of the Pirate. And you leave Mrs. @thedamus bar alone... thanks for the shout out and all the help friend. Glad they got to safely and unopened by the evil customs.... and big props to the little stackers.👍😎👊

Yar har har, i’ve already texted a pic of the 50g to the Mrs. — she’s a happy Girl right now :)

Thanks brother Ray! T’was waaay over the top — just like we likes it!!!

D’ja see Salt? Went up large in the lst 24... just sold out and bought moar po...yo

Fantastic and amusing story telling and show off of the coins. Kudos to @raybrockman for generosity.

Ray Brockman does it Gangnam style!!!

A very impressive treasure haul ye scurvy sea dog. Ye old @raybrockman be a mighty fine companion to have on ye voyage on the high seas

Stack on @thedamus & @raybrockman thanks both for taking part in the secret santa this year

Avast! Ye scurvy Welshman!

“My usually stern gaze”

Y'Arrr! Sounds like you might've caught a few!

Obviously Santa likes you more then me, I didn't get any silver this Christmas, you must of been better behaved than me, Lol Thanks for sharing and have a great new years my friend.

Happy New Year Bro!


Wow man, very amazing gifts. My @raybrockman has outdone himself again and a very worth recipient of his generosity.
I really need to start a little stack for my kids. Maybe get them each some series that started in there birth year!

I’m working on Queen’s beasts for my boys...

Awesome christmas gifts for you and yours!. the kids and wife must have been stoked with those!

I haven’t returned to HQ yet, but the Mrs. has already seen a pic and replied with a sqeal!

Ohhh man. Santa hooked up everybody in your household. Much deserved brother!

Thanks Man!

Ol’ Santa ‘ray’ Claus is a magic maker!

I wonder what silver has that makes great humorists of it's owners. Thanks for the post it was fun, and congrats on yer booty!

Funny people tend to be smart (or just smartasses)...smart people know paper money is dying so smart people buy silver...be smart, buy silver and if you can't be smart, I guess be a smartass

...and remember: i rather have a bottle in front of me — than a frontal lobotomy!

^ Smart ^

That's quite the treasure chest full of coins. Leave it to Ray to, once again, go above and beyond.

Ray is fuelled by a unique passion alright!

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