Behind the Scenes
Hi Friends!
So yesterday i went looking for a job... O the Horror!!! 😜 You see, besides being a dedicated father that provides full childcare 3 days a week for my two boys — while Mrs. D hits up the corporate sector — and besides looting, plundering and steeming all about it, and besides being a bitcoin ATM owner operator and an often successful trader, i am a professional actor and a stuntman. Shuckin’ and jivin’ like a mofo mofos!
Now before y’all start asking me which movies and teevee shows i’ve been, let me tell you that i am not a very busy performer. In fact, “unemployed actor” has been my most consistent role to date! It’s a tough gig, there’s lotsa competition, and right now anyways i don’t even have an agent ffs! That’s a whole hilarious other story... but anyways, i am known by many stunt coordinators, and i am sometimes asked for. As it turns out, many excellent stunt performers are not very good actors, and hiring a “stunt double” adds a lot of expense to production. So often what the prod-companies do is they hire a “stunt/actor” — it pays more than either “actor” or “stunt” alone, and makes a relatively small part easier to film... anyway, blah blah blah, i got an invitation to read for a stunt/actor part yesterday for the show iZombie and i gladly accepted.
The 2 page audition went great and it was in, perhaps, the most sought after “room” in the city because the casting director is a very well known person here in Van. I am thrilled! Hopefully i get the call, but i am happy just to have had the shot. I am probably up against 5 or 6 other guys so let’s hope my precious “luck” continues!!! 🤩👍👍
Here’s some pics from Lions Gate Studios — the “Lot.”
And a peek inside one of the “Sound Stages” reveals what many of us might think is more realistic than what we see on MSM.
Behold the Oval Office!
Now i’m not sure what is being filmed in there, but i didn’t see Jim Acosta anywhere! Lofl!!!
Now don’t forget about the MR3, it is speeding down upon us!!!
And rumour has it that one of our newbies just bought a schwack of tix!!! Damn upstarts around this place!!! I’m gonna’ have to step up my game! Lofl.
Keep it real folks!!!
Cheers! from @thedamus
Also, i would like to nominate @drakos for membership in SSG — who will second?
...Oooops, @welshstacker just did! I will second if somebody else hasn’t already.
Welcome aboard Asskicker!!!
I will approve @drakos good solid nomination. Good luck with the gig brother.
Thanks hammer!
I am sure that you will receive the call. There is no better stunt/actor/singer/composer/zombie/pirate than you in the whole Canada...
Lofl! Thx for yoir vote partner!
I like iZombie. Every time we are in Vancouver we always keep our eyes peeled for the CW actors. 😄 I am like a 15 year old fan girl! Good luck!
Thanks d-fin! If you’ve ever seen an episode (of iZ) where there was a dead guy hanging up in a huge Christmas tree, 2-3 seasons ago — that was my dead ass! Lofl
That's so awesome man! I think I found you...
Yep, that’s it 👹👍
Well I am definitely going to look for it now! ☺️
I know this lol
And I thought you were just going to Deliver Pizzas........@thedamus
Lol... i have had that job! But not for 30 years 😜🤣😂 🍕🍕🍕
...might have to re-apply if ahit keeps tanking!!! 😂😂😂
Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold
Hahaha.. I just nominated @drakos in ssuk's weekly membership blog. Either way I'll first or second.
Aces buddy!
What a very exciting life you have, @thedamus!!! Thanks for sharing ... I love knowing more about friends in this community. Awesome post!

Thanks saver! Ya’ can’t win if ya don’t play!
Good luck bro, hope you get it.👍
Thanks 510! If i book it i’m gonna’ get me a “real” Morgan 🤩🤩🤩
You always win so also this time!
I hope so rooster! It’d come at a good time 😜
Whottt Dame this is so fkn cool!! Love the makeup and so happy everything went well. Eagle prayers are with you buddy!! May precious luck be with you too!!
Thanks eagle, although make-up pic is from, like, six years ago...