After the Reset, your Ounce of Silver will be "either" $15.00 in Federal Reserve Notes, with One Half Crypto Cent back in Change, or Fourteen And One Half U.S.Crypto-Cents, by means of your Personal Checks, Debit Or Credit Card... This easily tells me that Silver is way Under-Valued at Present... Silver should be at least 110 Federal Reserve Note Dollars per Ounce... That would make it $1.10 in U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Decimal Cents per Ounce... When Silver reaches Fair Market Value after the Reset, a 90% Silver Dollar, will cost you One U.S. Crypto-Dollar, plus any and all Premiums attached... Most People will turn in their U.S. Coinage for an Equal amount of U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents...
After the Reset, your Ounce of Silver will be "either" $15.00 in Federal Reserve Notes, with One Half Crypto Cent back in Change, or Fourteen And One Half U.S.Crypto-Cents, by means of your Personal Checks, Debit Or Credit Card... This easily tells me that Silver is way Under-Valued at Present... Silver should be at least 110 Federal Reserve Note Dollars per Ounce... That would make it $1.10 in U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Decimal Cents per Ounce... When Silver reaches Fair Market Value after the Reset, a 90% Silver Dollar, will cost you One U.S. Crypto-Dollar, plus any and all Premiums attached... Most People will turn in their U.S. Coinage for an Equal amount of U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents...