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We mice like the theory PC. However, we find it hard to believe foreign $US holders will take a devaluation like this on the chin. What is this US dollar coinage which can already be obtained?
There will be no Devaluation in Purchasing Power... There will be a Redemption Period to make for a Smooth Transition from Central Bank Money to We, the People's Money... No one holding Federal Reserve Note Dollars will lose, unless they Fail to Exchange them before the End of the Redemption Period with either U.S. Trade Dollars or U.S. Crypto-Dollars & Decimal Cents... The Coinage available outside the United States would be the U.S. Bullion Coins, in which the highest Denominations are 100 Dollar Gold and 100 Platinum Coins... Here in the United States, there is an Ample Supply of Common U.S. Coinage, including the One Dollar Coins... The Dollar Coinage you're interested in would be the One Ounce, One Dollar, Silver Eagle Bullion Coin...
Right - you are talking silver and gold. We mice are all over that.
Someone has to lose otherwise there is no point making the transition. You can guarantee that what did cost you $100 will now cost you $1.50. Basically a 50% devaluation to the original currency - this needs to occur to make the reset effective.
If your federal gov does it your way - they are unlikely to use a silver or gold standard. However, if the States lead the way - they might.
In the opinion of two mice.
We will never go back to a Gold Standard... But, you'll still be able to Purchase Gold with U.S. Coinage, U.S. Trade Dollars and U.S. Crypto-Currency... by the way... The Central Bank "Owners" will loss US as Debt Slaves...