One of a Kind Art from The Bear

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Hello all in the Steemit community! Today I would like to show you a piece poured by the very talented Bear of the Metals Mafia.

The Bear is known for his expert pours of such objects as the Lucille Bat from The Walking Dead, the Death Ax, many Star Wars figures and an entire spectrum of others. But, Bear is not just some stamping or manufacturing machine. He has an imagination that propels poured silver in a new and interesting direction.

Many consider the methods of pouring and fine details of working silver as an art in itself, but Bear leaves behind graphite molds, petrobond, delft clay and lost wax to pursue unexplored world of casting! Although he still practices the known ways of producing silver art, he is experimenting with new ideas and as a true master of his craft, producing one of a kind works that will never take the same shape again.


This is the Cold Pasta pour, his first attempt at pouring molten silver into a cup filled with cooked, but chilled spaghetti. I was fortunate enough to see him create this piece during our live stream on You Tube playing on Saturday nights at 9pm Central time.

Talk about unconventional pouring! But, it turned out bad ass! And, I am so honored to own this piece and be able to share this art with all of you! I must also thank Silver Vessel for making this one of a kind piece a gift! Thanks brother! I won't be forgotten!


This piece is so wickedly cool that no matter how you view it, you can find so many shapes and figures in its structure from the silver taking the texture and shape of the pasta that formed it.

Please see my video where you can explore this brilliant piece in more detail and hear my awed expression in seeing it for the first time.

The Bear is on the move! He is kicking ass and taking names as he pushes the envelope of what is possible in the world of poured silver! Keep an eye on this guy, because more surprises are on the way.

Thank you for reading and watching,

Slacker Stacker



Incredible looking pour!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Pretty awesome experiment there!

@slacker-stacker I have to say that @theb3ar is such a creative pourer and as you said the sky is the limit on what awesomeness may come from his mind next. It is the ability to find new ways to do things that allows these one of a kind art pieces to be made. Thanks so much for sharing brother!!

Great post brother! Such a wicked piece! 😍 Thank you for the mention dude! 👍

I remember that night and thinking how awesome this was I am happy you got it brother

That is an amazing new way to pour beautiful pieces.

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