Going Medieval!

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Hello all! This has been a fun month for me! I had a birthday and was given a giant, hand made, Slacker round made my my good friend the Atruni Crafter!

Speaking of hand made items, the Renaissance Fair was in town and love the Medieval times! Good food, song, acts to astonish and the many characters in period clothing just make for a fun and relaxing atmosphere. I love to watch the jousting matches with their games of skill and deadly competition! The fully armored knights atop their war horses just make the show!


Traveling though the kingdom you see so many characters! Elves, beautiful maidens and Noblewomen in fancy and flowing garments, as well as wizards and mages with their magical powers. But, be wary! Pirates also have landed in the kingdom and their street smarts, scams and expert slight of hand can be dangerous for those not guarding their treasures as they walk the bustling streets and paths.


Captain Savage, one particularly skilled in slight of hand, seemingly possessed the magic of a mage! Do NOT gamble your gold in a game of chance with this man! Don't let his witty humor and easy going demeanor fool you, he will win every time!

I did have time to talk to Captain Savage after a gambling session and enjoyed or conversation. He was a great guy and very funny. Hmm... Not unlike another pirate I know in the Steemit world! (Cough) Dumas...

But, what I really love about the old times, are all the hand crafted items and treasures you can find there.


Here you see leather goods like a tooled leather book with twisting dragons, real parchment pages that feel almost like cloth and complete with a bronze clasp! I catalog my own treasures in these pages and this elegant journal has become a manifest of my growing stack.

To keep my stack safe, I found hand forged and built locks with old style skeleton keys to secure the chests that hold my precious treasures from the community.

I also found fine leather bags to hold my traveling silver and fractional bars as well as other pouches to hide away the papers that prove their origins!

However, I did not find much silver or gold in this wonderful land. For true treasures, I turned to more familiar Kingdoms!


Crossing into other realms, I was fortunate enough to meet the ruler of land rich in the purest silver and expert craftsmanship! Lord Poursalot, known simply as "The Bear," presented me with this exquisite war ax, a beautiful weapon of such detail and so perfectly made, it is a treasure I will never part with!

Now, with a weapon in hand, I asked Lord Poursalot where I could rescue maidens from dragons I could slay. The Bear pointed me to the kingdom of Abundant Pricey Metals Eeveryone eXpects, or APMEX.


This land seemed to attract every knight from all over the world! Most were nobles in normal armor, but there had to be almost 2500 knights in mirror finish armor and were known as Proof Knights!

I had a lot of competition and had to get to work fast!


I found two dragons! I prepared myself for battle, but as it turns out, the dragons were more afraid of me than I was of them! It seems that they were being hunted to extinction and begged me for their very lives. They were a dying race. They swore allegiance to me and I swore I would protect them.

Now, I have a legendary Death Ax and two dragons at my side. It is time I made a kingdom of my own!


Crap... Well, it was at least a good story. One can dream! LOL!!

Moral of the story...

Explore the community, meet new people, talk to them and make new friends. You never know what new treasures you will find!


Take care and stack on my friends!

Slacker Stacker


Nicely Done @slacker-stacker a little bit of everything in this post and Love those Dragons !

Thanks Stokjockey! I tired to be fun and different.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Lord Poursalot 😂😂😂😂 Proof Knights 😂😂😂😂 Great post bro! The dragon rounds are sweet!

Nicely done! 👍🏻

Well done Sir Slacksalot!
A very entertaining tale!👍😉

Great job slacker! This was fun. Love the rounds!

😂😂😂 that’s funny, great post bro!👍🏻✌🏻

Lord Poursalot is a great find! In Netherlands we have jokes about Lady Willwel (translated : Lady wants-to) and Lord Cannotmore

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