What is your Silver spot selling Price? #498

What's your Silver selling price?

I have not posted much the last few days and while trying to think of topics to post about, I started to wonder what my silver selling price was. How much would silver spot need to rise before I felt I had to sell. Most people have an idea in their heads of how much silver spot will go to, but I have no idea at all. It is something I have never put thought are research into, I’m all about that silver to gold ratio. But, everyone has a price……

I would have to say that everything over £30 ($40) and would be thinking about it. If it is a fast rise, I would sell and rebuy more after a dip and the storm has settled. If it is a slow rise, there is a lot more thought needing to go into my options. I am hoping that I never need to make that choice, I going to play the ratio game instead. I started 4 years ago and have 30 more until retirement, I would hope to be able to flip my silver stack into gold and back into silver at least once each before this time runs out. I plan to do my first flip when the ratio is around 40-1 and I will keep it nice and simple and only get gold sovereigns. If there is one thing I have learnt from silver is there is too much choice and your stack becomes plentiful in selection after a few years. Is really nice to own and a pain in the A for reselling to get best returns. When the ratio hits around 70-1, I will flip my sovereigns for silver. No idea what I will buy, that’s a lot of years away to planning. This is the master plan

If silver were ever to go £50+ and gold followed it, and then I would have a hard decision to make. If it were enough to buy a rental property I would have to go have that and restart stacking. It’s very hard to know what you would do until you are in that place. Silver might drop back down again, are it might go to £100 and I sell out at £40 losing all my silvers growth. I guess we just have to wait and see what the futures bring. I f I had to draw a line and pick a number right now, I would go with £40 an oz. This would give me enough to get a rental income on the go. What is your price? Do you even have a price? Let’s get some great comments below and share some information.


The stuff I really like I would probably not sell. Unless my financial situation changed. The stuff I don’t care about I’d sell now for any profit. 😄 I keep track of every purchase in a spreadsheet so as long as I am selling for more than I paid it’s a win.

I keep an excel sheet as well, they are good. And i have a keeper stack for under the bed :D Your thoughts seem logical and make sense

I’d think about selling at $40 CDN

you could see that price in the next couple of years but ive been saying that a couple of years already, haha

I think we’ll have to wait for another recession for $40 cdn Silver, to be honest.

Always what i say, silver will go to the moon!!!!

$50 cad and below 40:1 for me.

40.1 is a good trade i think we'll see our our life times :)

I have been thinking about this a lot lately and have similar price points, but it also depends on if the rise in price also includes my unemployment. If all else is safe I may look to flip into a few asset classes that look attractive, gold, numismatic, property, crypto. I will gladly take a few more years at $15 to keep loading up.

$25-30: My stacking seriously slows
~$40 - I probably sell/trade anything I no longer like, unload all the ugly culls and damaged
.>$50... who knows, time the market and sell at the top and reload on the dips!

Yeah, i was thinking about when i stop buying as well are just buy to complete date runs. And i would like around £20 - £28 dollars.

Its really hard to know until it happens

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

It's hard to answer because what would a dollar be worth at the time you want to sell? I would say todays value of 40+ and I might start selling a little at a time, just like I stack but only if it seemed overbought at that price and only if what I was selling into was a stable currency otherwise it doesn't matter what the price is.
Would you sell an ounce of silver for 1 million Zimbabwe dollars when it was inflating 10x a day?
So many moving parts to the world economy that it's hard to track your progress, at least for me.

That is a great comment and you are opening up a whole new topic there. A topic that i have never really wrote about before. Your thoughts are inspiring me with a post idea and i think i might keep it for the weekend

As my collection will go to my future grandchildren, I have no price to sell. I will, of course, trade the bullion for gold when the ratio reaches below 50. And trade the bullion gold to bullion silver if the ratio rises to 70-75.

Since most of my silver is numismatics that I got for under spot, I'm not really sure how to seel to be honest

(With my pinky to mouth) I demand a sum of $1 million dollars!

All kinding aside, I really just started staking a couple of months ago and have accumulated around 20 oz. So, I really do not have a selling point, but, if it got to $50 or better, I would think about selling some.

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