@agscotskiwi Hand Poured Silver Bar
It gives me so much pleasure to show this @agscotkiwi's hand poured silver bar.
For those who have not met her yet, you will find @agscotskiwi on Youtube, at the Metal's Mafia Discord Channel, and here at steemit.
I met @agscotkiwi on YouTube some 8 months ago. She is an expat living in New Zealand. @agscotkiwi is not only a silver stacker, she is a silver pourer as well. She took to silver pouring about 6 months ago.
Immediately after I watched her first pouring video on YouTube, I reached out to her and asked if she would trade a silver pour of hers for my 2018 Silver Saver Bar.
And here it is, the #2 Ag Scots Kiwi Silver Bar.
I am lucky to have one of @agscotkiwi's first pours, but most importantly I feel blessed to have found a great friend in her.
She is a treasure!!!
I found this poem on the internet, and it immediately made me think of @agscotskiwi, and thus I posted this article.
TREASURESSource: 100 Poemsby Ron Carnell
It's so hard to find the perfect breeze,
One blowing none too hard nor soft,
Carrying a scent of wildflowers,
And moving clouds about aloft.It's so hard to find the perfect sky,
One blue and deep and bright,
Carrying a sense of openness
With geese and wrens in flight.It's so hard to find the perfect night,
One warm, quiet and unflawed,
Carrying a mood of solitude,
And a closeness to our God.Yet no perfection's so hard to find
As that which you extend
And none I'll ever treasure more,
Than to simply be your friend.
This is a video of the unboxing. Please feel free to watch it or not.
Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold
Thank you for your continued support, @ssg-community!
Kiwi is an awesome member of the community. Very nice that you got a bar from her. 🌹
That is a great poem. I like that.
Again with the unique pieces. Not so many duplicates recently. That's what keeps things interesting. The silver eagles and maple leaf coins can get monotonous. Gotta mix it up a bit.
You just got splashed by @rewards-pool. For more information on delegating to the @rewards-pool click the following link.
@rewards-pool where a small delegation can get you a big splash.
Thanks for the splash, @rewards-pool!

I like this shiny bar! And the New Zealand coins! And the chocolate! And the post cards!And the fact that, at least in this video, you are a blond woman. I always imagined you a brunette...
Very nice work! Congrats to her.
I am struggling with the goal though. Why is she doing this, ss? Unless the bars are huge the essaying costs to ever actually sell them would negate their value, wouldn't it?
Thanks for the video. I do like her stamp do. Very sweet looking bar. 👍🏻
She is a most awesome indeed and I feel lucky to know her
She is going to take the world by storm after she pumps out more bars!! Great looking bar from an awesome family member of the @metalsmafia