There is one question that has plagued mankind for generations; which came first the silver or the egg? I welcome you to this special edition of pocket silver challenge and the death defying feats my pocket piece will endure to answer all your unasked questions in a segment i have titled -

where silver ought not to be


Disclaimer - no silver was harmed during the making of this abomination, much, a few burn scars and perminent toning but the pocket piece survived to live another day.

So all you budding chefs out there can use this recipe to delight your hungry clients with the

Fried egg silver sunny side rwanda down

Extra virgin olive oil

Step 1 - Heat the silver in a little oil


Step 2 - Crack open and add an egg


Step 3 - Fry the silver and egg together

see how the egg enfuses with the silver and engulfs it


Step 4 - Turn the egg/silver enfusion over to chrispifry

check out the beautiful sunny Rwanda side up and how the silver shimmers in the egg


Step 5 - Serve, bon appetitos nom nom nom


The brave little Rwanda Nautical Ounce has survived the expriment to fight another day, obviously i wasn't going to eat the silver as that would just be silly and this is not the place for silliness, this is a serious experiment carried out in labratory conditions by a team of experts in an attempt to understand time and space and the meaning of existence, the results were inconclusive.



Was the coin lightly toned by the egg? If yes, you have just discovered another way to artificially tone a coin.

I have been trying to tone it but it didnt look like that before i fried the muther, the Rwanda side that i had face down looks like it has antiqued but the ship facing upwards in the oil and egg looks like it has aged magnificently :)

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

finally getting some toning on the beast it looks tasty! im gonna get Phil back out hes lost in a box somewhere :)

It is starting to look bad ass, im surprised frying it in hot oil and cooking an egg on it has caused some serious battle toning, it currently in deep freeze for part 2 of "where silver ought not to be"

Thanks,now i'm hungry and want to go silver shopping!

To fulfil both hungars i would recommend a spicy tika masilver

Looks yummie!

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