hiya :) yup i need a magnifying glass too lol but i had an arty idea :) i will collect the best tinyshiny designs until i have a lot then make a display and mount them but so they all form an art piece that when you look close its all made from tinyshinies with different designs :) it will be shiny and pretty and look nice on my wall think mosaic in silver :) glad you like monty python :) have a fab day my friend, much respect to you
hiya :) yup i need a magnifying glass too lol but i had an arty idea :) i will collect the best tinyshiny designs until i have a lot then make a display and mount them but so they all form an art piece that when you look close its all made from tinyshinies with different designs :) it will be shiny and pretty and look nice on my wall think mosaic in silver :) glad you like monty python :) have a fab day my friend, much respect to you