I'm sure there are plenty of you, watching the Charts, showing the UP's and DOWN's of all the Crypto-Currencies...
We're starting to hear "TALK" about Countries considering their own Crypto-Currencies...
Do any of you wonder what will happen to Bit-Coin and many of the other Top Crypto-Currencies, when the United States Activates its own U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Decimal Cents...???
Has anyone other than me, given it much thought...???
There will be many ways to get your Hands on U.S. Crypto-Coinage...
During the Redemption Period, you will need to turn in One Hundred Dollars in Federal Reserve Notes to obtain One U.S. Crypto-Dollar...
You can exchange One Dollar in Physical, U.S. Coinage to get the same U.S. Crypto-Dollar...
I think it's very important that you don't dismiss the above words without a lot of deep consideration...
I'm sure most of you have heard about a coming Transfer of Wealth...
I believe my Wild Imagination stumbled upon how that Transfer of Wealth will take place...
How many of you would pay BIG MONEY for that Type of Advance Information...???
I don't have any Advance Information to Offer...
All I have is a Wild Imagination...
All Comments are Welcome...
I dont think the US government or the Fed or similar institutions will create a crypto currency that is comparable with Bitcoin or the other ones currently in use.
They wont create something they dont have control over once its out there.
Another thing is, that crypto users are very sceptical about everything that come from governments or central banks, so perhaps not many people would touch it unless they are forced to.
It won't be done by the US government or the Fed... It will be implemented by "We the People"... The POTUS is on "OUR" side... That's quite a SWITCH, isn't it...??? Usually, Politicians are Bought and Paid for, and work for the Central Bank "OWNERS"... We won't be asking for the FED's approval... And who said our U.S. Crypto-Coinage has to be Comparable with any other Crypto-Currency...??? It will be "Owned and Operated" by We the People... No one will be Forced to use U.S. Crypto-Dollars, Cents and Decimal Units of Cents... U.S. Coinage and a New U.S. Trade Dollar will be in Physical Forms... Thanks for showing an interest and commenting... So far, I've been very good at defending my P.C. Theory...
Well, cryptos that were created by "we the people" is what we have already. And the powers in control dont like it at all. That wont change any time soon. "The people" have no say in things like that - or basically anything , for that matter.
We don't know for sure who created Bit-Coin... Show me a picture of the Creator... I think it was very Clever to say the least... U.S Crypto-Coinage will be backed by "We the People"... It will also be used to help "Remove and Replace" all Federal Reserve Note Dollars, World Wide... We're giving the Federal Reserve Bank Owners the Boot...
Your post will be shared in my daily report :)