Tell me if you missed it...
NOTE: This is one of my Older Posts, along with my Replies to some Comments made there-in... I could re-type everything and add new pictures, but this seems so much easier since I have over 500 posts, taking a peek at my P.C. Theory from every possible angle... I had to use my own words to mention the Comments...
pocketechange (53) in steemsilvergold • 2 months ago
As most of my Followers already know, I've been writing about U.S. Coinage this, and U.S. Coinage that...
Guess what's going to be KING, when the Federal Reserve Notes, "CRASH & BURN"...???
I've been calling them the New Trade Dollars...
Thanks to a Comment from @silverd510 along with my Reply, I was inspired, to start calling them, the "World Trade Dollars" even though they will "actually" be United States Trade Dollars...
The World Trade Dollars will belong to "We the People"...
They will be Replacing all those 100 Dollar Federal Reserve Notes, from around the World...
You'll receive One, World Trade Dollar for an Old, One Hundred Dollar Bill...
They will have One Hundred Times more Purchasing Power than the Federal Reserve Notes, they end up Replacing...
The United States will not Default on any Debt...
As I see it, the United States will Pay Off all their Debt and become Debt Free...
Prosperity is heading our way and It should be arriving sooner, rather than later...
Unless our Dollars are Born again, they shall not enter into the Kingdom of Coin Man's, Pocket Change Theory...
Well... It did give me, a little bit of a laugh...
I hope everyone is ready for the Reset of our U.S. Coinage, along with the Creation of the New U.S. Trade Dollar...
By the way...
The Following Sentence, is the opposite of what you thought would happen...
Gold and Silver shall be "Backed by U.S. Coinage" and not the other way around...
steemsilvergold world-trade dollar birth coin-man
Now, some of my Replies to Comments...
One Comment was about a person known for throwing his change on the ground...
pocketechange (53) · 2 months ago
I can picture that... lol...That's why I say, most people lost "most all" Respect, for "Their Own" Money... Federal Reserve Notes aren't even ours... They're all on Loan with interest due...
One Comment said after trying a couple Banks, they had no One Dollar Coins...
pocketechange (53) · 2 months ago
What strikes me as being very odd, is that millions of One Dollar U.S. Coins are being Minted every Year, but I don't know anyone who's actually using them... Do you think perhaps, there really is a Plan and we're getting so close, they all of a sudden, quit passing them out...??? I can only guess...
Next Comment... Will they be made of Precious Metals...???
pocketechange (53) · 2 months ago
The New U.S. Trade Dollars will be made of Paper... lol... Trade Dollars will probably get no higher than One Trade Dollar... We don't currently use 500 Dollar Bills, so I see no need for the Trade Dollars to go any higher than a One... They'll be replacing the Old, One Hundred Dollar Bills... You'll be able to Trade them in for Precious Metals... Right after the Reset of our U.S. Coinage, you'll be able to either trade one in for 5 ounces of Silver or a Dollar in Pocket Change... That's why I've been saying Silver is such a good buy right now... I think Silver should have a Minimum Price of a Hundred Dollars, right now... I'm sure they'll quickly reach Fair Market Value soon after the Reset...
The next Comment mentions how Time will tell and that just about every country is falling apart economically...
pocketechange (53) · 2 months ago
I figure they will all follow suit as they become aware of our U.S. Coinage Reset and the new U.S. Trade Dollar , which will become known as the World Trade Dollar... I figure we have to act fast, due to China, trying to take Control of the World Reserve Currency... I think the Trade Dollar will win...
One last Comment was concerned about the worth of our U.S. Coinage and the new U.S. Trade Dollar...
pocketechange (53) · 2 months ago
You can get a "so called" World Trade Dollar with "either" 100 CENTS in U.S. Coinage "or" One Hundred Dollars in Federal Reserve Notes... You tell me if U.S. Coinage will be worth something...
NOTE: Thanks for your time and understanding...
You can find this original post and many others, by clicking on my screen name...