in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes I get the feeling that everyone is laughing at me...

After all, who in their right mind is going to believe that a Penny will end up with the Purchasing Power of one of our current dollar bills...???

Let's say BitCoin is currently at $10,000... If you had the Chance to go back in time and buy them for 100 Dollars, would you do it...???

Of course you would...

My point is...

If BitCoin can go from 100 to 10,000 Dollars, then why can't a Cent go up in Value to a Dollars worth of Buying Power...???

If you think Gold can go from 20 to 2,000 Dollars, why can't a Cent go up in Value too...???

Our U.S. Coinage is due for a Reset...

My reasoning behind the Reset is that, the Paper Dollars have lost up to 99% of their Buying Power...

I see a Reset coming, but when I first tell people, they all tend to laugh...

After all, they've given it some thought, and instantly know what I'm saying is impossible...

It makes me wonder why I even bother...

Apparently, there's very little Value in what I have to say...

I Posted a New Blog yesterday, just before I went Out on the Town...

When I returned home, I couldn't wait to see all the Comments and up-votes...

My Post had quite a few Views, but after 6 hours, there were no Comments or Up-Votes...

After editing it a few times, changing the Headline and a word here and there, and even using a new Coin Man, I ended up deleting the entire post...

If you were one of those to View it, consider yourself lucky, because I'll never make that post again...

I thought it was pretty Clever myself...

I'm sure some of you think, "If you see one of his posts, you've seen them all"...

I tend to disagree...

Most of my Posts, look at my P.C. Theory from every possible angle...

I figured the Trade Dollar would make more sense to people...

It's not easy coming up with Original Material to Post...

Perhaps I should Post lots of pretty pictures between every few sentences along with their "source"...

To make a long story short, I'm very disappointed in the lack of interest my Messages tend to receive...

You'd think what I had to say would go Viral at some point in time, but so far, there has been nothing for me to get excited about...

Even with COIN MAN, I tend to get very few Views, Up-Votes or Comments...

Every now and then, I feel it's time to take a break...

I think I'm fast approaching that time...

Feel free to comment...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange ...A penny may cost you a dollar bill...


The reset will come because the US can never pay off the debt it has incurred. The problem is that people only look at how great the stock market is doing (always going up) because the bankers and their computers keep biding up the market. You have to wonder what is happening to the people when they ignore the fact that the Fed raises interest rates last week yet today the 10 year US Note interest rate is lower by large amount. A reset will come and then the people will ask why did you not tell me this was going to happen.

We can lead people to an option they haven't yet considered, but you can't change long standing thoughts about Coinage, if the Coinage doesn't contain Silver or Gold...

Gregory's latest video:

Similar set up as the debacle and 2007/2008 mess

I want the United States to become its "own" Central Bank...
We surely don't need to use other peoples debt notes... Gregory
is aware of my P.C. Theory... Not sure if he's up to date on the
U.S. Trade Dollar...

Yes, we have to get rid of the Federal Reserve with it's power structure and hold on our financial structure. We do not need a central bank. I bet Gregory reads your posts.

I use to enter his chat room all the time... We've typed back and forth a few times... I can't confirm it, but I think Greg Hunter may have seen some of my words too... When I listen to the X22 Report, I would almost swear I might be known, but because of the Laughter Factor of my Theory, I get the feeling most people won't come out and actually say it... lol... And I can't say I blame them...

Your theory is original and unusual; but who would have believed BTC reached its high of twenty thousand?

I see that BitCoin is lower than the 10,000 I estimated... Anyway... I like the Privacy Factor of Physical Money... Other than the Receipt I receive after Paying in Cash, me and the Store Clerk are the only ones who know what I bought, and they more than likely don't know or care what my name is... When using Debit, Credit and probably even the Crypto's, I'm sure a Record is being kept by those who "need not know" everything you buy... It's kind of like being "Searched" in "Advance"... I like Cash, and U.S. Coinage prevents my Privacy from being Invaded...

very true

Hello! Those of us that understand the situation of the United States, greatly appreciate your posts. You have offered a viable solution, outside of the cryptocurrencies. I find many people do not even understand the concept of the world reserve currency.

Thanks... You always make me feel like I'm not wasting my time... You have become my Rock... I wish everyone was able to see what you see...

Thank you for your kind words- I watch for your posts daily. Your solution is indeed workable, and the only solution I have found in nearly 10 years that would help the United States out of this mess (plus now we have a real President!). Cliff High's solution was taking the hyperinflation of the dollar into the cryptocurrencies. Jim Willie's theory was the "sheist dollar" , or a lease of gold from China.

The P. C. Theory is easier to facilitate with less chaos among the population (the US Dollar is truly worth only one cent thanks to the Federal Reserve), would send those debt based dollars back to the Federal Reserve where they belong, and is a fair distribution system with re-value of the debt vs pensions, etc.

The P.C. Theory is worthy of Andrew Jackson"s Legacy against central banks.

At least, most people have some Pocket Change laying around at home or in their Cars... I like Gold and Silver, but very few people understand their Value or how to go about making Change with Gold and Silver... They will come in handy once the Dust Settles...

An Austrian based economic system is a great idea with gold and silver, but how to implement? Very few US citizens own gold and silver.

Also with the Pocket Change, parents give the kids change to save and use.

That makes me wonder, "how many" Full Piggy Banks, are out there... Who would have ever thought a Piggy Bank could hold "that much Value"...??? And with it's renewed buying power, it's going to make the Market Boom... Then, before you know it, they get their first Pay Check after the Reset... Reality sinks in and the true Value of those Coins becomes all too clear... I think it was my Grand Mother who use to say... "A penny saved, is a penny earned"... Who knows who actually first said those words...

Maybe you cain post on a different subject next time and I give you an upvote ok?

By the way, I also have some Gold Roosters in my Collection... Sorry, for obvious reasons, I can't be showing off my Collection... As per your comment, I can always post a Weather Report if you think there's more value, knowing the Feel free to hold onto your up-votes or you can up-vote any of my posts that are over 7 days old, and you will not lose any voting power... I'm not here to make money... But it does help when I up-vote others... Isn't that why you're trying to build up the New Community Bot...??? There are aspects of my Life that are going to make me a Super Whale here on Steemit... I hope you're still on my good side when that happens... I won't be charging you Steem Dollars to boost your Lead Level... If I find your posts or comments worthy of "one" of my 70 up-votes per week, you'll be getting a 100% up-vote from me...

Also, most people are living in their own little shell- do not understand the problems of our Keynesian system.

I grew up with Silver Coinage and Silver Certificates... I remember the Redemption Period, to turn in the Silver Certificates for Silver... The Silver Certificates are still spendable, but other than buying just a fraction of the Silver they once represented, they're now only sought after by Collectors... I also have one of the Five Dollar "United States Notes" that cost J.F. Kennedy his life... I've been aware of our situation for many years... I feel lucky to be able to tell people my views here on Steemit... My option before Steemit was Chat Rooms and talking face to face with others... I have to admit, I do get discouraged at times... After all, I'm only human...

So you grew up as all of this mess was happening; I have been educating myself in the last ten years since 2007/2008- I was able preserve my capital during that time thanks to Mr. Chapman.

Like you, I have been speaking/educating family and friends for the last ten years about this huge mess- out of nearly 50 people- only 2 or 3 get it.

When I speak to friends/co-workers, there is the disbelief that our government/federal reserve system is so tainted.

I like steemit, too- have been on here for nearly a year. But I found my posts kept getting lost in the crowd. I just re-steem articles that I am interested in- and postings such as yours to keep getting the word out.

Don't be discouraged, you are indeed helping many of us.

My Father once let me use 50 Dollars, so I could go to all the Banks and ask for Silver Dollars... I wanted to look for Rare Dates and Carson City Mint Marks... I kept Cashing them in at one Bank and buying more at others... I never did find anything

Back then it was Silver Coinage and I found nothing good...

Today it's Common U.S. Coinage... Let's hope we all start seeing what "is" good about U.S. Coinage and a possible U.S. Trade Dollar... I just have to keep my fingers crossed... And yes... I've noticed many of my posts being resteemed... Thanks for all that you've been doing...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange ...A penny may cost a dollar...


I love to go to coin shows- I always admire the Carson City silver, but the mark up is so high.

I have some Carson City Mint Marks now, but most of them are on the Old, Silver U.S. Trade Dollars... I think the #steemsilvergold community would love seeing them... Much different than the Morgan or Peace Silver Dollars... One or two of them have the Chop Marks from China... I personally don't like the Chop Mark, but they do have come collector appeal...

Maybe sometime you could post a photo of these Marks?

When all the Trade Dollars were redeemed, the ones with Chop Marks were considered to be mutilated... I wonder what China will do with our New Paper Trade Dollars...???

Don't know what you got till it's gone...

Thanks for being one of those who read my posts... I hope you'll be one of the lucky ones who have a Pile of Physical U.S. Coinage, after the Reset...

Thank you for posting. I'd comment more often but it seems to only get me in trouble these days :(
...They say if you're laughed at you're already in the future, looking backwards.

lol... I don't blame you for keeping a slight distance from me and my thoughts... I feel others have kept a bit of a distance away... Won't they be shocked after the Reset... They will all want to be friends then... lol... I also have a new invention that will probably make me a Super Whale here on Steemit... I'll continue passing out 70, 100% Up-Votes per week... I may have to narrow it down to one up-vote per person, per week, to maintain the Up-Votes Value... I'm thinking 100 Dollar up-votes... And no, you won't have to Pay me or Delegate any Power over to me...

Are you going to try your new invention as a crypto ico? I had a product about 12 years ago that I was seeking a patent, but the legality and cost prevented me.

I'm still working out the minor details, so that I can measure and Draw every single part of my invention, all the way down to the nuts, bolts and washers... I've been using mostly bits and pieces of what my imagination calls for... I'm very impressed that I'm able to actually build one from scratch... I'm still working on the one piece, that brings it all together... I think I'll be able to obtain a Utility Patent for about $5,000 now, or $50 in U.S. Coinage, after the Reset...

Get the patent after the reset! The best of luck with your invention!

I know the Reset "seems" close, but I have no idea when it will be... I just have to keep doing my thing until it happens... I don't think the Manufacturer I choose will be able to keep up with the demand...

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Thanks for your continued support... You should have many Followers by now... I'll try to up-vote your Posts, but I only have 10 up-votes I can' make per day on original comments made to to my posts...

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