Nothing New to See here...
I'm not sure how I've been able to write about the same thing for more than four years...
I never really know exactly what combination of words I will end up using, but at least they do come easy...
Most all of my Posts have to do with the United States Reset back to a Sound Currency, backed by Silver and Gold Coinage...
That doesn't mean, we won't have Collector Coinage in the Form of Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium...
It is my opinion, that the Face Values of our Coinage, will become very important after the Reset...
After all, they will back the Face Values of our New and Improved (Physical and Electronic) Currencies...
It's my belief, that the "Face Values" our Currencies will be in Perfect Balance with the "Face Values" of our Silver and Gold Coinage...
In order for everything to Work Properly, the Melt Value of Gold will need to go to the Moon, and the Melt Value of Silver will need to go to Mars...
I do believe that all Fiat USD's will be "Removed and Replaced" by our New and Improved Currencies, at an Exchange Rate of 100 to 1...
If a Person is Turning In One Hundred Fiat USD's, they will get back One Hundred U.S. Cents, with no loss of "Spending Power"...
That's because the "Spending Power" of our New and Improved Currencies will increase 100 Fold...
Because of this Transfer of Value, it will be necessary to add 99 Decimal Cents to our New Electronic Coinage...
Who would have ever thought we'd need to be able to make Change for a One Cent Coin...???
People won't even pick up a Penny off the Ground, and yet, we'll need to make Change for a Penny, due to its 100 Fold increase in "Spending Power"...
I know it sounds insane, but after doing all the Fine Tuning for our U.S. Monetary Reset, it became necessary...
It will take 100 Decimal Cents to Equal One Electronic Cent and 10,000 Decimal Cents to Equal One Electronic Dollar...
This should be a good indication of the "Spending Power" of our New and Improved U.S. Currencies, backed by our New and Corrected U.S. Silver and Gold Coinage...
To prevent the Melting of our Silver and Gold Coinage, it will be necessary for the Melt Values of Silver and Gold to be 30% less than the Silver and Gold Coins "Face Values"...
I do see a Silver/Gold Ratio of Ten to One, after the Reset to our Stable Currencies...
People selling their Silver and Gold to the U.S. Treasury will have the option of Receiving Silver and Gold Coinage as Payment...
They will also have the option to take payment in our Physical and Electronic Currencies...
I see no problem in obtaining all the Silver and Gold necessary to Mint our New Silver and Gold Coinage...
Our Silver and Gold Coinage will Circulate along with our New and Improved Currencies...
If a person has an abundance of Currencies, they can turn it in for Silver and Gold Coinage...
If they run low on Physical or Electronic Currencies, they can turn in a Silver or Gold Coin...
Normally, the Spending Power of our Silver and Gold Coinage will be to High to use for Day to Day Spending...
I figure, I won't need to carry more than a $1.25 in Paper Coinage in my Wallet...
Yes, I wrote Paper Coinage...
It will help to Remove and Replace the Paper Fiat USD's...
Paper Cents will replace the existing Paper (Fiat) Dollars...
Let me know if you agree or disagree with what I just wrote...
Brought to you by @pocket-change...
July 22, 2021... 2.7 Hollywood Time...
It is true that people despise pennies, I remember seeing a woman exercising, she saw one of these on the ground and says, it's not worth picking up that, I was jogging and I waited for her to go away and here I have it, for her. It is worth nothing, for me yes
Happy Friday
If my vision/theory is correct, you'll be able to Exchange that Penny for 100 Electronic Decimal Cents, after the Reset...
July 23, 2021... 10.1 Hollywood Time...
That's a really good sign
Can I ask how you were able to get so many followers? Do you just post or do what’s the plan?
I've been at this for a while... I was impressed with your writing skills, so just keep up what you're doing and they will find you... It all takes time... Sometimes following others will attract people to your Posts... Passing out Huge Up-Votes, sure get everyone's attention... I'm glad to see you're doing the 50/50% Payouts...
July 22, 2021... 11.0 Hollywood Time...