Silver engraving, one size, one shape.

 This little story is from my own imagination....I intend no disrespect or offence...just trying to set the scene.

She must hurry, time was almost up.  Hannah was Gentile and a pilgrim and had traveled many miles for this event, it happened only once a year and she could not miss it.  Her weary feet finally bought her to the outskirts of Jerusalem, although hungry and thirsty, she hurried on into the city.  She must make the court of the Gentiles before the eve of Passover was finished. The little money she had saved,  would be exchanged into the Jewish coinage and she could buy her Dove for the yearly Passover  sacrifice, she was very poor and this was all she could afford.  

Picture courtesy of Unorthodox faith

As she went through the city gates, she could hear a great commotion on the other side of Jerusalem.  

Where was everyone? the streets were nearly empty.  

Hannah could hear crowds shouting in great excitement.   It sounded like they were welcoming someone very important to the city.  People rushed passed her with Palm fronds, calling her to hurry and follow as "He" had arrived.

She must not be distracted, she had yet to change her savings and get her Dove.  She would find out what was going on once she had done what was required.  So undeterred, Hannah entered the Temple grounds.

What she found amazed her, there was live stock everywhere, booths of Merchants and traders.  This was the House of God?

 She pushed her way to the Money Changers table and waited for her turn.  As she stood in line, she heard disputes going on at other stalls.  Hannah had expected an orderly well functioning process, instead, there were  angry customers, smirking Merchants... others selling any and everything, it was chaos.  

Finally, at long last, she was at the front.  To her horror, she found the Money exchange rate was such that it would take all of her savings to buy a dove.  Surely that was not right?  Surely they had made a mistake?  She would have no money for the return trip to her home.  This was daylight robbery but there was nothing she could do.  

Suddenly,.... there strode through the chaos, a man in his prime, fire blazing in his eyes.  People pulled aside to let him pass...he bent and  and grabbed some cordage that had held a calf, he then fashioned it into a whip and begun herding out the Money changers and Merchants, overturning their stalls, unloosening the animals and pouring out their ill gotten gains on the ground to be trampled into the dust.  

With great authourity he cried

   “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers.” 

Who was this man?  Who was this champion of God, of the little people.....

He cleared the Temple out, peace descended, chaos fled.

Chris Duane's "Jesus clears the Temple" Silver Shield coin has a wealth of meaning and history behind it.  

In plastic

When @silvernova told me he was placing an order (being a Silver Shield group member) I quickly did some maths as I really wanted this coin! Combining our orders meant the freight was halved and believe me, freight costs are huge to Down Under.  So this was my special Christmas Prezzie to me!!

Available in  one 10 oz size and tablet form only, this is a remarkable coin in my opinion.  Designed by Heidi Watsweet, I love the "Chunkiness" of the tablet, and I love the way there is movement implied with the engraving.  Goes without saying, I also love the meaning.  


I absolutely love the pointing finger

"The reverse features three overlapping circles each with hands in them depicting different manual labours. 

 The two hands in the top circle are clasped in a handshake, typifying friendship

The bottom right circle hand portrays a hand and a wrench, epitomizing skills.

And finally the last circle portrays a hand with a sapling to portray tangible wealth"

In total, the reverse highlights focusing our energy on things we can control, like having real friends, skills and tangible wealth like silver"

(Above taken from Silver Shield description)

So I hoped you like this Silver as much as I do.  


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thanks for sharing i liked this story @newlifeabdo

Thanks so much, glad you liked :)

Awesome post @madein-hisimage . I love the backstory you wrote, it really helps set the scene and atmosphere of Jerusalem in Jesus time. It really transported me to the temple. Thankyou.
Your pictures are fantastic, I really like the one showing the bible verse in the reflection of the tablet. Two thumbs up from me, and of course a 100 percent upvote!

Thanks so much @silvernova, its through you I was able to get this. I am so stoked to get it, huge thumbs up to you, your so generous. Yes, was trying to imagine what it would've been like to see Him striding through and overturning everything. That verse is a years study in itself and extremely relevant today. Thanks again

What an amazing piece to have in your collection! It's gorgeous.

Thanks @kiwideb, yes I've been wanting it for a while, I quite like the tablet form of silver, makes a change from the round coins and its pretty hefty too !!

Thanks for the story. I did not read ahead or see the coin and I felt sure you were leading to the story of Jesus running the money changer out of the temple. I enjoyed the story. Very nice silver piece to have. See ya, Made In His Image.

Thanks @anothervoice..loving some of your photo's too!! Have left my vote. Have an awesome day

I always see you Made In His Image. How would I miss seeing your vote. We are such old friends here. We both started in May of 2017 and you were among my first few followers and we have stayed connected every since.

I love the silver shield rounds and bars! Chris does a great job on the design and capturing the essence of what he is trying to say👍🏼🍺🥓

Thanks so much @stackinag47. Yes I agree, he does an amazing job, with so much thought and back story to everything he designs.

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