PMAS Precious Metal Acquisition Syndrome (Stackitis) : An unofficial Preliminary Clinical Report

Health Report 8675309
Study Date: April 1st, 2018


I've been going over certain emergency room reports in the last few years relating to the signs and symptoms of the disease process known as Precious Metal Acquisition Syndrome (PeMAS) or colloquially called Stackitis or Stackitus.

In any medical study most of the hard data began with severe cases and finding less severe or mild cases may be grossly under reported and are not an easily recognizable a problem by General Practitioners in the population. In addition, I needed data from other major Health Centers but government based data have been very difficult to obtain even under written a number of FOI applications. No one has yet explained to my satisfaction the level of security classification to obtain it after several attempts through three different channels.

However, one good source of raw data is from the internet social platforms like Reddit, The Silver forum, YouTube, and more remarkably this Steemit Silver and gold communities where infection rates are the high, severe and are deliberately encouraged to a point it is even considered as a status symbol. And much more importantly is that they congregate in numbers that make this study quite possible. With a growing study population n>350+ with average manageable 10% overlap and a statistical error of 3% I can proceed. Identities were strictly maintained as anonymous.

The Infectious agent

Silver and Gold in all forms such as gold bullion as in coins, bars, jewelry, antiques and service-ware. Though paper asset versions of bullion seemed to be avoided.

The Susceptible Host

The typical victim can be anyone mostly men and some women with a ratio of 1:100 but that have progressively shifted up to more 1:60 in my observations in the last three years. Even young adults are emerging in this study population. Most prominent characteristic are that these are very rational thinking law abiding and amazingly generous people. Some have cultural influences like the Indian or the Chinese ethnic population. Others have parents, relatives or friends that currently or in the past collected coins. While this study initially looked at cardiac victims in Local Coin stores (LCS) we can easily include some that are also identified as into metal detecting hobbyists, flea market/ garage sale shoppers, and bank Clients as Coin roll hunters into the population study.

Mode of transmission

While all diseases require some form of direct contact like Hand Shaking, coughing, Sneezing, or more precisely the transmission of infected body fluids. Stackitis is transmitted by auditory and visual means as information and is processed in high brain function. And we will later see physical contact is inevitable.

Itiology and disease Progression

As the brain processes the information a conflict arises such that the conclusion attacks the individual’s preconception of economic reality. The attack leads to a dilemma and the body sets up a natural defense to either accept or reject the new reality by finding more information in order to accept or deny the new reality. As the truth emerges the patient becomes insecure and powerless. So security is at issue here, a need, as Maslow’s theorem suggests, that must be met. Maslow’s Theory

The most common initial reaction is Denial, “The economy isn’t that bad, everything is fine, the government will bail us out!”

Next stage anger, “This can’t be true! Cash is sound! The Banks will always be there for us! You can’t eat gold and silver! It’s a barbarous relic!”

Next stage is Bargaining, “Look, I’ll just move a little bit of my 401k into GLD and SLV and that will solve everything right?”

Next is Depression, “We’re doomed in debt right? The bank’s gonna charge me fees and taxes on my 401K fund anyway, either way the government and Inflation is gonna take some or even all my savings.”
Kubler Ross Theory

And Finally Acceptance! “Sir, how much is it for a 1 oz Silver bullion coin?” This stage is perhaps the most powerful influence leading to full blown Stackitis. Each Individual reacts at different levels of action based on their social economic status, available cash, old experiences, and level of expectations. But the most pervasive influential factor is the initial contact of Physical Precious metal! The First touch. The Patient then exhibits feeling of insecurity and anxiety is alleviated by the buying of Precious metals.

Double blind test subjects demonstrate the relieving effects with of Precious metals. Upon Lab controlled stimulus the subjects are exposed to various ordinary objects and conditions of daily life with only a very few are that are silver. With almost 92.5% and some cases 99.9%in the US and in Canada 99.99% accuracy we observe a clear adrenaline spike followed by the reduction of heart rate from 100+ bpm down to a normal sinus arrhythmia 60 bpm +/- 5%. Cat scan functions show reduced brain profusion activity as endorphin levels peak at not only contact with the physical metal, but upon Unboxings, sharing in social circles, and even Giveaways are regarded as quite therapeutically beneficial. The community is unique such that it finds it’s own ways of medically managing their own treatment regimen in a conducive atmosphere like “Stacker’s Stackitis anonymous” We can initially concluded there are Neurological links to the mid brain higher function endorphin centers.

Management Protocols and Interventions

You think of seeing an local coin store, (LCS a common acronym used in SSG circles), sometimes it's the mention of an innocuous word like 'coin' or ‘generic’ could very be the trigger that can elevate the heart rate far above normal range to reaching dangerous levels of tachycardia (+100 bpm). Anything can cause a triggering event to an acute condition so not much can be helped in that sense. It is critical that the patient remain in control. Plan purchases according to your own means. Know your retailer, Interval and routine is necessary especially for those on limited budgets. Factor in retailer promotions and price dips since these can be dangerous triggers but with some pre-planning of knowing your retailer and seasonal movements make the acute process manageable. Buy what you like, you know best what your favorite silver is. And seek advice from others, and in most communities…it’s free.

The Dark Side : Inability to meet Stacking Needs

There are special cases that the Patient that may have over extended their finances, suffered Job Loss, even selling their stack. Living expenses consuming all discretionary income as some statistics bear that out MoneyGPS Report .

There can be a potentially catastrophic issue we have to bear in mind. There is a potential massive infection rate should an Economic crisis event occur and I have made this an issue with Governmental authorities to take action in preparing for such an event that seems more likely as the days go on and I see more and more patients manifesting Stackitis (PMAS). Regrettably the Government and Universities had declined any further funding of this study and wanted me to steer my energy into proctology studies. So I would appreciate a Follow, Upvote, and or Resteem in order to continue funding my study.

But I can’t help thinking of these people in the vulnerable Kubler-Ross phase that need critical support.
On individual cases it is simply to acquire in small regular quantities like a dime at a time, spend quality time your stack often, enter giveaways, and by all means socializing your experience is tremendously therapeutic and should not be under rated by any means.

My Prescription, Join the Steemit SSG community, share your stories, earn some income, and make sure you have all your major food groups in your diet.

Kerris L Ravenhill
Public Health Intake Studies Division: HCW II, N.P.N, D.T.Dip , Bu.S.H.I.T

I work in a Health Unit. I am a Gothic Nurse. - Salutem laboro in Unit. Nonne ego sum Antiqua.


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Thank you for your excellent write-up.

'On individual cases it is simply to acquire in small regular quantities like a dime at a time'

However, one does not simply acquire silver a dime at a time. Especially when you have Agoraphobia and OCD, such as I to complicate my affliction (and the LCS is not a reliable option), so, online silver shopping is my only relief...

Everything requires planning and strategy on obtaining an amount of AG47 that will satisfy my Stackitis for a prolonged duration of time, and a 'minimum total' for orders must be met to avoid excessive shipping charges and expenses. Also, the 'Order In Process', anxiety is a symptom that must be dealt with by addition means.

Soon, I fear, the progression of my affliction will escallate, and my only solution will be to start obtaining the equipment and gear that is necessary to melt and remelt the Silver myself, and pour this into different shapes and forms until I am satisfied and calm again, while waiting for my new silver to arrive in the mail.

I see. Stacking treatment is more difficult without a good LCS dispensary available. I have a few places where I can pick up a single coin for a quick fix. And despite that you have done well adapting your Stackitis to accommodate around other issues in order to function with this advanced state of Stackitis. Your Agoraphobia is understandable but I'm curious how manage to avoid panic attacks from wild swings in silver spot prices, as I could pass on your technique to other sufferers with similar complex conditions. Regardless, you are an individual that into details with a high level of expectation on performance and results. A similar individual in case 11345, planning your orders and lead times to coincide with your acute phases can be difficult but the reward should be satisfying when it does come. Yes the wait and anticipation can be debilitating especially If you don’t have package tracking. Pouring may be a good option to deal with continuous maladaptation, I believe it to be analogous to a continuous drip medication. I can recommend you to Metals Mafia specialists for setup support. Other than that, my office door will always be open.

Thank you for such a concise, yet thorough reply.

For someone that has dealt with this affliction for so long, Agoraphobia, I have adjusted my living situations to accommodate my withdraw from outdoor society fairly well, I would like to think.

The Stackitis, on the other hand, I have only acquired just this past January, and I am still getting used to the symptoms. My biggest problem, as discussed previously, is the difficulty of obtaining medication in a timely manner. However, that is getting a little better, as I am now a repeat customer of a few online silver pharmacies like BOLD PM, And JM Bullion; and the turnaround time on my orders is now down to about 48 hours. Still, that's two days of waiting!

I find that Meditation is key for stress management.

I don't worry about silver prices too much, if the price goes down, I try to buy more, if the price is up, I'm happy as my 'stack' has gained in value, but, I may buy a little less. I see my Stackitis as mostly the AG47-accumulative disorder and chronic type, and manageable, (As opposed to those that are in danger of losing their stack to the more acute degenerative verity).

Thanks for the admirable referral, though, I am already familiar with Metals Mafia; for example, another coping mechanism I have is that I sleep with this 5oz little brick under my pillow for reassurance every night.

I have found that the proximity to silver is key for Stackitis management.

I will definitely consult with someone if my Stackitis does progress further, as I imagine it would, to where I need a daily fix of some sort. 'Pouring' just might be incredibly therapeutic for me.

Again, Thank you.

Thank you, I will add your experience into our knowledge base knowing that it will greatly benefit someone else in a similar experience, because the loss of a new Stacker as a loss to all of us.

Amazingly detailed and well done @kerrislravenhill!! I truly enjoyed the depth at which you looked into this disease and it has raised several questions in my clinical mind.
First, you do point out our normal behavior of "self medicating" ; I am curious as to whether this disease slowly influences those around the one affected and if there are those in their circles that are immune to it.
Second, I would like to see if capsules affect how quickly the disease takes hold. Does this small plastic barrier have any type of reduction affect as there is no direct physical contact with the metal.
Thirdly, I would love to get more specific into which precious metals cause this. We are all aware of gold and silver, but what about copper. Is copper a contributor that may lead to the larger precious metals or perhaps someone clings to copper as their primary stack.

These are just a few, but I know there will be more. I look forward to your next peer review journal release! Thanks again!

  1. Possible. In some case I’ve come across have genetic factors, and like any case, actual onset often depends on a set of factors rather than a single factor. An individual may have a strong mental barriers or resistance to audio and visual input. Often considered as ‘close minded’ or stubborn compared to that of a critical thinking individual who is willing to adapt more or less. They may for now NOT be able to work through the Denial and Anger phase. We can only see how long this immunity can hold up after an economic reset factor.
  2. “If you don’t hold it you don’t own it.” Possession is 90% mental; tactile stimulus is often critical on the original onset of the disease in most cases. The Capsule stage comes afterwards as the individual has acclimated to regular treatments and begins to explore other treatment options like semi numismatic and numismatic treatment for a little variety to suit taste and objectives. This sometimes leads to grading and slabbing.
  3. Interesting, I’ve come across three cases that began with Copper where one individual used it as a Gateway to Silver and then gold. The second case pursued a career in plumbing and the other into wholesale Electrical wiring.
    Glad to be of service.

Fantastic research and case study! So interesting and amazing to contemplate. Thanks again!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

You're quick today, thanks.

And I am late! I am in the dark European time zone!

And I'm actually a Night Shift Nurse by profession and a busy parent by day, I don't get enough sleep.

Lol! 😁 That was an excellent post sweetie! Very creative and well thought out!

Thanks, I don't often write medical reports since it's usually my Boss' job but why not write one up for SSG in that style and format. Besides real medical reports are really boring to write.

What a great read!! What diligence to try to understand the dreaded disease.

Thanks Dixie, a disease with many facets and nuances almost making each case unique and personal, needs more study. Polishing up what I was originally trained in Medical report writing, be grateful that I didn't have to use abbreviated Latin the way Doctors fill out their prescriptions. I actually learned some Latin.

Amazing relatory. As a way to help the research, I upvoted and resteemed it. Congrats and keep the good work.

Thank you for the support. I'm sure the government wants to bury this report for some nefarious reasons. Eventually there will be updates in the research.

An outstanding and amazing article. Congratulations, Sis, on your talent, creativity and writing skills. Thanks for sharing. Take care.

My white lab coat is missing so I used a old picture of myself for this short notice blog. Glad you were entertained by the Medical gobbledygook, Twain Stats, and tongue-in-cheek spin on our common affliction Sis. Be glad I'm not a doctor.

So funny Kerris. I really enjoyed reading your medical review. Now all we need is someone with a journalism background to do an undercover exposé into the dealing practises of the mints namely producing serials to exacerbate the stackitus phenomenon that so many in our community are afflicted with.
Great job my friend, upvoted and resteemed!!👍😉💕

Having more fun than usual with this post and especially with some of the comments.

I loved this post!! It was very creative and inventive. You make it sound like a real sickness (which I am not so sure it is not) I love the language and formatting. VERY well done Kerris!

Just having fun with this. See the other long comments and replies. "Ask Nurse Kerris."

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