“Silver Cycles" Strategy of Buying, Selling and Holding Silver – 08MY20 – ‘Captain’s Chartwork!’


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"Cross! Weel, actually, 'Double-Cross', bit we'll focus oan jist th' one! Th' 10 Day RA cuts th' wake o' th' 50 day likes it was standing still! Blye me! An' 'en, o'ernight th' spot price o' silvers shoots north like a fockin' flying fish oot o' th' North Sea! Cat's tails! - whit a run! That's th' end o' th' Buy Cycle mukkers 'n' we noo set oor sails fur a northerly coorse! Steady, steady cheils!" 😀 -Keptin

Trend Lines: Nuetral 2:2

Lest times:

"Tois things define yer personality, th' way ye manage things when ye hav naethin', an' th' ways ye behave when ye havs everythin'!"


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Disclaimer: "Ahh'm nae a precious metals advisor, nor do Ahh wants ta be. Ahh'm jist a dedicated silvers stacker in search of hodden silver an' adventure! Any attempt ta paint me otherwise will likely get you rin-through!" - Keptin Joshua Slane

"Honor the patterns and move against the trend lines!
Patience, self-discipline and tenacity wins the long game!"


At least we managed NOT to collide with each other.
Admiral Stoic would have had someone lashed after he finishes laughing.

"Jammy fur us Lassie, Admiral Stoic has bin steady at fower miles north o' th' fleet!" 😁 -Keptin


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