Lost it all...

Recently had a bad fallout with my parents, and they had custody of all of my silver and gold I had earned from my last job and I worked hard for. Anyways long story short, my parents ended up taking all of my silver and gold selling it, claiming that I was gonna sell it to do bad with the money and that I don't deserve to have it.

So now I am out over 1k, no gold and no silver. Not a dollar to my name. I may end up getting kicked out if this continues and i'm in a really bad situation about to be homeless and I really need help but don't know who to ask for help. Borderline starving at this point.

Why do our loved ones do this to their children? Why does this have to happen to me? Why did I have to lose it all? I worked hard for it and its mine, but not its gone. And I cannot express how angry I am that my father took my silver and gold and kept the money for himself to spend on things he wants to spend it on. It has me outraged. I lost it all and have nothing left.

I have nowhere to go, I might move out in a few months when my girlfriend gets a place, but that won't be for another year. I need to make money and I need to make some money fast, and I haven't had luck finding jobs recently because the job market is so screwed right now and I cannot land a job no matter how hard I try. I have sold lots of things to earn some cash and I have nothing left to sell.

I have officially hit rock bottom at this point and do not know what to do. This is why I have been silent for a while because there has been a lot going on between me and my parents. I know I could take this to court since I have the proof I paid for all of the coins and bars, but at this point I am in no room to do so because I live with them at the moment, but I am at risk of being kicked out and I haven't done anything seriously wrong.

My parents are both stuck in their own ways and think they know what is right and what is wrong. They don't believe anything I say and they treat me like a criminal and a drug addict because I occasionally smoke marijuana from time to time to ease stress, anxiety, and ptsd. I am not addicted to it however and I do not smoke everyday.

Overall losing everything has been tough on me and I don't know how to handle it, and I might end up homeless soon. I really need help and don't know who to ask...

Anyways sorry for the rant, just been going through it. If you could upvote and resteem that would help me a lot...I just want my money back... :(


If you're still working, you may want to read a few of my Blogs...

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Welshstacker and the #steemsilvergold community

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