RE: BREAKING: Multi-Billionaire Hugo Salinas Price Just Issued A Dire Warning And Said We May See The Price Of Gold Spike To $13,000
There's a lot going on here. China manipulated their currency for a long time. They didn't care about it being THE reserve currency when they pegged it to the dollar. They just recently got into the IMF basket of currencies, under questionable status and potentially continued future manipulation. I don't see China Yuan doing all that's being said. From my perspective, they are manipulating whatever they can to get GOLD.
It is US deal with Saudi Arabia that has created the petro-dollar. Others could always transact in any currency. It makes sense for Russian ports to accept Russian rubles. If the Petro-Dollar falls, then it will be the end of US/Saudi relations as they are today. Which is not OK for Saudis.
Finally, the sheetha cat is a collective of people, not jsut a bottt and not just programmatic. It is ccconnnttrolled by theseses people. Be wary. They are NOTTT nice!