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RE: 2017 steem silver round raffle. By @fat-elvis
I realize my wording was maybe misleading... Only new member for the free round! You're In if you want buddy!
I realize my wording was maybe misleading... Only new member for the free round! You're In if you want buddy!
Ahh.....ahah! That so its a twofer and I get to pick the newbie? Fucking A baller Status! I'm in!
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! Congrats HM!
Hell To The Fucken YES!!! I been jonezin for one of these rounds ever since I joined #steemsilvergold! THANK YOU so much @fat-elvis I am one stoked fucker right now! How you want the shipping deets?
A little Star Wars raise the roof action. works for me or discord. And pick another member to get one as well! Preferably a new ssg member!
Ok discord it is. I would like to send the other one to @ajaxalot I been working on him to get into #steemsilvergold
Holy cow! Thanks man. This will double my supply of silver :) Looking up the Discord now.
100% increase in silver stack! Not too shabby! @fat-elvis is the man!
Stacking it up lol!