Lots of Hand-Poured Silver [A Recent Famcore Update]
I figured I'd share a post focused specifically on my hand-poured or hammered silver. Let's jump in :P
Here we have three 3-ounce hand poured Phoenix pieces, very nice weight to them and a unique bulbous, almost egg-shaped design. There is also a pretty hefty 4-ounce hand-poured bar surrounded by two 3-ounce bars. Finally at the bottom you will see one more 2-ounce hand-poured bar:
An angled/different view to try to capture the thickness and design:
Closer view:
Now for a few hand-poured MK Barz designs and my Egyptian Anubis hammered pieces:
As you can tell, I am a fan of Ancient Egyptian designs - I'll share plenty of other Egyptian-themed pieces in the future, don't worry!
At any rate, I wanted to post for all of my friends on here who haven't heard from me quite as much lately. I've had some family stuff going on but I'm still here, don't you worry.
I hope any of my friends who have invested in BTC are enjoying their winnings and paying it forward in one way or another. I applaud you!
As always, comments, upvotes, and conversation are always encouraged and welcomed! Looking forward to seeing you on the Steemit boards. Stack on my steem fam!
Very nice stack!
Thanks KP! Love the avatar of the all seeing eye as well - now following you! Hope to see you around!
Love that hand poured stack. Amazing collection!
PS - just got my first poured piece, check one of my latest posts and trip to LCS. I picked up a poured Beaver Bullion.
Thank you jsull - I'll check it out now - curious to see