#piratesunday Sir Bentley Beginnings Captain K's Tale

Arr it be #piratesunday my most fantastic and fun pirate family, and you know what that means here on the Silver Wing. It’s time to continue the tale of the brave Captain K and his motley crew aboard the Dragon Fire! When we last let off, Sir Bentley had been transported back in time to his home on the day he was to leave for the North Narnian Woods. He was seeking out the mystic Daughter of Eve named Key-Wee to learn of the fate Aslan had in store for him.

Captain K black and white.jpg
(Captain K courtesy of @dixiesilverminer)

The North Wood was a sacred, but also dangerous land full of some of the darkest creatures in Narnia. After, the defeat of the White Witch many of her followers escaped to the wood and have continued here ever since. From traitorous black dwarfs to Narnian wolves, the threats were numerous. Key-Wee made her home deep inside the North Wood in a clearing near the center. After a couple days of walking, Bentley reached the entrance to the wood. The thin path he was on ran straight into a wall of tree stories tall and so thick that you would think the sun never reached the floor of the forest.

(Map of Narnia Source

Walking into the darkness, Bentley was taken aback by how silent the woods were. No birds or sounds of life were a stark contrast to the West Fields that he was used to. Bentley slowly began to notice signs of life that were different from those he was used to. Large funnel webs lined the trees for spiders that patiently waited for their prey, glowing eye and red eyes could be seen reflecting back at him from inside hollowed trees and small caves, and every now and then there would be a faint cracking of leaves to indicate movement. Wandering through the dark for several hours the silence was suddenly broken by what sounded like crying and pleas for help. Bentley’s sensitive ears picked up on it and leaving the path he struck out into the forest; running as fast as his feet could carry him. Reaching a large cliff face shooting straight into the sky Bentley could hear the cries clearly now and they seemed to be originating from a cave in the cliffs face. Securing his bag and sword to his back he began to climb the rough rock to find whomever was in peril.


(Sir Bentley source

Entering the cave the cries got easier and easier to hear as he ventured deeper into the hollowed pit in the cliff. Finally, reaching a large open chamber he saw two small eyes looking back from the dark reflecting the little light that had followed the young hare on this mission. Bentley looking into the dark said “It’s alright, I will not harm you. What help do you require and we can find it together.” The voice from the dark said in a weak almost inaudible sound “Oh I am so happy you have come please get closer so that you can help me from this cave.” “Hold on and I will help you”, Bentley remarked as he started to move closer and lean into the darkness. The voice getting louder said “I am so very happy you are here to help! It will be such a relief for my family.” “Where is your family?” Bentley asked naively. At this the voice started to pick up in tone “Why they are closer than you think!” Looking deeper into the dark at the eyes making the voice Bentley could now see as his eyes adjusted better to the dim light the reflection of fangs on a slim body. Turning his head to either side, Bentley saw five pairs of red eyes looking back at him, and as he realized he had been lured into a trap; the Narnian wolf in front of him lunged for him.

(Maugrim a Narnian Wolf Source

Leaping into the air the wolf flew under him and into another behind him. Bentley seeing this fight was not in his favor quickly started to head for the cave opening. As he ran two wolves attempted to grab him in their jaws, but he was able press off the cave wall and land several kicks to the heads of each. Sprinting to the opening Bentley closed his eyes and leaped as hard and far as he could. Landing in a tree directly across from the cave opening he could see the wolves leaping down from the cave still hot on his trail. Behind him Bentley could hear the pack growling and yelling to him that “he must help them make dinner” as they laughed to each other. Balancing and vaulting from tree to tree Bentley was able to stay just ahead. Looking back he saw no sign of them as he took his next leap. Unfortunately, he turned back around to find a large hole in an old tree instead of a limb he was hoping for. Drawing his sword, he jammed it into the inner flesh of the old tree to slow his descent as he fell for what seemed like days. Ultimately, he could see a cavity at the bottom of the tree truck and plunged his blade deeper into the tree to stop before reaching it. Bentley then swung from his sword pulling it with him as he jumped to the cavern floor below. Doing a quick recon the young hare found an underground stream and many tunnels in his accidentally discovered hide out. Exhausted the hare placed his pack on the ground and found a spot to settle for the evening resolving to find his way out in the morning.
Drifting into the abyss of sleep, he was brought to attention by a loud crash. Rushing to his feet he found the whole cavern iced over and frozen; it had become so could the very fur on his body had turned blue. On top of the iced over stream appeared an iron Narnian wolf with teeth of steel and eyes of flames. The wolf spoke directly to Bentley saying “Sir Bentley welcome home to the White Witches second coming! Gaze upon the utopia she has given you!” With those words Bentley found images all around him of his home frozen and his family dying as the cold frost hit them like a wave. Yelling to the beast “The hares will never let this happen; Aslan with us we will not allow it!” Letting out a loud laugh the iron Narnian wolf said “without faith Aslan is nothing “ The iron Narnian wolf continued to show images of Narnia frozen over and without life. Abruptly, a warm yellow glow began to appear from the tree trunk above. A loud voice commanded the iron Narnian wolf “Away beast you have no power here! This one is under my protection!” As the iron Narnian wolf set out to reply to the command a beam of light hit him knocking him back into the wall. Letting out a loud yelp the wolf retreated down a tunnel, and Bentley could see the outline of a Son of Adam landing in front of him. Looking at the cavern all had returned to normal and his fur was again brown, white, and blonde. The man looking at the brave hare said “come forth my friend no harm will come of you.” Oddly, Bentley felt safe and even welcomed by this stranger. “Who are you” he asked quietly. “I my young one am the wizard Merlin and you are currently residing in the tree that holds my spirit. “

(Merlin photo by @dwingsworld taken with a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge)

“Thank you wizard for your aid, but the second coming is this true?” Merlin, shaking his head and looking to the floor responded “yes, sadly it may be. You see Bentley a friend of mine is expecting you and she will have the key to what you need to stop it.” Looking inquisitively at the old wizard Bentley replied “Key-Wee?” Letting out a friendly laugh, Merlin replied “yes my little friend Key-Wee and she will let you know more when you awake.” Looking at the wizard oddly the young hare say “What do you mean awake?” At that Bentley was startled awake and amazed to find himself standing at the end of a caves mouth directly in front of the Daughter of Eve Key-Wees cottage.

Whelp my friends sorry for the late #piratesunday entry, but there were several items that needed taken care of on the Silver Wing. You know loot to be plundered and planks to be walked. Plus, I had to bath one really really hard to catch parrot (You have no clue to try and catch a parrot with fortitude on the high seas lol). So what do you think of Bentleys journey? What can stop the second coming of the White Witch? What will Key-Wee tell him? Come back next #piratesunday and find out!!
Please check out @dixiesilverminer and the post that helped spawn this tale here!
Link: https://steemit.com/steemsilvergold/@dixiesilverminer/piratesunday-piratesunday-piratesunday-piratesunday-piratesunday-16
Please check out @stokjockey and tell him thanks for creating this awesome pirate holiday that happens weekly!!
As always please upvote, resteem, and reply!! Thanks ~ D Wing!

(Precious thanks to @silversaver888)


Wow! We love this part of the tale, learning about Bentley and how he came to be with captain k thank you!

@dixiesilverminer thank you so much for the support and I am excited to illuminate that chapter for you!! Thanks so much my friends!!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Thank you my fellow stackers!!

I don't miss one chapter. Congrats.

@ronaldoavelino thank you so much for your support!! I am very happy that you are enjoying the tale!!

@dwingsworld I appreciate your participation on #PirateSunday, Thank You

@stokjockey no problem brother! Thrilled to be a part of it! Thanks for your support!!

Very good story Dwings!
Can't wait to hear "Key-Wee's" wisdoms!!👍🤣

@agscotskiwi hope you enjoyed it! I figure you inspiring a character that is about friendship and loyalty is very very fitting. Thanks so much for your support!!

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