@britcoin is back with all his Awesomeness!
Good day to all my Steemian precious metals family!! Speaking of family I wanted wish a member of our precious metals family a very welcome return! @britcoin had to take a small break to take care of his family, and we are very happy to report that all is now well and he has returned with a vengeance. Make sure to go over and check out his great content!!
Click HERE for his awesome steemit page!
Click HERE for his YouTube page!
(Image thanks to @britcoin latest contest winner video)
Oh, did I forget to mention that @britcoin has an ongoing contest for those that are active supporters of his. He gives aways 5 ounces of silver a month!! Make sure to check out his great content not only for the contest, but because it is seriously good and fun! Thank you guys for checking out my post and please remember to upvote, resteem, and reply!! Thanks!! D Wing
Arrrh! Thanks fer thee update.

Arrr Indeed my matey. Happy to throw my bounty of info to ye!! Happy Talk like a Pirate Day my pirate sister!