So while I was chistmas shopping last year I did find these and purchased them. It is real gold but not solid... I even was able to find a steem dollar!!! for me it was just a commemorative thing!
So while I was chistmas shopping last year I did find these and purchased them. It is real gold but not solid... I even was able to find a steem dollar!!! for me it was just a commemorative thing!
Those are sweet! Where did you find them? Especially the Steem one?
A place called crytocurrencies you hold.. google it it will come up
These are cool, more info please! Like where are they from! Cheers
I just posted where in comment above!!! They are .999 24k plated
Awesome,thanks, I'll go check it out!
Sold out everywhere I can find. Let me know if you have better luck @fat-elvis
I found some similar things on