ADSactly Contest - SteemShort #3 - Post 1: Request for First Part of the Story
UPDATE: The author for the first part of SteemShort #3 has been chosen (2018-Jan-22)
The summary with the most upvotes (68) has been written by @cwen.
Congratulations, @cwen
Here is the summary:
^^Screenshot sent^^ -22:12
He is so callous, so unrepentant. You have sent him all these texts yet no response.
This is the third time he is asking you to forget about the marriage.
You have sent pictures of your ovulation signs to him.
Asked four different people to entreat on your behalf;
He gave them four different reasons for his actions.
You thought it was all about your inability to conceive.
I told you it’s not!
He is yet to give you a genuine reason for his actions.
Now he has added injury to Insult by blocking you from all social media.
He is simply telling you to get out of his life. Yet you keep texting!
Aren’t you tired of crying every night?
Aren’t you tired of lonely sad nights?
Aren’t you tired of loving him?
Why do you keep demanding for love where it does not exist?
He is my husband. – 22:18
He is not A HUSBAND!
Are you crying?!
Missed Video Call – 22:38
Pick up my video call
SteemShort #3 - Post 1: Request for First Part of the Story
SteemShort are short stories written collaboratively by three differents authors and illustrated by an artist/photographer.
The process to create a SteemShort is described in this post and amended in this one
This is the request for the first part of the third SteemShort.
Authors that want to write this first part should send in a comment the summary of their proposed contribution. This summary must be in 100 to 200 words. Any proposed summary that is shorter than 100 words or longer than 200 words will not be considered.
To vote for an author, readers need to send 0.01 STEEM or 0.01 SBD to @steemshorts, with a memo that starts with "# SteemShort #3 Post 1 " followed by the username of the author. The character '#' is important, as it makes the memo only readable by @steemshorts. Any memo that does not start with '#' will not be considered.
Example of such a memo:
# SteemShort #3 Post 1 - marcel.dubrovnik
Readers may of course upvote the summary comment of the author they like, but the number of upvotes is no longer considered for choosing the author. Only the secret votes sent to @steemshorts are considered.
The chosen author will be the one that have the most votes sent to @steemshorts for his summary comment 3 days after this post. The post will be updated to indicate which author has been chosen.
The chosen author will then be instructed how to submit their full constribution. The full contribution need to be between 500 and 1,500 words.
Once the full contribution of the chosen author will be received, another post with this full contribution will request proposals for the second part of the story.
All authors need to agree for a "Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike" (
No title for the short story should be suggested. When the full text of the full story will be known, the three different authors will propose a title.
So, writers, send your summary proposals.
And, readers, vote for your preferred author sending 0.01 STEEM or SBD to @steemshorts with a valid memo starting with '#'.

Steemshorts Contest is authored and managed by: @vcelier
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In the bottom of the page type: adsactly-witness and press vote.

Use small letters and no "@" sign. Or, click here to vote directly!
Thank you!
Oh that's really good. Best of luck to all the authors who are participating. Looking forward to vote and i might write too.
This is interesting for authors.
I should get my neighbor involved in this.
Keep on steemin'
I'm a scientist who writes fantasy and science fiction under various names. This contest seems really fun.
MY SUGGESTION (199 words):
Life is short, even if you live forever.
Fifty years is a long time to wait for the things you ordered. Everybody's eagerly awaiting the arrival of the next transport platform, coming from earth. They don't anticipate it crashing into the ocean. Problematic when it's a habitat as large and massive as one of the seven moons.
Rain. I look down. Dimples reflected in a shallow puddle. We hold each other.
We're safe. Others aren't.
Behind us, behind mist, ruins of a dead city. Flooded.
In the distance, the sound of waves crashing against the far shore.
Were it that the waves were merely their sound!
With the city destroyed, the narrator and five other individuals venture towards danger, not away. They'll not age. But their life absent technology will be a hard one. They must recover, somehow, what they can, from the crashed platform, whose lowest levels rest on the soft ocean floor. Problem? It's slowly sinking.
Another problem. The colonial administrator is with them. She wanted to extort from the shipping guild and first gave wrong coordinates to the platform. Now she has something to hide from the other survivors.
Things that once took hours take years.
Thank you for your valid summary
Glad to be a part of this! Here is my summary for part 1..
Everything was right on schedule. There he was. Frank, a daunting man complete with a leather briefcase to match his shoes, emerged from the train at 6:45am. Just as expected.
As he walked through the train station, I noticed his grip on his briefcase, his slightly crooked walk, and his constant scanning.
Looking left, right, ahead, and behind.
I couldn't tell if he was expecting me or just expecting the worst.
I discretely followed him for several blocks before I allowed him to believe no one was following him. He stepped into a coffee shop downtown and seemed relaxed, as if he somehow sense I was there, but then talked himself out of it.
Well, not me particularly, considering we've never met before, but just the sense of me being there.
I wondered what he would say if I told him who I was.
Would he act as I was a ghost? Would he storm out of the coffee shop, leaving me alone with the blank and frightened stares of everyone around me?
Or would he accept me? And ask me to sit down with him?
great information
Thank you for your valid summary.
I like this story
Here's my summary, thank you!
It all started on a typically warm windy day in California...a long way from Yorkshire and the dank, dark streets of Leeds. A man saunters into a run down second hand book shop just off Venice beach and begins listlessly leafing through a pile of New Age books scattered in a chaos of covers, all promising instant life changes.
And on this occasion, against all the odds, that's exactly what happened.
The book that caught his gaze was entitled "Sunsigns - A Guide to your Perfect Planetary Partner." And although he did not know it, he was directly on the cusp of astrological fortune.
Mercury the old winged messenger, who blows both hot and cold, was at that exact moment in favourable aspect to Leo in his fourth house, Unconsciously spurred by this, he searches his pockets and discovers $2 in change. The price of the book? $2. A sign!
Book bought, he set off down the boardwalk to read it amid the palm trees and roaring breakers.
It's hard to imagine now how so small a moment, how such an infinitesimal slice of time can ripple ravenously out into the universe but it did, as you will see.
Thank you for your valid summary.
Herr is my own summary
Kennedy has made it this far in school without the help of his father, he's now in final year. His dad wanted him to become a lawyer, but he wanted to become a musician. He applied to study Theater art in school against the wish of his father. His dad has since then refused to take part in catering for his tuition or any other allowances needed for school.
All thanks to his mum who manages to save little from the money she makes from her petty trade and the host of performances that Kennedy do attend.
He found love along the way and they did what lovers do. Abigail is now pregnant for Kennedy but that is the last thing he expected now.
He talked her to aborting it but she told her there was no way to it.
His career depends on him finishing in school. But his he ready to face fatherhood and the responsibilities that comes with it?
He's faced with the dilemma of either quitting school or having to face his father who had vowed never to help him with anything again in life.
Thank you for your valid summary.
My submission:
Sitting in a stealth helicopter skimming the night-cloaked surface of the Arabian Sea, James Smith knew this would be his last mission.
He was to assassinate the head of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence, Amjad Darvish. Darvish's deputy, a long-time US mole, had already laid the groundwork for a coup, and only his boss — a staunch loyalist of the Ayatollah — stood in his way.
The CIA was more than eager to enlist Smith to help move the process along, and had given him ample compensation. More than enough to quit the spy game and live a long, happy, and financially healthy life on a beach in Honduras.
The mission went better than planned and as he stepped onto the tarmac of the aircraft carrier, sighed in relief as he collected his thoughts for the debriefing scheduled for 0400.
His last debriefing.
Safe in his cabin, he turned on his cellphone to find a text from an unknown number. It was a picture of his wife, her throat slit, with a red-speckled note next to her lifeless body.
“We know who you are. We know what you did. We found her. We will find you."
Thank you for your valid summary.
I Love your story <3
When life knocks you down, you grab it with all hugs, because there is no problem without a solution and solutions comes as a result of problem.
This goes for my friend Adeyinka, the moment he felt he was at the peak of his career, his company couldnt move on with the harsh economy in the country , so they had to retrench some staff and he was part of them...
Now he his faced with life challenge of finding a solution to his present predicament, having to cater for two kids , his wife and aged mother...
Thank you for your valid summary
Wonderful initiative! So my proposal (100 words):
And he who made the heavens wished to recycle the clipping, left from creating the sky. So he squished them and placed them near a star so they could cook. Soon beings sprouted and began toiling in the mush — and he saw it was good. For indeed the compost cooked. But soon sentience sprouted from the heap and it was not long before manny of the beings, digging in the mud, began to build heavens of their own. He knew they would soon forget the dirt, from which they came, but stoped to think, if he had done the same.
Thank you for your valid summary.
My Entry
Susan decided to stop by the book fair to see if she would find the book and as she entered the building, a man snatched her bag from her and ran out of the building. Tim had seen what happened and so he ran after the man to collect the bag from him. Tim finally caught up with the thief and so they wrestled with each other but Time managed to overpower the thief and so he collected the bag and handed the thief over to security and he returned the bag to Susan. Susan did not recognize Tim as she was still in shock of what happened and did Tim but she thanked him. Susan left the fair in a hurry. "Not again", Tim said to himself as he forgot to collect her mobile number.
Later that evening, Tim got a call from an unknown number and he hoped it was Susan calling but on receiving the call, it was Betty, Tina's best friend who called saying Tina had been kidnapped
Thank you for your valid summary.