
@funhobby51, I dont think you have to put all your details on the post you could just put a province/state and country and discuss the finer details in a private message with the interested party on the Discord Server.

that sounds like a better idea. Perhaps something like craigslist has were you can get a randomized email

You could always set up a PO box address or have it delivered to a neighbour if you were genuinely concerned about it. And as @claudiaz says, this info would be private between you and them.

At least here on Steemit you have the opportunity to 'check out' the seller's account prior to interacting with them.

That would be good for a laugh,

"Hey Bob,
You know that thing I was telling you about where you get cryptocurrency for talking to anarchists? I want to get a package from there but don't want any deranged lunatics to know my address, mind if I have it shipped to your house?"

haha! Well you could always pitch it with a bit more optimism!

Let's not forget, all that junk mail which comes through your door is a side-effect of handing out your address to 'trusted' companies whose intentions are probably far more deranged than the average steemit user.

One hopes ;)

I get very little junk mail, I used to be one of those guys who get people to enter a contest in order to get their information for marketing, thus I never hand mine out. It's not the average user who concerns me.

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