The New Money Project Gaining Steem... And Making $ense. PART 1

in #steemsharks8 years ago (edited)

This is Part 1 of my blockchain project's introduction. Look out for part 2 later today. Thanks guys and gals!

Can I ask you an honest question? Do you think the success of Steem is not going to happen again... No seriously lets think about that... Do you truly believe another blockchain project cannot replicate the early success of Steem but with perhaps a little more Steem Staying power? If you say no... Then you know nothing Jon Snow... Steem is just the beginning. It is only ONE configuration, one executed plan for reaching a sub-segment of the elusive and highly coveted mainstream audience (ie your grandma). Steem is only one way of potentially reaching her. But it is certainly not the only one... As Dan so eloquently put it bootstrapping a stable crypto-currency by utilizing a marketplace with real utility today, not tomorrow. TODAY... It is a winning strategy for mainstream adoption. What I am here to say is that it can be done again and we are here to do it starting in another industry... Hollywood.


Hello all my name is Solomon Adekale and I am a filmmaker , Informationist/technologist, and an original Bitshares member/Delegate. I am also the founder of the New Money project which this post is about. New Money is a simple brand that refers to the digital token I started as a way to reach mainstream consumers... That token is Sollars and Sense: Smart Money... or New Money.

In short I started the project as a way to hopefully build ‘killer apps’ that would utilize this digital currency while reaching regular everyday consumers. We believe smart money can be the ultimate key to giving them, real examples of how blockchain technologies can change their lives today. Not tomorrow. TODAY. Sort of like how SteemIt is trying to do within the social network industry. The first marketplace product we are starting with is Sollywood TV. So how will Sollywood TV with Sollars and Sense change regular consumers lives today? That is why this is being written so we can talk about that.


Sollywood TV is like SteemIt in the $ense that its the marketplace we will be starting our digital tokens in. Sollywood TV with Sollars and Sense is essentially a new online market for content and content subscription services with its own digital currency built in for pricing. The market place has that digital currency, Sollars and Sense, so it can innovate the way content creators can price their content to where a consumer will actually pay for it.

So for example if we partner with Netflix to provide their service through our marketplace. Netflix can absolutely sell at 7.99, 8.99 10.99 (Whatever.99) with our currency (Sollars is a 1-1 exchange to the Dollar). Why can they price here? This is simply because Netflix has proven the market enjoys the content experience they have to offer at those prices. They have ZERO problem on boarding consumers. They would get paid 90% of what comes in at those prices and we would get 10%. Simple. All is well.

Now if you are a short filmmaker or a YouTuber and we partner with you to sell your content or subscription through the marketplace. You will not be selling at 7.99. Why? Not enough individuals would buy your film or subscribe to you at 7.99. At least not enough for you to make a living or for us to make a living. As a matter of fact no one would buy your film or service at that price. Lets be real. No one knows you. And even if they did that is still not a price most individuals would pay. Its incorrect and its bad for business.

But if you could price it at 7 $ense or even half of that or even less… now many more individuals (we are talking millions) would be open to what you have to offer as a short filmmaker or subscription service. You would get paid we would get paid all is well. And with Sollars and $ense you can actually sell at 7 $ense or 3 Sense or 1/5th with no problem (thanks Graphene). This is WHILE getting 80-90% of what comes in for your content. You would make 80-90% of what came in at those prices we would make 10-20%. That is the power of new money technologies. And it can be a BIG DEAL for a lot of mainstream visual content creators and their audiences of everyday consumers. Really for any content creator that is not a Hollywood big shot already, making that much in a sharing split is life changing...


As Steemians and regular folks we all know our current money systems don’t work at those very low prices. Its impossible to price that low. You’ve never bought something online for 7 cents for a reason. You’ve never pulled out a credit card to constantly pay for things that are less than a penny for a reason. And yet, even though that is our reality, at the same time the overwhelming majority of content creators need to price here and even lower. We are talking about the excellent content creators you don’t see on Netflix. The ones that have great talent but can’t make enough with YouTube’s ridiculous revenue sharing model.

These content creators need to price at these low prices and even lower to even get noticed by consumers or have a chance at making a living or seeing better opportunities come their way. And make no mistake this silent majority of content creators you don't see? They make up at least 2/3rd of the entire content creator market and easily make billions of DOLLARS Sollars worth of content output a year. Output that needs a sufficient price to see that value become a reality in the real world. Output that will grow as these content creators become better at content creation and building bigger audiences ie Consumers. Make $ense?


Thinking long term you should start to $ense why this marketplace can be such a big deal. This platform doesn’t just look to help the Netflix or the Hollywood Big Wigs of the world it also looks to help the unknown creator to monetize and find audiences too. The latter is who we start with, the former is where we want to get to once we have a platform that makes $ense for their business model (ie look at the pic ^^^^^^^). The key for everyone IS THE RIGHT PRICE and giving all content creators the overwhelming majority of what comes in at those correct prices. That’s why we say with Sollars and Sense, the marketplace Sollywood TV has the potential to be the ultimate replacement platform to Cable TV. The platform everyday consumers have wanted today and FOREVER…


You see Cable and the larger entertainment distribution model is a $200 Billion dollar a year industry that is long overdue for disruption. Anyone in their right mind will admit everybody hates Cable (at least in America). The consumer market has been begging for better solutions to their terrible experience for years. And over the last 7-10 years we have seen the free market provide these better platforms. Platforms that continue to bring the rapid and irreversible decline in Cable subscriptions.

You know some of them: Netflix, YouTube, YouTube Red, Hulu, HBO Now, Vessel, VHX, Makers Studios, BuzzFeed, Patreon, Apple TV, Facebook Video, Vines, Roku, Sling TV, Pluto TV and so much more. All these platforms along with Millennial behaviors are proving the free market will bring an end to Cable. And all that $200 Billion Dollar a year value will have to go somewhere. It is irreversible.

Sollywood TV with Sollars and Sense is simply the final nail in that coffin of Cable TV. This is because for the first time, we will see a platform go further than all those previous platforms combined, and allow any type of content creator to correctly price their content. This means pricing it in a way where a consumer or a majority of consumers will actually pay for it. Because of smart money now anyone and everyone can have that equal opportunity to price correctly in the online marketplace. None of those platforms can claim that. Not Netflix, not YouTube, not VHX, not HBO, not Patreon or any other. Our marketplace is the only one that can.

That’s what makes us the ultimate replacement for everyday consumers today. And we have an opportunity to take that $200 Billion a year value and bring it to our blockchain via the Millennial generation as a starting point and the newer disruptive players as an end point. That is something crucial to understand.

Hollywood and Millennials is simply where New Money starts. Its the same way that Facebook started with colleges and Amazon started with books and Uber started with Taxis. You have to start somewhere that makes $ense. And for us that is clearly here. But understand there is room to grow and service the Millennial market and other markets in ways that only New Money can... like banking. So to our crypto-currency enthusiasts understand this means 100 million dollar market caps? 12 Billion dollar market caps? They’re all chump change. That is compared to what happens to the currency community that can convince Millennials they have the killer app for digital currencies today. We can do it.

That's it for part 1! Thanks for checking this out. If you want to learn more about Hollywood, the new players and how we can truly disrupt it with blockchain technology go ahead and follow me. Also spread this far and wide if you think it is worthy. I will be posting all about my industry and its workings. The time for disruption is now and we can use Hollywood as a trojan horse for gaining a real foothold in the Millennial generation. They are not to be dismissed. We are the future...



Steem_Land tweeted @ 10 Nov 2016 - 07:41 UTC

The New Money Project Gaining Steem... And Making $ense. PART 1… /

@SteemUps @SteemitPosts @steemit @steemiobot

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