in #steemschoollast year

Sensual Pleasure yields negative charges; such effects are #sensual, material, mutable and not permanent. True #pleasure can only be gotten through self-realization, as one manipulates concepts, noise and nature towards actualizing his or her potentialities. Without negating the basic "realities” of life, true pleasure can't be found in material things. Not in a hobby, #fantasies or some dogmas. True pleasure is achievable only through improving oneself via continues voyage of discovering truth (self realization). Am a pragmatist and a social reconstructionist. From my experiences so far I realize that what gives a form of pleasure that is immaterial, infallible, immutable and eternal is #KNOWLEDGE. Fantasies are sensual and temporal, these are only opiates.

#Developing your potentials first academically helps to build that quest for truth in you; such will help you to always realize that there are many things that you still need to know. Building bridges and #networks with other members’ helps one also to always develop much accurate system of believes and such also builds up an individual's worldviews. Learn a Skill, be teachable, self sufficient and self reliant, because utility pays allot. lastly, Man is "A #god" on #earth, you can achieve all if you so wish to, humans can't be trusted and as such, know that you can never give what you do not have, believe in yourself, manage scars resources and use what you have at hand to get what you want because a bird at hand is more valuable than that which is far from your reach. 
When you think about all, isn’t that a wonderful #feeling?  When you realize your full potentials, get to upgrade your world views and stay off every atom of #dogmatism, fantasies and come to realize that you were just #celebrating your ignorance, #thinking that you had known it all while you were totally off point, isn't that wonderful? 

By: Dabo Euclid Ammel (M. Ed Philosophy, PDE, B. A. Philosophy)

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