The Devil's Box

The Devil's Box

Etymologically, television translates to "long sight". But it was myopically rounded off to a devil's tool by some - influential and powerful. When the pastor says there's a devil stamp on it, forget it.

How the television was termed the devil's box and forbidden in the homes of members of a particular denomination tells the story of the Nigerian church. The fact that same TV now carries the face of the leader of same denomination makes our state even more sorry.

We can term it different things: hypocrisy, religiosity, fanaticism, blindness, sensationalism, control or even African mentality. But it's hard to fully describe.

Our biggest denominations uphold doctrines that are apparently not biblical. Amazingly enough, these doctrines are what they attach the most importance.

Covering of hair.

Wearing of trousers.

Drinking of alcohol.

Listening to secular music.

Paying of tithes. Etcetera.

It will be wrong to say some of these things are outrightly permissible, but the way doctrines are built on them is the problem. It's fine to say, " we don't do this or that here", but to say "God says it's wrong to do this or that" when there is no such instruction is the problem.

Some wake up and preach against what they don't like. Fine. They go ahead and say it's a sin. Conjure one or two scriptures to support; threaten folks with Hell. It becomes a doctrine. Just like that! Others who don't believe same are seen as sinful!

Till date, some people still believe christian sisters who wear trousers will go to hell. Painful!

We understand why putting on trousers might be bad (maybe tradition or decency sake). We can leave it there. But to go ahead to say God forbids trousers? Ah! That's a step too far!

We understand why tithing might be necessary in a church. Fine. But to say non-tithers will go to hell? That's too far!

But can't we just let each denomination practice the doctrine that suit them? Of course! People still walk barefooted under the sun (you even know how you mock them).

Any church can choose to forbid TV or meat or trousers or earrings or blood transfusion. But when such a church do so claiming the Scriptures ask believers to do so, we have to resist it. If possible, go to WAR!

Any of such doctrine that ridicules the finished work of Christ must be resisted! People's hope of eternity should rest squarely on Jesus. Any contradiction should be booted out. If anyone says "leave them na", boot him out too.

Life nor hard!

We cannot continue to impose our ideas on the body of Christ and falsely claim the Bible as the authority!

We cannot continue to say false things in the name of " God said", when the truth is replete on the pages of the Bible.

We preach a Christ-centered Gospel, and nothing should ever contradict Christ.


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