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RE: Na, dann will ich doch mal den "Steem" repräsentieren... (Bewerbung)

Hm. I'm approaching this bit by bit via the general definition of "represent". This means "to portray something" and for me this means first and foremost to represent a good example with a clear conscience.

Of course, it includes setting a good example, and that leads us to a dilemma, a good example of what? Because for that we have to know what is expected of someone in Steemit. And if we do it to please others or we do it because we like it and we identify with it. And in the latter there is an obvious divergence between the motivations that attract people to Steemit.

The "ideal" would be that people are here because they like it. Not to turn Steemit into a job that becomes immense and overwhelming... Since someone takes it that way, they are already beginning to lose their joy and taste, and they have written their next withdrawal.

The definition does not per se include servant, teacher or for that matter police officer.... ;-)

Becoming a servant depends on each one. In my Spanish language, being a "server" is not the same as being a "servant". I don't know if there is a word in English to express my idea. I meant someone who is inclined to help others, in our case, someone who is available to other steemians, guide and guide them, without this being a forced task, of course.

It does not include being a "teacher", since we are all learning, it would be being a collaborator who "shares".

Nor does it include being "Police", hahaha, but if we see something irregular, the logical thing to do is to say so, if we care about the community and its operation.

What I do want to emphasize is that in Steemit, sometimes we take everything very personally, with a lot of drama, there are those who make an effort for a few days, and then leave tired and exhausted... but nobody forces them to do that. In my experience, you have to maintain a balance like everything in life, and not lose the joy of being in Steemit, so that it does not become a boring "job" in which you are an "employee". I don't like that idea and I've always seen it as very absurd, but it's just my opinion. Steemit must be something different...

Maybe I have a lot to say, and I don't want to write too much lol 😅


The day Steemit becomes a job for me I have to leave... 😉

I look forward to continuing fruitful dialogues with you.... 😊

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