What makes really real money? (continuation)- Cancun (Day 28, $14)

in #steemproof6 years ago

US$ 9,000 is nothing and anyway it's not that easy to access from my the point where I am. What is the answer to all questions? 42. What does it mean? $ 42/hour or $ 42/lead? 42 days? Hey, maybe the age of 42 years, that I will have next year. Fuck that doesn't really help now!

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Back to the options, I failed completely to put 1 gig on Fiverr a day, I failed to get up 4:00 a.m., I failed to finish blitzapi with a flashbang (I'm still on it :@). I failed to make serious money each day till now and I have only 62 days in front. Yesterday I got a panic attack and went back to set up a secure web server for magic WordPress hosting, and like ever I'm still on it. What "still on it means" is: No income!

@mermaidvampire and @cadawg brought me back to think about @utopia-io, but I have the overwhelming feeling that I will invest there also more time to the point to make some money instead to make some money. Looks now it is even through discord (which really doesn't convince me really and I'm also not anymore that social after dropping almost all of my social contacts).

Yesterday I researched more and more about affiliate marketing, how to glue everything together and make it work. With every step, there are more challenges, what on its own is pretty awesome. Problems == Growth. A lot to think, read, watch and do. But if you break it down, it comes to one little thing: traffic
Traffic depends on money (to buy traffic, fast lane) or on content to generate traffic (slow lane).

Photo by Skitterphoto from Pexels

Where do I stay?

  • $14
  • Bolivian Bank account and Visa card
  • German Bank account with Mastercard, but no way to put physical money in - so it needs to get filled up by work or selling goods
  • Enough servers for the next months
  • Knowledge in various areas of IT
  • Knowledge about making money (only that I never applied it well)
  • Developing blitzapi to sell on-demand almost real-time VPN for (mainly) short time use
  • Setting up a server for easy and affordable WordPress hosting to sell it via STEEM, SBD, BCH and through Fiverr (because I can not get a payment processor in my situation, or at least I'm not aware of one or have a fault in my thoughts, so tell me if I'm wrong)
  • Writing a tutorial about how to set up the server for WordPress hosting.
  • Try to post at steem twice a day, but at the moment it looks more like once every second day :/
  • Being distracted most of the day, only quit hours from getting up till 7 a.m. and from 11 p.m ( but not guaranteed)
  • Can sell my phone still for $ 80 and my Monitor probably for the same amount
  • Having a library of more than 2500 books, but get bad conscious while reading felling to be not productive.
  • 295 tabs in 24 windows open (okay 7 I can subtract because it is steemit and Namecheap, which I will close on finishing the post). I don't close them because I need them still for different tasks, but they distract me a lot and make me cray. If there would be only a way in Firefox to organize bookmarks like a mindmap. I think the age of AR and VR on the rise.

Why I have NameCheap open? I had yesterday a great idea. No! In reality, I had 2004 a great idea, never finished popped up yesterday and with all the new fancy stuff it could be even more exciting (but I need first to make some money for that - to make more money, for myself and my prospects).

Photo by Andres Chaparro from Pexels

What I (think I) should read right now:

Finish What You Start, Peter Hollins
From amazon.com

It's All in Your Head: Thinking Your Way to Happiness, Stephen M. Pollan and Mark Levine
From amazon.com

How to Sell Yourself, Arch Lustberg
From amazon.com

Buying Customers 2.0: Acquire More Customers With Less Money, Brad Sugars
From amazon.com

Automate Your Traffic, Funnels And Follow Up With The World (Automate The World), Hawk Mikado
From amazon.com

100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, Third Edition: Change Your Life Forever, Steve Chandler
From amazon.com

Convert!: Designing Web Sites to Increase Traffic and Conversion, Ben Hunt
From amazon.com

(Wonder if it is still worth to read.)

The Source: Open Your Mind, Change Your Life, Tara Swart
From amazon.com

The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime!, The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime!
From amazon.com

Mind Maps at Work: How to be the best at work and still have time to play, Tony Buzan
From amazon.com

Digital Marketing, Alan Charlesworth
From amazon.com

No Job? No Prob!: How to Pay Your Bills, Feed Your Mind, and Have a Blast When You're Out of Work, Nicholas Nigro
From amazon.com

The Formula: Unlocking the Secrets to Raising Highly Successful Children, Ronald F. Ferguson and Tatsha Robertson
From amazon.com

Not necessarily in that order, although I think the first one is the most important for me right now. Do you read any of them? Some thought about? Some Idea or advice?
:D at the end I got the idea I could also put affiliate links instead of the normal links, but to sign up I need first a web site, for this reason :/

Last thoughts, there should be some spoiler tags, like ever when I right it's almost a testament. Somebody has some jumpstart for @utopia-io, makes it really sense (from a financial standpoint) to fight through in my position, or better I get it out of my had to focus on the rest?

Have a great day, relaxed night, sexy dreams and a lot of ocean and beach :)


Aaaand, you could have made those amazon links affiliate links, come on! Low hanging fruit :)

Hm, maybe I'm too small in my mind at the moment. I thought for a moment to put my steemit profile, but they were talking about a lot of followers necessary to get approved. But I think I will make some WordPress sites and then some posts about the books I'm reading. Think it's anyway a good way to process it twice.

Do you have Adsense?


Probably I'm another time wrong. But at the moment I have only some dead web sites lying around and 1 I try to sell here in Bolivia cheap to get some capital to act. For AdSense, it is also necessary to have a website to put the ads, or?

I'm a little bit new to the Ads things, I was not really perceiving them in the last years through uBlock(adblocker) and selective javascript. So I didn't want to put ever Ads at this time on my own sites while I blocked them on my own in my browsers :/

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