Tea time news with @tea-man, bringing you fresh updates daily from within Yes Please and around the Steemit community.
Today @ 18:00
Drop in your choon tracks for a Yes Please choooon special today at 18:00 on dlive. Click below to listen to the playlist put together by you guys.
So what is Choon???
Choon is a music streaming service and digital payments ecosystem—designed to solve the music industry’s most fundamental problems. Each time someone plays an artists track it generates notes which will hold value against Ethereum. Sounds good right.... yes it does...
Yes Please Magazine Issue 3 - Further Afield
Here's this weeks issue of the Yes Please Magazine, featuring content from in and around the pond.
YES PLEASE MAGAZINE - Next Issue Coming 07/08/2018
Lovely jubbly... lets put the the kettle on, make a proper brew and get ready for the next issue of the Yes Please Magazine on Steemit. We will be bringing you infotainment from within the steemit community and other top quality content we may stumble upon on our journeys around the block-chain. At yes-please we aim to publish one magazine a week, featuring columns such as Tea Time News, yes please updates, track of the week, radio shows, bottoms up, Mr. Motivaor and new artist releases.
Please join the Yes Please discord and drop your steemit posts in to be featured in the Tea Time News, Yes Please magazine, Yes Please live show or to just get an extra upvote.
If you would like to be featured on the Yes Please youtube channel, musicoin mixes and on steemit, you can submit your tracks here.
Woohoo! Thanks man! Thats most kool and looks like iam missing a Live show! Best go have a look! :D