
in #steempress5 years ago


A few days ago, Bitcoin continued to rise, breaking through the psychological barrier of $10,000, reaching a peak of about 14,000. But the good times are not long. Just around 4:30 on the 27th, Bitcoin began to fall sharply, and the pessimism in the market began to spread again. Many people say that Bitcoin is a hoax. It has no value at all. But I don't think so. It is reasonable to exist. Bitcoin naturally has its value today, and I think it will rise.前几天,比特币不断上涨,突破了10000美元的心理关口,最高涨到了14000左右。但是好景不长,就在27号4:30左右,比特币开始暴跌,市场上的悲观情绪又开始蔓延。许多人说,比特币就是一个骗局,它根本没有价值,但是我不这样认为,存在即合理,比特币发展到今天自然有它的价值所在,并且我认为比特币还会上涨。

First.Bitcoin can resist inflation. In this world, inflation is very serious in some countries. People have to buy household goods as soon as they get their wages in order to prevent currency devaluation. The total number of Bitcoins is only 21 million, theoretically eliminating the possibility of large-scale devaluation. And from the overall price curve of Bitcoin, as long as investors are not at the highest entry point of Bitcoin, they are still earning. And in terms of trading volume, this fall is a drop in volume, not a drop in market confidence, so I think Bitcoin will continue to rise.一:比特币可以抵御通货膨胀。在这个世界上,有的国家的通货膨胀十分严重,民众们领到工资就要赶紧购买生活用品,以防货币贬值。而比特币的总量只有2100万个,从理论上来讲杜绝了大规模贬值的可能性。而且通过比特币整体的价格曲线来看,只要投资者不是在比特币的最高的入场的,到现在都有的赚。而且从交易量上来看,这次下跌属于放量下跌,而不是市场失去信心的下跌,所以我认为比特币还会上涨。

Second: Bitcoin is secure and private. The Swiss bank was once known as the safest bank in the world, but now it has to provide some customer information to the U.S. government. Unlike Bitcoin, its de-centralization makes it very private. No one knows the real identity of the person you are dealing with, and no bank can block your Bitcoin wallet, nor can any government impose sanctions on you. Bitcoin is a paradise for some people in special industries, so they won't sit back and watch it depreciate. Bitcoin appreciation and stability are good for everyone.二:比特币安全并且私密。瑞士银行曾经以世界上最安全的银行而闻名,但是现在它也要向美国政府提供一些客户的资料。而比特币不同,它的去中心化的特点使它的私密性非常高,没有人可以知道正在和你交易的人的真实身份,并且也没有任何银行可以封掉你的比特币钱包,也没有任何政府可以对你进行制裁。比特币对于某些从事特殊行业的人来说简直是天堂,所以他们不会坐视比特币贬值,比特币升值并且保持稳定对大家都有好处。

Third: Various encrypted currencies are in the ascendant. Since the advent of Bitcoin, encrypted currencies have sprung up like mushrooms, and the block chain market has attracted a large number of people to enter. These people continue to innovate and develop a variety of block chain applications to attract users. As the eldest brother, Bitcoin will not fall as long as its younger brothers do not fall.三:各种加密货币的方兴未艾。自从比特币问世以来,各种加密货币如雨后春笋般涌现出来,区块链市场吸引了一大批人员进入。这些人不断创新,开发出各种各样的区块链应用来吸引用户。而比特币作为老大哥,只要它的这些小弟不倒,比特币就不会倒。

To sum up, I think there is still room for Bitcoin to rise after the currency stabilizes, even reaching its peak at the end of 2017.综上所述,我认为在币价稳定之后,比特币还有上涨的空间,甚至可以达到2017年底的最高点。

If you agree with my article, please vote and pay attention to me. If you have different opinions, please let me know in the comments.


Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://cnstm.org/blog/2019/06/28/%e4%b8%ba%e4%bb%80%e4%b9%88%e6%88%91%e8%ae%a4%e4%b8%ba%e6%af%94%e7%89%b9%e5%b8%81%e8%bf%98%e8%83%bd%e4%b8%8a%e6%b6%a8%ef%bc%8c%e5%ae%83%e7%9a%84%e4%bb%b7%e5%80%bc%e5%9c%a8%e5%93%aa/


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@kadishakho 卡姐 迎着海啸 踩着滑板 给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


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