in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

Greetings Steeminians, grateful for your presence on my blog..

All in one way or another, we have wanted to grow within the platform and many have done so largely since they started on this wonderful platform. In my case, of course I have wanted to grow with the intention of helping others, that is why I have decided with the help of others, in large part to social assistance within the country in which I live, as is Venezuela. In just a short time I have within the platform, I have achieved significant things and with this I believe that great contributions have been made to the different communities.

Part of that support, is what happened a few days ago with the contribution of @fulltimegeek, who made a donation of 30 steem to me and that donation I have tried to distribute in various projects of immediate scope, as has been the purchase of Some materials that go directly to the benefit of some institutions such as, for example, the donation of a Tensiometer was made to the community of Chupadero about a week ago. On that same date, other materials were also donated and will be available later. In this specific case, I will talk about the donation made to the Catholic Church of the community of Chupadero, in addition to the Margot Risso School in Malave.


During a conversation with a person from the community, he explained that on August 4 the celebration of First Communion should be held for those who profess the Catholic religion within the community and that the Church needed painting or at least , the contribution of a bag of Cal with which it will be possible to give some necessary adjustments to the external walls of said Church. I remember that at that time, I did not have the way to directly support these people. However, as the Dreamer who has allowed me to be the platform, I told him that if he was within my reach I would help him in the course of the following days.

As things of God, in those next days the friend appears @fulltimegeek with the donation and I immediately got in touch with the Lady who was talking with me. At that time, she tells me that she was looking for the painting and that it was extremely expensive for what was intended to be done, so she preferred the contribution of the Cal since it would be much easier to do the work. Of course, I set to work and acquired the Saco de Cal for the respective donation. Once the donation was made, the people in charge of the Church executed the placement of it and the external walls of the Church were given a better view.

It is probable that later on he could be supported with the corresponding amount of paint, but because of the high costs of the painting, he would have to execute as a Project directly for the contribution to the Church, so it must be done at the right time and have the maximum possible support. The important thing about this type of contribution, is that dreams are not just one person, but many and every day there are more who join the platform when they see that it is possible to make dreams come true through the platform.

As you can see later, after the execution of the Cal, the celebration of First Communion was held on the corresponding date and with satisfaction the youth group celebrated this day with their families and those responsible for teaching the classes. Boys. In short, it was possible to contribute with one more dream through the Platform that gives us so much. Here are some photos about what is explained here.



The same day we talk about Cal, a teacher from the School approaches who has heard about the initiative of Ropavejero inside and outside the community. So in that approach, he tells me that he has just received the position of Teacher and which he will teach to Preschoolers. However, she knew about the way in which she has been able to help others, so she asked me to collaborate to write some documents, since she wanted to take those requests to higher levels to ask for collaboration to Paint the Salon that ends to assign him. Of course, without hesitation I explained that there was no need to make such requests, because without reaching those instances that She points out (and wait several years) the painting could be made concrete.

The emotion of this teacher was not long in coming and even more knowing about the work of Ropavejero with others to help the institutions. So I asked him what the real need was and among his explanations he points out that he needs Rubber Paint and Oil but with Rubber he could solve it because in Oil, he only needed the door and it could wait. In that sense, I agreed with her to find out the prices and see how to contribute. So that day I went to the hardware stores in the area and I was able to acquire the Cal and besides the Rubber Paint, I considered that I could contribute with the Oil Painting and it was also possible to buy. As you can imagine, when I arrived with that Painting the teacher was very happy because she did not believe that the painting in Oil would also be achieved. And the best thing for her, she did not even have to write a letter and even less to move so far so that maybe she would respond as usual in about 2 or 3 years, but in a matter of 1 day she was able to solve the problem. Problematic presented by this teacher who just begins the hard work of being a teacher and more of children so small that they deserve the best. Next, the images of the previously mentioned are shown.

To conclude, I only want to thank them all and all of those who in one way or another make possible that Ropavejero can help more people to believe and have hope in this, that is my country but in which He sees little hope on the horizon. Every bit of sand that someone contributes to this initiative, is a bit of sand to the construction of dreams not only for this person who writes them, but for all those who receive the benefit both directly and indirectly. I must point out that I am still looking for solutions with other materials, but in addition to the economic and social conditions of the country, I have been busy with family situations that I must attend to. However, to the extent of my possibilities, you will know more contributions that have been achieved with the donation of @fulltimegeek and others who are also contributing to this initiative.

Thanks to @fulltimegeek, @anomadsoul, @abigail-dantes, @elteamgordo, @enrique89, @enginewitty, @erturnex, @crisangel, @luis07, @shikamaru, @jayoxaju, among others who are always supporting ropavejero.


Rescue the hope of a person who has lost it, is a miraculous fact. Maybe, unknowingly, you could save someone's life with a word that wakes you up with hope.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

Excelente labor @ropavejero ! Nosotros trabajamos con @unknownheroes y nos gustó mucho tu post y por ello te obsequio este link de invitación al canal de Discord de Capybara Exchange , donde podrás cambiar STEEM, SBD, Bytes o cualquier criptomoneda a Bolívares de manera fácil y con la mejor tasa calculada a conveniencia de cada cliente con la mayor transparencia posible, incluso @Punqtured nos dedicó el mas reciente de sus post.

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