Coffee-Human and Bitter (Bilingual)

in #steempress6 years ago

Arabika atau Robusta, tak masalah

Arabica or Robusta, no problem


Selagi di pagi senyap masih bisa mereguk damai, meloncat ke sana kemari, duduk diam, lalu tegak menadah udara. Uap tumpah ruah menjejali lubang hidung, kala mesra mengendus alkaloid candu. Dicecap jumawa di hadapan halimun yang tak kunjung reda, aku berkata-kata:

"Manusia lebih pahit! Manusia lebih pahit! Tak perlu diperhitungkan, engkau tak butuh merasa buat tahu pahitnya."

While in the morning it can still be peaceful, jump to and fro, sit still, then stand up in the air. Steam spilled over the nostrils, when intently sniffing opium alkaloids. Captured by mummies in front of a halting cucumber, I said:

"Humans are more bitter! Humans are more bitter! Needless to say, you don't need to feel bitter."


Ketidaksadaran- dipaksakan hawa daba seperempat kurang oksigen melepas sensasi hangat-padahal-bila dibiarkan ia menyengat kulit, maka cukup untuk menggantikan dua telapak tangan yang berjabat (sendiri), dua telapak tangan yang membeku kesepian, lama ia tak mengayun bersama kekasih hujan. Aku kembali mengoceh:

"Manusia lebih dingin! Manusia lebih beku! Lama aku kesepian sebab luka, sebab dia, bukan engkau (kopi)."

Unconsciousness - forced a quarter of lack of oxygen releases a warm sensation - even if it is left to sting the skin, it is enough to replace the two palms of the hand (alone), two lonely palms, for a long time he does not swing with the rain lover. I rambled again:

"Humans are colder! Humans are more frozen! For a long time I was lonely because of injury, because of him, not you (coffee)."


Beringsut dari kursi kayu, selepas penyadap getah melintas sebelum matahari memadatkan karyanya dikawani penanda ayam berteriak girang, memaksa para manusia segera mengais rezeki, tak peduli kau sendiri tuna karya.

Shuffling from the wooden chair, after the sap tappers passed before the sun condensed his work in the midst of the chicken marker shouting happily, forcing the people to immediately earn a living, no matter you yourself were labored.


Terang benderang, kursi lapuk, gelas berdebu, dan ampas kopi kering telah lama ditinggalkan tuannya. Selepas ia menyadari bahwa pahit mesti cepat-cepat ditinggalkan, kembali berlaku manis mengutuk kopi, dan menyalahkan kafein atas waktunya yang terbuang. Sewaktu-waktu bila ia kesepian dan terluka lagi, maka kopi pahitnya yang dia cari.

Bright lights, weathered chairs, dusty glasses, and dried coffee grounds have long been abandoned by their master. After he realized that bitter must be quickly abandoned, again acting sweet to curse coffee, and blaming caffeine for the time wasted. At times when he is lonely and hurt again, the bitter coffee he is looking for.


Kopi: Wujud estetika relatif disukai sebab pahit dan hitamnya, kontradiksi dengan entitas manusia yang mabuk gula dan diskriminasi ras.

Coffee: Aesthetic form is relatively favored by its bitter and black cause, contradicting human entities who are drunk with sugar and racial discrimination.


Manusia: Terlemah dari sekian penciptaan, mudah dipengaruhi, keras segala jenis, tidak mau berbeda, perasa, bertindak melawan kata hati, dan kamu.

Humans: Weakest of all creations, easily influenced, hard of all kinds, do not want to be different, feel, act against conscience, and you.

Udara: Diakui sebagai syarat kehidupan, tak lebih 1/4 dikurang satuan 4 yang dihirup, sumber pembawa racun, dan penyumbang waktu.

Air: Recognized as a condition of life, no more than 1/4 minus the unit of 4 inhaled, a source of poison, and a contributor to time.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : ''>


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