The Story of the ascetics at the Highest Summit in a Tranquilized World of Sin [ steempress #13 ]

in #steempress6 years ago


The Story of the ascetics at the Highest Summit in a Tranquilized World of Sin

Old Mystery buddy, must have a lot of doang who heard mystery stories. Whether it's a scary horror or maybe a horror comedy that makes us goosebumps but there's still the funny thing. Surely everything has certainly heard the name of a mystery story. This story is widely circulated among our society. Both in the form of magic or prohibition as well as something related to the mystical and sacred. And Indonesia itself including one with a myriad of mystery stories that background formation and historical culture that exists.

So no wonder if talking about the mystery does not make us strange and strange. Moreover, this one story The Story of the ascetics at the Highest Peak in a World Alone of the Redeemed Sin may you have heard it even though it is slightly different. Because each region will be slightly different in accordance with the culture and custom. But it all still refers to the same thing that is mystical. Mistis or horror is one of two things we can not let go of. Likewise, the Acts of the Happiness at the Highest Summit in a Tranquil World of Sins may inevitably prevent us from avoiding it. Or even around our environment there.

Mystery buddy would have been impatient to mengungkatp and know the story of the story further not.All without a long and lazy let us consider the following story. But all these events and stories may be a bit fictional or not the same as the actual events. Because this is just an illustration let us easy to understand it. And the story is below read good read

Mount Himalayas is one of the mountains in India and is the highest peak of all the mountains in the world.

But behind the challenge to get to the top, a lot of interesting odd things to talk about from this mountain.

One of them is the story of the people who supposedly inhabit this mountain.

Previously, it has been discussed about a Sadhu or those who live in the way of the gods where in order to reach Moksa, they follow his conscience to stay away from the crowd and

closer to the universe.

It seems that many people in India follow the path of Sadhu to draw closer to the creator and to be alone in Nature.

One of them is a hermit named Prahad Jani from India whose story shocks the world, where he is able to fast up to 70 years.

In the Himalayas there are reported dormitories and simple tents of the yogis, sadhu, and saints there.

The population is dominated by farmers and small communities.

However, although easy to find when tourists or climbers will rise to the top of the Himalayas, not a few who take advantage of this to do evil.

Like being a fraud with a look like Sadhu and Yogi. Or they are just looking for compensation.

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