ACN: Training: Customer Acquisition by COC/SVP Chanelle Burt
Tony cupisz I remember I'm saying one day the main reason the number one reason why people do not get customers is simply because they don't ask how many of you ever heard you have not because you ask not so it's the same what they see it you know a lot of times we just don't ask people to be our customer here's my point you know a couple of weeks ago my husband happy of you know who amber is so if you know my husband Aaron birth you know he's a Circle of Champions member he's a senior vice president that means he's worked really hard at ACN and you know he has a pretty good residual because of it well a couple of weeks ago was his birthday and I saw on social media he posted he made this post and he was asking people to send him money through cash yet Danny and you guys see this I mean look at the hashtags well look at this look look at the post it says donate to my charity for my birthday on cash yet it's called I got four kids we accept all amounts and it's probably not tax deductible and then the hash tag that says Keshet I got four kids send me four bucks dollar per kid that's all I could hear him saying it could you say I'm saying it like that but here's was so crazy and it was simply because he is so just think about how many times we have left money on a table because we just simply did not ask somebody to be our customer an ACN so we had to effectively train our people we had to effectively train them so that they will be inspired empowered so they can know that it really works you have to teach your people different approaches because not the same approach doesn't work for everybody you know we have different age groups that get involved with this company all the time you know we're not going to tell them to tell their friends and family you know talking about they want to build residual income financial independence all this stuff what about starting on talking about paying off some student loans you know so we have to teach people different approaches so that they can have it work for them so you have to explain why different approaches work you have to tell a firm story listen company approved stories and testimonials and use recognition because that's how you're going to get results we all know that that tells stories work so so people can relate to the stories so I'm going to actually recognize so ladies today they're gonna come up they're gonna give you guys so testimonials can we please give them around applause all the women winning today and we're gonna start off with regional director miss Tamara Corman I'm a regional director and one of the things that my team uses to increase customer acquisition is we talk about seven services not just seven points we do understand that seven points is the minimum but not to make our minimums or maximums build another state in the past thirty days we've acquired over fifteen business partners over a hundred customer points in that organization how would someone get their executive team leader quick start bonus and numerous people get their quick start ett bonus just by talking about seven services versus only seven points hello ACN my name is dr.
Mone for Jackson once I master customer acquisition I was able to teach my team and create a culture of ib o--'s who mastered the compensation plan within their first 30 days 260 points some more in the process I was able to be promoted to team coordinator within six and a half months get excited and then I promoted one Regional Director three team coordinators in my organization also in the process I was able to get free cell phone service for myself and my family members free gas selection for my home and my office and after 14 years of working at the hospital because of customer acquisition and residual income it assisted me in opening my own clinic get excited hello in Siena my name is Shania Karina I'm an executive team leader getting started in this business at the age of only 19 years old my mentors taught me to master the concept of customer acquisition just by being coachable I've been able to build a team of nothing but customer go-getters where we understand the concept of 60 plus points so being a young woman winning and have a team of almost 300 customer points 50 plus business partners and we are on our way to being a team coordinator organization hello my name is Sheryl skilling I've been in ACN for seven years working together with my husband but in two separate positions through mastering customer acquisition I have acquired 100 personal customer points we have created a culture throughout our organization of 60 plus point champions as business owners we understand the value of commercial customers and so many of our customers are businesses good afternoon they see in my name is my name is Leticia Coles I've been involved for a little over six years now and one thing I realized is that when everyone decides not to be your business partner when they do let's get them as customers right away so how do you do that let's get out tablets out let's get our computers out let's enroll them with our customer surveys and get them signed up right away and then teach your team to do the same and so with that being said I've been able to promote a regional vice president a regional director multiple team coordinators we have a seven thousand customer point organization and I will be getting promoted to regional director today maybe you gotta hear me all the women winning on this stage so we gotta focus on results and so people can relate to stories different testimonials so make sure that you are getting results for your people so they'll have the stories and testimonials so that they can say now as a leader you have to do your homework because if you get confused by the services so your prospects you know when I got started in the business I remember we had home phone service internet service you know video phones we did not have the buffet of services that we have today and a lot of times people feel like you need to know the ins and outs of everything but you know you just have to master a few but do your homework so that you don't get confused because we can agree confused people do nothing so learn about the products and the services that are in your particular market you know in our market we have energy none of market has energy so make sure you understand all the services that are in your markets customer survey forms ACN has branded forms they have forms without energy with energy they have everything in place so that we can go out and effectively get our customers and make sure you are understanding and familiarize yourself with some of the most common questions and answers you don't want to get into the back-and-forth of your friends and family because they'll try you we can agree but you don't have to do that just make sure you're familiar with the most common ones so that you can give them an answer so that you don't seem like you don't know what you're talking about but you can always give your upline involved if you don't know an answer to a question just use your upline to help you don't have to figure this out yourself so make sure you're setting appropriate product expectations don't over promote don't talk so much about savings you know ACN isn't about savings we don't get our customers just based on savings if they really wanted to get a savings with their services they could threaten their companies to leave if they wanted to people the companies always try to keep you when you say you're leaving but nobody does that so we don't focus on the savings we don't over promote some of the people all this money we can save them because when it's not listen if you toast someone that you're gonna save them fifty dollars a month on a service and they only save $49 a month on that service they're gonna want to leave you in ACN isn't just about getting customers it's about retaining the customers so don't over promote now we have all of these services partnered with all the major league companies in the areas that we're already familiar with for the United States for Canada as well so it's not ACN TV ACN home security these are companies that people are already familiar with they already love them trust them so you don't have to you know over promote the services or the savings doesn't it make sense that a see if ACN allows you to transfer your own services over to possibly save money on your bills for you to get paid off at you paying your own bills doesn't that make business sense doesn't it make common sense for you to be your own customer so you want to do that and you need to understand this signup process the worst thing that can happen is somebody wanting to be a customer and you don't know how to sign them up so be your customer yourself talk to some of your closest friends and family but I like to talk to people about the business first because I learned early on you always want to keep the word win in the equation WR in what does that mean naturally when you talk to someone about the business first and they want to do the business get involved with us they will naturally be a business partner as as their own customer that's called a win-win but if you talk to someone about the business and they don't want to join for whatever reason you can always follow what was having them help you support you and be a customer so we call that lose win in that case but if you talk to someone about being a customer first and they can't be a customer for whatever reason a contract or whatever naturally you're not even going to want to talk to them about the business out of this because you're going to think that if they can't be their own customer they're not going to want to join ACN and that is so wrong you know my sponsor she was a customer of ACN for two whole years before the person I asked her to be a customer even told her I don't even think that particular person told her that she could actually join the business so what she did she finally found out she could join the business she got involved and now today fast board her and her husband are regional vice presidents in this company so how do you think the person felt that only talked to her about being a customer instead of talking to her about being a business partner you think he felt a little bit sick right because he can have a regional vice president in his organization today but he only talked to her about being a customer so make sure you're having your home meetings make sure if somebody doesn't join the business right away you get them to be a customer on the spot why do we say that because how many of you have let people walk out of the living room saying they're gonna get started next week and you'd never see them again anybody was ugly okay how many of you has had business part well prospects say that they're going to get started in or the next day or and you don't get them as it custom on a spot but you don't see them again how many times have we left let customers walk out of the doors of our PVR's because we thought they were going to get started but we could have been getting paid off of that bill every single month for the lifetime of that customer so you want to make sure you get them signed up on the spot and everybody else make sure you're using your warm market now we're talking to people about getting a customer listen this is a sorting business when you're talking to people about trying your service some people are going to want to sign up right away no questions asked you don't have to sell ACN you know this sell their services well we've talked to people with the different approaches and talking about help favor and try talking about our wine some people they don't care about anything else so they'll support you right away but some people will have customers I mean questions I'm sorry why would people have questions about the services they may not be familiar with ACN they may want to know how are we able to do this how are we able to give them competitive rates with the services so they just want to be comfortable with their decision to support you make them comfortable because they were comfortable with the decision that they made already to get the services that they had so make sure you're able to answer the questions or get your upline involved some people just won't do it how many of you have ever felt listen I'm not asking you to sign your life away I'm asking you to get a better rate for your cell phone bill a bill that you're gonna pay anyway what are you talking about you can't be my customer listen there are so many people that you can talk to you you just have to move on and don't spend your time trying to convince people to be your customer now understand that consumers buy emotionally not logically you know my husband he loves exotic cars and he keeps talking about he wants to get an exotic car but how many of you know we have four kids so I think logically we should probably get a minivan but we're probably not going to get a minivan because he doesn't think he's gonna feel good or look good in a minivan but logically that's what we need we have four kids ages 11 7 4 and 1 we don't need a two-seater does that make sense but most people they buy emotionally how they feel about it the consumers getting your services they're gonna feel the exact same way they want to feel good by supporting you most people aren't technical they don't even understand their bill you talked to them about rates giving them a competitive rate people don't even know what their rates are what do people naturally do they get a bill they open the bill most times they complain about the bill but they just paid the bill can we agree so they don't understand their bill so you don't have to get into all of it and savings is not the most motivating factor so people want to do business with people that they like they want to feel good about supporting a cause and you want to make sure that you're giving them the correct approach there are different approaches and I can remember when I first got started you know I approached somebody completely wrong you know one of my grandmother's friends my mom was taking care of my grandmother at the time who had Alzheimer's and I remember it's been at the house and you know I said listen I need a huge favor you know I started a business and you know I just want to earn so much to money because I want to retire early first of all how many of you know just because you want to pursue ACN full time and not work for somebody else anymore you're really not retiring does that make sense how many you also understand that when building your ACN business we don't retire you have to continue building your business getting customers for you to continue to make money so I was saying all the wrong things but I was just thinking about the money yes so as a 28 year old talking to my grandmother's friend who had already works 30-plus years and retired she wasn't feeling my reason why she wasn't feeling that approach so she said no right away but when I went to her again and said we'll listen I need a huge favor you know I'm also doing this because you see my mom's taking care of my grandmother I have to help out financially because I can't do a lot physically I just need you to do me a favor try one or more of our services because every customer I get will help me help my mom does that make sense she became a customer right away so you got to make sure you're using the correct approach when you're talking to your people so help favorite try and clear your wine we all know this and you have to make sure you have urgency listen whatever your reasons why are you know putting your kids in a better school you know helping your family be aunt being able to volunteer more at your church or whatever you want to do understand the urgency is on you so think about how best do you want to do that so that's going to put their urgency and you going out getting personal customers and teaching your people how to do the exact same thing so you have to master your why have a different couple of reasons why you don't have to use the same reason why with everybody so make sure you don't let them make up anything but make sure you master your reason why understand that your friends and family want to support you you know how many of you understand when you go to Walmart sometimes you think Girl Scouts sitting outside of Walmart selling more expensive cookies than you can get in Walmart do you guys know that well why do people consistently buy them though not just because they like them they buy them because of the cause behind them getting them so you want to make sure you understand your reason why is the cause behind people supporting you so if you get customers based on price you're going to lose them on a price some of these companies even though we are partners with I've found that sometimes they'll do something called a wind back call they call you and say hey why did you leave us you know and get like your friends and family are like well my friend is saving me 20 bucks a month on my bill well if they tell them that they're going to save they'll twenty two dollars a month guess what you may not have that customer anymore so we don't want to talk about savings just talk about your reason why help favor try and use your why because that is the cause not just for you getting them but for them to remain your customer for them to give you referrals because they know they're supporting a cause so ACN has some different approaches we can use the customer survey approach we can talk to people about listen what if I can offer you away you can talk to them about free service how many of you love the fact that everybody doesn't have to join ACN to get their cell phone bill for free isn't that great for our customers that don't necessarily want to join the company so we can talk to people about free service and talk about project feeding kids you know I use this a lot today because I got starting a business to help my mom out you know I'm her only child she's a cosmetologist you know when somebody cancels their appointment she doesn't make money so I've always been that financial savior of my family what does that really mean that's a fancy way of saying they call on me like I don't have my own bills can anybody relate to that so I'm the go-to person and my family and so now though people have seen me you know work hard in the business they see that I have some success some people don't feel like I need their support anymore to help my mom so I use project feeding kids you know I talked to them about how I'm partnered up with the company to help feed hungry children right here at home and I have a goal to feed let's say a hundred children this month can they just Jimmy a favor try my services because every customer acquire we're able to feed a hungry child so for some of you you can use that this is the reason why that ACN has given all of us so make sure you're taking advantage of that now how many of you are excited that we haven't at the composit have you guys downloaded the corpus app yeah you're excited about that so as we talk about this ACN next gen listen everybody has apps today and ACN has put together this ACN composit we're now the customer survey is right there so is brand new you know it's and it's responsive you know it's intelligent interactive actionable well most importantly it's simple you know people their information is already locked in and sitting you know can pre-fill it the customer survey is mobile so if you have not downloaded that ACN competent make sure you do that you know it's readily available for every single one of us you know if you have an iPhone if you have an Android make sure you download the customer app so that you can see how simple this process really is because a lot of times we'll stop ourselves from doing something if we don't really know how to do it ourselves so make sure you download it play around with it make sure you send your prospects the customer survey and your pprs have your guests download the cut the app right there at the PVR so they can see the customer survey right there so it's just a couple of steps you know it's simple steps that the ACN app allows us to do it's not confusing you know like I said that information can just be populated so people love that flow because people aren't used to using apps today so here's what you guys need to understand as we wrap this up today the call to action okay the call to action is for you to set up a PVR I know we're talking about customers we're talking about getting customers to build residual income but the most effective way for you to do that is by building a team of customer getters you want to achieve your dreams in ACN you want to build a big residual in ACN you have to build an organization of customer getters because listen I'm excited about everyone that has 60 or more customer points but how many people in your organization has 60 or more customer points we have to effectively teach our teams how to go out and get customers so set up a PBR today set up to PVR's if you're brand new because everybody's not going to come to the first one and make sure you are promoting strive for five free wireless service free you know up to free gas electricity service if you're in the energy market so how many of you are excited to leave here from Cleveland Ohio this weekend and go out and build a big residual income are you guys fired up about the residuals so ladies and gentlemen as you walked out of this arena today just make sure you're talking to people about the business expose everybody to ACN because whoever doesn't want to join the business they can be your customer and when you give them the correct approach they'll remain your customer so ladies and gentlemen make sure you enjoy the rest of your weekend I'll see all of you in Long Beach California you
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